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Everything posted by leehanken

  1. It looks like process.php immediately redirects under all conditions. Also, I can't see any code in process.php to actually process the data posted to it from registration.php.
  2. looks like you want to set up a daily cron job on the server that calls a php script, either directly or with lynx maybe the script could use the mail() function
  3. if contact_next is a unix timestamp integer, I think now() might also be interpreted as a number in the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu format how about saying UNIX_TIMESTAMP() instead of now() ?
  4. i don't think you can enter payment info on your website as paypal has to handle that itself how about in the paypal form have a hidden field called 'return' with the value your url, then it comes back to your site after payment
  5. Sorry, this is too much hard guess work, without seeing the code for the whole page, it is difficult to figure out what the page does and what you are trying to achieve.
  6. Okay, one evident problem is that the code for the form (posted above) does not have an associated 'action', or a 'method' It should say <form name='form1' action='myscript.php' method='post'> or something like that. Otherwise the javascript does nothing: document.form1.submit();
  7. Okay, so just to clarify, when you say you want the 'value' of the drop down list it is not the price which is displayed in the drop-down that you want in the final section, it is the product_id / serial number that you want to use. Is this correct?
  8. Post the full code. I may have used '$select' mistakenly, because I thought it was price when in fact it seems to be size. Both options will work if understood and implemented correctly.
  9. You could pass the drop down value as an extra parameter (option A) or you could look it up from the database in the final piece of code (option B) option A - create another hidden field in form1 <input type="hidden" name="dropdown" /> - modify the first code echo '<input type="button" value="Add to Cart" onclick="addtocart('.$row["serial"].','.$row["price"].')"/></span>'; - modify the javascript function addtocart(pid,price){ .. document.form1.dropdown.value=price; option B - add this to the final code $sql="SELECT * FROM products WHERE serial=$pid"; $result2 =mysql_query($sql); $row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result2); $select = $row["price"];
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