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Everything posted by flatrabbit

  1. Thanks man. I'll get to reading and check out PHPmailer. Great resources. Cheers.
  2. Thanks for your help guys, but you're way over my head.
  3. I don't understand. It came with a template. Its on a linux hosting account with GoDaddy running php 5.2
  4. I have a simple php contact form: http://brand32.com/clients/dark_water_media/Dark/contact.html Upon clicking "Send" the message displays "Your message has been sent successfully!" but no email is received. I've changed the email in the code multiple times, but the same result (or lack thereof). Here is the php code: <?php $receiverMail = "seanmcpeak@comcast.net"; /* Your email */ $name = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['name'])))); $email = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['email'])))); $website = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['website'])))); $msg = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags($_POST['msg']))); $subject = $name ." - ".$website; $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $msgformat = "From: $name ($ip)\nEmail: $email\n\n$msg"; /* MSG format */ // VALIDATION if(empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($website) || empty($msg)) { echo "<div id='status' class='error'>The email was not sent. Please fill all the required fields</div>"; } elseif(!ereg("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)) { echo "<div id='status' class='error'>The email was not sent. The email address is invalid</div>"; } else { mail($receiverMail, $subject, $msgformat, "From: $name <$email>"); echo "<div id='status' class='ok'>Your message has been sent successfully!</div"; } ?> Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks Andrew, but no dice. Still getting the error.
  6. Hello, I'm having trouble with mail/contact script from a template I purchased. Thanks for your help in advance. Cheers. SP The Link: http://brand32.com/clients/erin_partridge/contact.php The error: Parse error: parse error, unexpected '!' in /home/content/b/r/a/brand32/html/clients/erin_partridge/sendmail.php on line 63 The code: <?php $error = false; $the_name = $_POST['stname']; $the_email = $_POST['stemail']; $the_website = $_POST['stwebsite']; $the_message = $_POST['stmessage']; if(!checkmymail($the_email)) { $error = true; $the_emailclass = "error"; }else{ $the_emailclass = "valid"; } if($the_name == "") { $error = true; $the_nameclass = "error"; }else{ $the_nameclass = "valid"; } if($the_message == "") { $error = true; $the_messageclass = "error"; }else{ $the_messageclass = "valid"; } if($error == false) { $to = $_POST['emailreciever']; $subject = "New Message from " . $_POST['sitename']; $header = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; $header .= 'From:'. $_POST['email'] . " \r\n"; $message1 = nl2br($_POST['stmessage']); $message = "New message from $the_name <br/> Mail: $the_email<br /> Website: $the_website <br /><br /> Message: ” . $_POST[‘stmessage’] . “ ”; if(mail($to,$subject,$message,$header)) { header( 'Location: contact.php?id=1' ) ; } } function checkmymail($mailadresse){ $email_flag=preg_match("!^\w[\w|\.|\-]+@\w[\w|\.|\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$!",$mailadresse); return $email_flag; } ?>
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