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Posts posted by flatrabbit

  1. Then your host does not have a working MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) you can use, and thus you're unable to send e-mails via the mail () function.

    As for the functions listed above that you didn't understand, the PHP manual is a great resource for explaining them.


    I recommend, first and foremost, to read up on the basics of PHP. Having the basic knowledge in place will allow you to better understand what you're working on, and thus have a better chance at making something work.

    Once you've done that, I strongly recommend that you dismiss the script above, as it's seriously outdated and insecure. Instead you should take a look at PHPmailer, and use it for your contact script.


    Lastly, if you can't get that to work, then you need to change hosts.


    PS: Please use the


    tags around your code, as it helps make both your post and your code a lot easier to read.


    Thanks man. I'll get to reading and check out PHPmailer. Great resources. Cheers.

  2. Before we go any further, let's make sure this is a code problem and not a server problem. Create a new .php file and put only the following in to it:

    if (mail("seanmcpeak@comcast.net", "This is a test", "This is a test")) {
    echo 'success';
    } else {
    echo 'fail';


    Make sure the "seanmcpeak@comcast.net" is where you want the test to be sent.


    Run the script on your GoDaddy server. If you get "success", make sure the mail is delivered. If it was, then we know it is a problem in your code above. If not, then something on the server is not configured properly.


    No email and the page displayed 'fail'

  3. I have a simple php contact form:



    Upon clicking "Send" the message displays "Your message has been sent successfully!" but no email is received. I've changed the email in the code multiple times, but the same result (or lack thereof).


    Here is the php code:





    = "seanmcpeak@comcast.net"; /* Your email */




    = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['name']))));



    = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['email']))));



    = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['website']))));



    = ltrim(rtrim(strip_tags($_POST['msg'])));


    $subject = $name ." - ".$website;



    = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");



    = "From: $name ($ip)\nEmail: $email\n\n$msg"; /* MSG format */






    if(empty($name) || empty($email) || empty($website) || empty($msg)) {



    echo "<div id='status' class='error'>The email was not sent. Please fill all the required fields</div>";




    elseif(!ereg("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)) {



    echo "<div id='status' class='error'>The email was not sent. The email address is invalid</div>";




    else {



    mail($receiverMail, $subject, $msgformat, "From: $name <$email>");



    echo "<div id='status' class='ok'>Your message has been sent successfully!</div"; }





    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hello,


    I'm having trouble with mail/contact script from a template I purchased. Thanks for your help in advance. Cheers.




    The Link:



    The error:

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected '!' in /home/content/b/r/a/brand32/html/clients/erin_partridge/sendmail.php on line 63


    The code:


    $error = false;


    $the_name = $_POST['stname'];

    $the_email = $_POST['stemail'];

    $the_website = $_POST['stwebsite'];

    $the_message = $_POST['stmessage'];






    $error = true;

    $the_emailclass = "error";


    $the_emailclass = "valid";



    if($the_name == "")


    $error = true;

    $the_nameclass = "error";


    $the_nameclass = "valid";



    if($the_message == "")


    $error = true;

    $the_messageclass = "error";


    $the_messageclass = "valid";



    if($error == false)


    $to      =  $_POST['emailreciever'];

    $subject = "New Message from " . $_POST['sitename'];

    $header  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

    $header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n";

    $header .= 'From:'. $_POST['email']  . " \r\n";


    $message1 = nl2br($_POST['stmessage']);



    $message = "New message from  $the_name <br/>

    Mail: $the_email<br />

    Website: $the_website <br /><br />

    Message: ” . $_POST[‘stmessage’] . “






    header( 'Location: contact.php?id=1' ) ;







    function checkmymail($mailadresse){


    return $email_flag;








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