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  1. http://apndata.mymammothtech.com/index.php/condominiums/1849 I want to make a page that will allow me to select multiple MySQL tables and then display the information like the link above and then export it to a csv. The link above is a Joomla site using the ContentBuilder module.
  2. You might want to read some PHP tutorials or pay someone to do it for you. This isn't very hard to accomplish, you just need an text input field in your page's template and the mail() function in your code using that fields value as the email, and of course the appropriate validation. I have been searching for a fix for days. I have the text imput field on the page but I am having problems find where to put the "mail()" function in. As I said the existing form works. I am trying to add the function of also send the email to the email address provided in the form if and email address is provided.
  3. Ya sorry about that. Hit the "PHP Manual" button instead of the "Insert Code" button.
  4. notification.php <?php // // swiped from sourceforge 2.5 code // Copyright 1999-2000 (c) The SourceForge Crew // from User object by Tim Perdue, October 11, 2000 /* Sets up database results and preferences for a notification and abstracts this info GENERALLY YOU SHOULD NEVER INSTANTIATE THIS OBJECT DIRECTLY USE notification_get_object() to instantiate properly - this will pool the objects and increase efficiency */ /** * * You can now optionally pass in a db result * handle. If you do, it re-uses that query * to instantiate the objects * * IMPORTANT! That db result must contain all fields * from TBL_NOTIFICATION table or you will have problems * */ $NOTIFICATION_OBJ=array(); /** * * notification_get_object is useful so you can pool notification objects/save database queries * You should always use this instead of instantiating the object directly * * @param notification_id required * @param res result set handle ("SELECT * FROM TBL_NOTIFICATION WHERE notification_id=xx") * @returns a notification object or false on failure * */ function &notification_get_object($notification_id,$res=false) { //create a common set of group objects //saves a little wear on the database //automatically checks group_type and //returns appropriate object global $NOTIFICATION_OBJ; if (!isset($NOTIFICATION_OBJ["_".$notification_id."_"])) { if ($res) { //the db result handle was passed in } else { $res=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . TBL_NOTIFICATION . " WHERE notification_id='$notification_id'"); } if (!$res || mysql_numrows($res) < 1) { $NOTIFICATION_OBJ["_".$notification_id."_"]=false; } else { $NOTIFICATION_OBJ["_".$notification_id."_"]= new NOTIFICATION($notification_id,$res); } } return $NOTIFICATION_OBJ["_".$notification_id."_"]; } class Notification extends Error { var $classname = 'Notification'; //associative array of data from db var $data_array; var $notification_id; var $email_Customer = 'False'; //database result set handle var $db_result; var $form_names = array( 'last_name' => 'last_name', 'email_address' => 'email_address', 'housekeeping' => 'housekeeping', 'address' => 'address', 'arrival' => 'arrival', 'departure' => 'departure', 'tellus' => 'tellus', 'ip_address' => 'ip_address' ); /** * Notification($id,$res) - CONSTRUCTOR - GENERALLY DON'T USE THIS * * instead use the notification_get_object() function call * @param $id required - notification_id * @param $res optional - database result set */ function Notification($notification_id=false,$res=false) { $this->Error(); if ($notification_id) { $this->notification_id=$notification_id; if (!$res) { $this->db_result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . TBL_NOTIFICATION . " WHERE notification_id='$notification_id'"); } else { $this->db_result=$res; } if (mysql_numrows($this->db_result) < 1) { //function in class we extended $this->setError('Notification Not Found'); $this->data_array=array(); } else { //set up an associative array for use by other functions mysql_data_seek($this->db_result,0); $this->data_array=mysql_fetch_array($this->db_result); } $this->notification_id=$this->data_array['notification_id']; } else { $this->data_array=array(); } } /** * changeFormNames * Used to change the select boxes name attribute. You need to set this * _BEFORE_ using them. Simply call this method, include the type of * element you are changing (years, months, days) and then include the * new name of the element. * * @anotification public * @param string type The name of the type: years, months, days * @param string value