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  1. can i store it using array? like $data = array('id'=>$client); thanks
  2. hi i have this function for select / function select($table, $rows = '*', $where = null, $group = null, $order = null, $limit = null) this is what i do to display the records. $db->select('loan'); $records = $db->getResult(); foreach($records as $row) { $user = $row['id']; //$name = $row['firstname']; //print_r($row); echo $user; ?> the codes is running.but when i want to use WHERE id = $_POST['id']; this is what im doing. $db->select('member')->where(array('id' => $_POST['client'])); an error as occured where in function where is not existing. please help how to use the proper way of using select * $table where id=$id; in array. thanks
  3. because i have many input variables, like $fname $_POST['fname;];,$mname,$lname etc. what i want to do is to create a function that can call those variables w/o seeing it on my form.php? is that possible? thanks.
  4. hi good day, im a little bit confuse. what i want to do is instead of $username = $_POST['username']; is to transform it into OOP? please help me. thanks.
  5. i have a problem with my search pagination. when i click the pages. nothing happen.it just refresh the page. help pls. public function viewSearch($form) { $affid = $form['affid']; $site_id = $form['site_id']; if($affid==""){ $where1 =""; } else { $where1 = "affid = '$affid'" ; } if($site_id==""){ $where2 =""; } elseif($affid=="" || site_id==""){ $where2= "site_id = $site_id"; }else { $where2 ="AND site_id = $site_id"; } $where_condition = $where1 . $where2; $data = array(); if ($affid=="" && $site_id=="") { $count = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM link ORDER BY site_id"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($count); $rowsperpage = 30; $totalpages = ceil($numrows / $rowsperpage); if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { $currentpage = (int) $_GET['page']; } else { $currentpage = 1; } if ($currentpage > $totalpages) { $currentpage = $totalpages; } if ($currentpage < 1) { $currentpage = 1; } $offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage; $data = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM link ORDER BY site_id LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while(($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $data[] = $rows; } echo ' <b>Pages:</b> '; $range = 4; if ($currentpage > 1) { echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=1'>First</a> "; $prevpage = $currentpage - 1; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=$prevpage'>Prev</a> "; } for ($x = ($currentpage - $range); $x < (($currentpage + $range) + 1); $x++) { if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $totalpages)) { if ($x == $currentpage) { echo " [<b>$x</b>] "; } else { echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=$x'>$x</a> "; } } } if ($currentpage != $totalpages) { $nextpage = $currentpage + 1; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=$nextpage'>Next</a> "; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=$totalpages'>Last</a> <br /><br /><br />"; } } else { $count = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM link WHERE $where_condition ORDER BY site_id"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($count); $rowsperpage = 30; $totalpages = ceil($numrows / $rowsperpage); if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { $currentpage = (int) $_GET['page']; } else { $currentpage = 1; } if ($currentpage > $totalpages) { $currentpage = $totalpages; } if ($currentpage < 1) { $currentpage = 1; } $offset = ($currentpage - 1) * $rowsperpage; $data = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE $where_condition ORDER BY site_id LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while(($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $data[] = $rows; } echo ' <b>Pages:</b> '; $range = 3; if ($currentpage > 1) { echo " <a href='?page=1'>First</a> "; $prevpage = $currentpage - 1; echo " <a href='?page=$prevpage'>Prev</a> "; } for ($x = ($currentpage - $range); $x < (($currentpage + $range) + 1); $x++) { if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $totalpages)) { if ($x == $currentpage) { echo " [<b>$x</b>] "; } else { echo " <a href='?page=$x'>$x</a> "; } } } if ($currentpage != $totalpages) { $nextpage = $currentpage + 1; echo " <a href='?page=$nextpage'>Next</a> "; echo " <a href='?page=$totalpages'>Last</a> <br /><br /><br />"; } }
  6. else { //max displayed per page $per_pages = 30; //get start variable $starts = $_GET['starts']; //count max pages $max_pages = $counts / $per_pages; if (!$starts) $starts = 0; $counts = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM link WHERE $where_condition ORDER BY site_id")); $sql = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE $where_condition ORDER BY site_id LIMIT $starts, $per_pages"; $results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while(($rows = mysql_fetch_array($results))) { $data[] = $rows; } $prev = $starts - $per_pages; $next = $starts + $per_pages; //show prev button if (!($starts<=0)) echo "<a href='?starts=$prev'>Prev</a> "; //set variable for first page $i=1; for ($x=0;$x<$counts;$x=$x+$per_pages) { if ($starts!=$x) echo " <a href='?starts=$x'>$i</a> "; else echo " <a href='?starts=$x'>[$i]</a> "; $