The new name of the given type. * @return bool True on success, False on failure. */ function changeFormNames ( $type, $value ) { $this->form_names[ $type ] = $value; } /** * getData() - Return database result handle for direct access * * Generally should NOT be used - here for supporting deprecated group.php * @returns database result set handle */ function getData() { mysql_data_seek($this->db_result); return $this->db_result; } /** * refreshNotificationData() - May need to refresh database fields * * if an update occurred and you need to access the updated info */ function refreshNotificationData() { $this->db_result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . TBL_NOTIFICATION . " WHERE notification_id='". $this->getNotificationId() ."'"); $this->data_array=mysql_fetch_array($this->db_result); } /** * getNotificationId() - Simply return the notification_id for this object * * @returns this notification's notification_id number */ function getNotificationId() { return $this->notification_id; } /** * setNotificationId() * * @sets volunteer's notification_id */ function setNotificationId($notification_id) { $this->data_array['notification_id']=$notification_id; } /** * getLastName() * * @returns this notification's last_name */ function getLastName() { return $this->data_array['last_name']; } /** * setLastName() * * @sets notification's last_name */ function setLastName($last_name) { $this->data_array['last_name']=$last_name; } /** * geteMailAddress() * * @returns this notification's email_address */ function geteMailAddress() { return $this->data_array['email_address']; } /** * seteMailAddress() * * @sets notification's email_address */ function seteMailAddress($email_address) { $this->data_array['email_address']=$email_address; } /** * getHousekeeping() - housekeeping * */ function getHousekeeping() { return $this->data_array['housekeeping']; } /** * setHousekeeping() - housekeeping * */ function setHousekeeping($housekeeping) { $this->data_array['housekeeping']=$housekeeping; } /** * getAddress() - address * */ function getAddress() { return $this->data_array['address']; } /** * setAddress() - address * */ function setAddress($address) { $this->data_array['address']=$address; } /** * getArrival() * * @returns this notification's arrival */ function getArrival() { return $this->data_array['arrival']; } /** * setArrival() * * @sets this notification's arrival */ function setArrival($arrival) { $this->data_array['arrival'] = $arrival; } /** * getDeparture() * * @returns this notification's departure */ function getDeparture() { return $this->data_array['departure']; } /** * setDeparture() * * @sets this notification's departure */ function setDeparture($departure) { $this->data_array['departure'] = $departure; } /** * getTellUs() * * @returns this tellus */ function getTellUs() { return $this->data_array['tellus']; } /** * setTellUs() * * @sets tellus */ function setTellUs($tellus) { $this->data_array['tellus']=$tellus; } /** * getIPAddress() * * @returns this ip_address */ function getIPAddress() { return $this->data_array['ip_address']; } /** * setIPAddress() * * @sets ip_address */ function setIPAddress($ip_address) { $this->data_array['ip_address']=$ip_address; } /** * handlePostVars() * * @handles POSTed values */ function handlePostVars () { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; foreach ( $this->form_names as $name => $form_name ) { if ( ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[ $form_name ]) ) && !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[ $form_name ]) ) { $this->data_array[$name] = $HTTP_POST_VARS[ $form_name ]; } } } /** * sendInfo() * * @sends the info */ function sendInfo($spam_score = '',$reason = '') { $subject = 'New notification from the ' . SITE_TITLE . ' website'; $submit_body .= 'Last Name: ' . " " . $this->data_array['last_name']; $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'House Address: ' . " " . $this->data_array['address']; $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'Arrival Date: ' . " " . $this->data_array['arrival']; $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'Departure Date: ' . " " . $this->data_array['departure']; $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'Housekeeping: ' . " " . $this->data_array['housekeeping']; $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'Special Instructions: ' . " " . nl2br($this->data_array['tellus']); $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'eMail Address: ' . " " . $this->data_array['email_address']; $submit_body .= "\n\n\n-----------\n"; $submit_body .= 'If there is a housekeeping scheduling conflict due to high volume or short turn around time we will contact you.'; $submit_body .= "\n"; $submit_body .= 'Jeff & Drea Perry (Owners)'; $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'Toll Free: (800) 522-3255'; $submit_body .= "\n"; $submit_body .= 'Phone: (760) 934-6563'; $submit_body .= "\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'P.O. Box 1161'; $submit_body .= "\n"; $submit_body .= 'Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546'; $submit_body .= "\n-----------\n\n\n"; $submit_body .= 'IP Address: ' . $this->data_array['ip_address']; $submit_body .= "\n"; $submit_ret_val=mail(SUBMIT_TO,$subject,$submit_body,HEADERS); //$debug_subject =SITE_TITLE . ' Notification Debug: IP address ' . $REMOTE_ADDR . ' : _score=' . $spam_score; //$submit_ret_val=mail(DEBUG_TO,$debug_subject,$submit_body,HEADERS); if ($submit_ret_val !=1) { $this->setError("ERROR - Could Not Send Notification\n"); return false; } else { //$debug_subject = SITE_TITLE .' Notification Debug: IP address ' . $this->data_array['ip_address']; //$submit_ret_val=mail(DEBUG_TO,$debug_subject,$submit_body,HEADERS); return true; } } /** * getError() * * @returns any errors */ function getError() { return $this->Error; } } ?>
  5. absenteehoweowners.php <?php # --------------------------------------------------------------- # ripped from phpop, among other places # --------------------------------------------------------------- # the following files are required for the correct # operation of PHPLIB and encorpsecure utilities # define ('SITE_NAME', 'absenteehomeowners'); // the application name define ('SITE_FOLDER', SITE_NAME . '/'); // the folder for includes switch ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { case 'www.absenteehomeowners.com': case 'absenteehomeowners.com': default: define ('SITE_PATH', '/home/absentee/public_html'); define ('TEMPLATE_PATH', '/home/absentee/public_html/templates/public/'); define ('STYLE_PATH', '/lib/styles/'); $base_url = 'http://www.absenteehomeowners.com'; define ('DEBUG', false); define ('SUBMIT_TO', 'notification@absenteehomeowners.com, absenteehomeowners@yahoo.com, mtaylor@mymammothtech.com'); break; case 'absenteehomeowners.stoutstreet.com': define ('SITE_PATH', '/var/www/html/dev/absenteehomeowners'); // the site folder path define ('TEMPLATE_PATH', '/var/www/html/dev/absenteehomeowners/templates/public/'); define ('STYLE_PATH', '/lib/styles/'); $base_url = 'http://absenteehomeowners.stoutstreet.com'; define ('DEBUG', true); define ('SUBMIT_TO', 'absenteehomeowners@yahoo.com, notification@absenteehomeowners.com'); break; } include_once(SITE_PATH . '/etc/' . SITE_FOLDER . SITE_NAME . '_define.php'); // required, contains constant definitions. include_once(SITE_PATH . '/etc/' . SITE_FOLDER . SITE_NAME . '_loader.php'); // required, contains site class files. include_once(SITE_PATH . '/etc/' . SITE_FOLDER . SITE_NAME . '_local.php'); // required, contains your local class instantiations. $tpl->set_var('last_name_req', $last_name_req); $tpl->set_var('email_address', $email_address); $tpl->set_var('address_req', $address_req); $tpl->set_var('arrival_req', $arrival_req); $tpl->set_var('departure_req', $departure_req); $tpl->set_var('housekeeping_req', $housekeeping_req); $tpl->set_var('BASE_URL', $base_url); $tpl->set_var('CSS', STYLE_PATH . SITE_NAME . '.css'); $tpl->set_var('IE_CSS', STYLE_PATH . SITE_NAME . '_ie.css'); $tpl->set_var('IE6_CSS', STYLE_PATH . SITE_NAME . '_ie6.css'); $tpl->set_var('IE7_CSS', STYLE_PATH . SITE_NAME . '_ie7.css'); $tpl->set_var('SITE_TITLE', SITE_TITLE); $tpl->set_var('CURRENT_MONTH', CURRENT_MONTH); $tpl->set_var('CURRENT_DAY', CURRENT_DAY); $tpl->set_var('CURRENT_YEAR', CURRENT_YEAR); $tpl->set_var('DATE_FORMAT', DATE_FORMAT); ?>
  6. index-test.tpl <div id="page"> <h1>Arrival Notification & Scheduling</h1> <p>To schedule your arrival and departure dates please fill out the information below. All on-line notifications must be made at least 3 days prior to your arrival; however, if you require housekeeping prior to your arrival a minimum of 7 days advance notice is required. <img src="/images/art/arrival.jpg" width="170" height="112" alt="" title="" align="left" class="art" /> If that deadline has already passed, please call us at 760/934-6563 or 800/522-3255 to schedule your arrival and departure dates.</p> <p><em><strong>Please Note:</strong> Absentee Homeowners Service is not a rental agency. The form below is for the exclusive use of our clients.</em></p> <p><em>(All fields below are required.)</em></p> {ERROR_MSG} <form method="post" action="index.php" name="arrival"> <div class="row"> <span class="{last_name_req}">Last Name</span><span class= "formw"> <input type="text" name="last_name" value="{last_name}" size="45" maxlength="44" /> </span> </div> <div class="row"> <span class="{address_req}">House Address</span><span class= "formw"> <input type="text" name="address" value="{address}" size="45" maxlength="44" /> </span> </div> <div class="row"> <span class="{arrival_req}">Arrival Date</span><span class= "formw"> <input type="text" name="arrival" value="{arrival}" size="11" maxlength="10" /> <em>(format: {DATE_FORMAT})</em></span> </div> <div class="row"> <span class="{departure_req}">Departure Date</span><span class= "formw"> <input type="text" name="departure" value="{departure}" size="11" maxlength="10" /> <em>(format: {DATE_FORMAT})</em></span> </div> <div class="explainrow">If there is a housekeeping scheduling conflict due to high volume or short turn around time we will contact you.</div> <div class="row"> <span class="{housekeeping_req}">Housekeeping</span> <div class="rowshort"> <input type="radio" name="housekeeping" value="no" {no_select} /> <label>No, thanks</label> </div> <div class="rowshort"> <input type="radio" name="housekeeping" value="prior" {prior_select} /> <label>Prior to Arrival</label> </div> <div class="rowshort"> <input type="radio" name="housekeeping" value="after" {after_select} /> <label>After Departure</label> </div> <div class="rowlong"> <input type="radio" name="housekeeping" value="both" {both_select} /> <label>Prior to Arrival AND After Departure</label> </div> </div> <div class="spacer"> </div> <div class="row"> <span class="biglabel">Special Instructions</span><span class= "formw"> <textarea name="tellus" cols="100" rows="4" >{tellus}</textarea> </span> <div class="spacer"> </div> <div class="row">If you would like to receive an eMail confirmations of your submition please enter your eMail address below.<em> (optional)</em>,</br> <span class="{email_address}">eMail Address </span><span class= "formw"> <input type="text" name="email_address" value="{email_address}" size="45" maxlength="44" /> </span> </div> <div class="spacer"> </div> </div> <div class="spacer"> </div> <div class="spacer"> </div> <div class="rowlong"> <input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="remember" value="y" checked="checked" /> <label for="remember">Remember my info</label> </div> <div id="submit"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="notification_submit" id="notification_submit" /> </div> </form> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var validateDates; $(function () { var currDate = new Date(), currDay = new Date(currDate.getFullYear(), currDate.getMonth(), currDate.getDate()); validateDates = function () { var priorArrDate = new Date(currDate.getFullYear(), currDate.getMonth(), currDate.getDate() + 7), arrDate = $('input[name=arrival]').val(), depDate = $('input[name=departure]').val(), failPriorCheck = false; $('.exception').remove(); if (arrDate && new Date(arrDate) < priorArrDate) { failPriorCheck = true; $('input[name=housekeeping][value=prior],input[name=housekeeping][value=both]').each(function () { $(this).attr('disabled', true) .attr('checked', false) .siblings('label').css({ color:'darkred', fontStyle:'italic' }); }); } else { $('input[name=housekeeping][value=prior],input[name=housekeeping][value=both]') .attr('disabled', false) .siblings('label').css({ color:'#fff', fontStyle:'normal' }); } if (depDate && new Date(depDate) < priorArrDate) { failPriorCheck = true; $('input[name=housekeeping][value=after]').each(function () { $(this).attr('disabled', true) .attr('checked', false) .siblings('label').css({ color:'darkred', fontStyle:'italic' }); }); } else { $('input[name=housekeeping][value=after]') .attr('disabled', false) .siblings('label').css({ color:'#fff', fontStyle:'normal' }); } if (failPriorCheck) { $('.explainrow').before('<div class="explainrow exception" style="padding-bottom:0; color:darkred; font-style:italic;">\ Seven days advance notice is required for housekeeping requests via the website. \ Please call the office to confirm availability if you cannot give seven days advance notice. \ </div>'); } } $('input[name=arrival]').datepicker({ onSelect: function (dateText) { // clear departure by default $('input[name=departure]').val(''); // reset the minDate on the departure $('input[name=departure]').datepicker('option', 'minDate', new Date(dateText)); // toggle disable on 'prior to departure' housecleaning selection validateDates(); }, // only allow dates in future beforeShowDay: function (date) { if (date >= currDay) return [true]; else return [false]; } }); $('input[name=departure]').datepicker({ onSelect: function (dateText) { // toggle disable on 'after departure' housecleaning selection validateDates(); }, // only allow dates past arrival date beforeShowDay: function (date) { var arrival = $('input[name=arrival]').val(); if (date >= (arrival ? new Date(arrival) : currDay)) return [true]; else return [false]; } }); validateDates(); }); // Activate the appropriate input form field. document.arrival.last_name.focus(); </script> </div>
  7. index-test.php <?php # -------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------- switch ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { case 'www.absenteehomeowners.com': case 'absenteehomeowners.com': default: include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/etc/absenteehomeowners.php'); break; case 'absenteehomeowners.stoutstreet.com': include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/dev/absenteehomeowners/etc/absenteehomeowners.php'); break; } page_open(''); $dbg = new debug (SITE_PATH . '/debug/admin_index.txt',DEBUG_FROM,DEBUG_TO); $dbg->set_show ("File"); $template = 'arrival/index-test.tpl'; $arrivalon="id='on'"; $navfix='550'; $notification=new Notification(); SiteCookie::extract("absenteehomeowners_arrival"); if ((isset($_COOKIE['last_name'])) && ($_COOKIE['last_name'] != '')) { $last_name = $_COOKIE['last_name']; } if ((isset($_COOKIE['address'])) && ($_COOKIE['address'] != '')) { $address = $_COOKIE['address']; } if ((isset($_COOKIE['housekeeping'])) && ($_COOKIE['housekeeping'] != '')) { switch ($_COOKIE['housekeeping']) { case 'no': default: $tpl->set_var('no_select', 'checked'); break; case 'prior': $tpl->set_var('prior_select', 'checked'); break; case 'after': $tpl->set_var('after_select', 'checked'); break; case 'both': $tpl->set_var('both_select', 'checked'); break; } } if ((isset($_COOKIE['special'])) && ($_COOKIE['special'] != '')) { $tellus = $_COOKIE['special']; } //begin form submit while ( is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS) && list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $send_mail = true; $spam_score = 0; $reason = ''; switch ($key) { case "notification_submit": $notification->handlePostVars(); $validator=new Validator(); $last_name = $validator->strip_metas($_POST['last_name']); $email_address = $validator->strip_metas($_POST['email_address']); $address = $validator->strip_metas($_POST['address']); $arrival = $_POST['arrival']; $departure = $_POST['departure']; $housekeeping = $_POST['housekeeping']; $tellus = $validator->strip_metas($_POST['tellus']); $remember = $_POST['remember']; $notification->setIPAddress($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (! ($last_name) || ($last_name == '')) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Missing last name.'; $last_name_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } if ( (! ($address)) || ($address == '')) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Missing address.'; $address_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } if ( (! ($housekeeping)) || ($housekeeping == '')) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Missing housekeeping selection.'; $housekeeping_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } if ( (! ($arrival)) || ($arrival == '')) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Missing arrival date.'; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } else { if((substr_count($arrival,DATE_SEPARATOR))<>2){ $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid arrival date -- please use ' . DATE_SEPARATOR; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } elseif (!preg_match('/^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/', $arrival)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid arrival date -- please use ' . DATE_FORMAT; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } else { $arr=split(DATE_SEPARATOR,$arrival); // splitting the array $mm=$arr[0]; // first element of the array is month $mmresult=ereg("^[0-9]+$",$mm,$trashed); if (!($mmresult)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid arrival month.'; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } $dd=$arr[1]; // second element is date $ddresult=ereg("^[0-9]+$",$dd,$trashed); if (!($ddresult)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid arrival day.'; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } $yy=$arr[2]; // third element is year $yyresult=ereg("^[0-9]+$",$yy,$trashed); if (!($yyresult)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid arrival year.'; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } If(!checkdate($mm,$dd,$yy)){ $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid arrival date.'; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } else { $checkdate = dateDiff(DATE_SEPARATOR,$arrival,CURRENT_DATE); //echo intval($checkdate); If ( (intval($checkdate) < intval(CURRENT_DAY_SOONEST)) ) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Arrival date must be at least ' . CURRENT_DAY_SOONEST. ' days from today. ';//You have a difference of ' . $checkdate; //$error_msg .= '<br /> - Arrival date must be no more than' . CURRENT_DAY_SOONEST. ' days from today. checkdate date_diff(' .$arrival .','. CURRENT_DATE. ') ' . $checkdate; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } If ($checkdate > CURRENT_DAY_LATEST) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Arrival date must be no more than ' . CURRENT_DAY_LATEST. ' days from today. ';//You have a difference of ' . $checkdate; //$error_msg .= '<br /> - Arrival date must be no more than ' . CURRENT_DAY_LATEST. ' days from today. checkdate date_diff(' .$arrival .','. CURRENT_DATE. ') ' . $checkdate; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } } } } if ( (! ($departure)) || ($departure == '')) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Missing departure date.'; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } else { if((substr_count($departure,DATE_SEPARATOR))<>2){ $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid departure date -- please use ' . DATE_SEPARATOR; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } elseif (!preg_match('/^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/', $departure)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid departure date -- please use ' . DATE_FORMAT; $arrival_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } else { $arr=split(DATE_SEPARATOR,$departure); // splitting the array $mm=$arr[0]; // first element of the array is month $mmresult=ereg("^[0-9]+$",$mm,$trashed); if (!($mmresult)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid departure month.'; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } $dd=$arr[1]; // second element is date $ddresult=ereg("^[0-9]+$",$dd,$trashed); if (!($ddresult)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid departure day.'; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } $yy=$arr[2]; // third element is year $yyresult=ereg("^[0-9]+$",$yy,$trashed); if (!($yyresult)) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid departure year.'; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } If(!checkdate($mm,$dd,$yy)){ $error_msg .= '<br /> - Invalid departure date.'; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } else { $checkdate = dateDiff(DATE_SEPARATOR,$departure,$arrival); If ($checkdate < 0) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Departure date must be later than arrival date. ';//checkdate date_diff(' .$departure .','. $arrival. ') ' . $checkdate; //$error_msg .= '<br /> - Departure date must be later than arrival date. checkdate date_diff(' .$departure .','. $arrival. ') ' . $checkdate; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } else { If ($checkdate > DEPARTURE_LATEST) { $error_msg .= '<br /> - Departure date must be no more than ' . DEPARTURE_LATEST. ' days from arrival. ';//You have a difference of ' . $checkdate; //$error_msg .= '<br /> - Departure date must be no more than ' . DEPARTURE_LATEST. ' days from departure. checkdate date_diff(' .$departure .','. CURRENT_DATE. ') ' . $checkdate; $departure_req = 'notification_req_failed'; } } } } } if (isset ($error_msg)) { $display_error_msg = '<p id="error">There was an error submitting your form. '; $display_error_msg .= 'Please correct the errors below and resubmit.<span id="errormsg">' . $error_msg . '</span></p>'; break; } if (isset($remember) && ($remember == 'y')) { // Create a local object $SiteCookie=new SiteCookie("absenteehomeowners_arrival"); // Add the variables to be saved in the cookie $SiteCookie->put("last_name",$last_name); $SiteCookie->put("address",$address); $SiteCookie->put("housekeeping",$housekeeping); $SiteCookie->put("special",$tellus); $SiteCookie->put("email_address",$email_address); $SiteCookie->put("time",time()); // Set the cookie $SiteCookie->set(); } else { $SiteCookie=new SiteCookie("absenteehomeowners_arrival", time()-86400); // Clear all values $SiteCookie->clear(); // Set the cookie $SiteCookie->set(); } if ($send_mail == true && ($spam_score < 2)) { // $notification_ret_val = $notification->sendInfo($spam_score,$reason); if (!$notification_ret_val || ($notification->getErrorMessage())) { $error_msg .= $notification->getErrorMessage(); $dbg->report ("\n\n notification->getErrorMessage: ", __LINE__, __FILE__, "", $notification->getErrorMessage()); $subject .= ' sendInfo() ERROR'; $body = $error_msg . "\nView the debug log here:\n"; $body = '<a href="http://' .$GLOBALS[HTTP_HOST] . '/debug/notification.php.txt">http://' . $GLOBALS[HTTP_HOST] . '/debug/notification.php.txt</a>'; $debug_ret_val=mail(SUBMIT_TO,$subject,$body,HEADERS); break; } else { //echo 'WILL SEND spam_score=' . $spam_score; //echo '<br />reason = ' . $reason; $page='thanks'; } } else { //echo 'WILL <strong>NOT</strong> SEND spam_score=' . $spam_score; //echo '<br />reason = ' . $reason; $page='thanks'; } break; default: break; } } //end form submit $tpl->set_var('last_name', $last_name); $tpl->set_var('email_address', $email_address); $tpl->set_var('address', $address); $tpl->set_var('arrival', $arrival); $tpl->set_var('departure', $departure); $tpl->set_var('housekeeping', $housekeeping); $tpl->set_var('tellus', $tellus); $tpl->set_var('last_name_req', $last_name_req); $tpl->set_var('email_address', $email_address); $tpl->set_var('address_req', $address_req); $tpl->set_var('arrival_req', $arrival_req); $tpl->set_var('departure_req', $departure_req); $tpl->set_var('housekeeping_req', $housekeeping_req); if (isset($_POST['housekeeping'])) { $housekeeping = $_POST['housekeeping']; switch ($housekeeping) { case 'no': default: $tpl->set_var('no_select', 'checked'); break; case 'prior': $tpl->set_var('prior_select', 'checked'); break; case 'after': $tpl->set_var('after_select', 'checked'); break; case 'both': $tpl->set_var('both_select', 'checked'); break; } } if (isset($page)) { switch ($page) { case 'thanks': default: header("Location: thanks.php"); break; } } if (isset ($error_msg)) { $tpl->set_var(ERROR_MSG, $display_error_msg); } set_header($header_template); set_nav($nav_template); set_body(SITE_NAME . '.tpl',$template,SITE_TITLE); set_footer($footer_template); $tpl->set_var('arrivalon', $arrivalon); $tpl->set_var('navfix', $navfix); $tpl->parse('HEADER', 'header'); $tpl->parse('NAV', 'nav'); $tpl->parse('BODY', 'body'); $tpl->parse('FOOTER', 'footer'); $tpl->parse('MAIN', 'wrapper'); $tpl->p('MAIN'); page_close(); ?>
  8. First I am not a developer. I am just trying to reverse engineer the existing php form. This is the test page that I have setup. http://www.absenteehomeowners.com/arrival/index-test.php Currently the form emails the form information to a specific email address. I am trying to add the function of where if the user provides an email address then the information is also sent to the user. Here are the pages that I think are involved.
  9. I need a calendar that is setup if you select a date that is within a 7 days of the current date then a radio button the the page is not available to be selected.
  10. I need a calendar that is setup if you select a date that is within a 7 days of the current date then a radio button the the page is not available to be selected.
  11. Thanks but I do not know what a "float left divs" is
  12. Well it does but I have found that it messes with to many other pages. Thanks though
  13. 1) State what you are trying to do I am trying to get fields are in register-plus.php to line up with the fields that are in theme-login.php 2) State what is currently happening Right now the fields that are in register-plus.php are lining up to the right of the fields in theme-login.php 3) State how that differs from what you want to happen things are not lining up 4) Show your code on the page I have attached the pages because when I tried posting the code I got the error The following error or errors occurred while posting this message: The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (40000 characters). 5) Provide a link to a live page with the code running on it http://www.mymammothlist.com/wp-login.php?action=register 6) State what you have done to try to fix the problem up until that point I have tried a number of things but I can not figure it out. I am not a developer. I just have tried moving code around and seeing what what would work and or break. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. Umm well sorry I had been up for over 12 hrs working on this site and was just looking for a little help. I am not a developer.
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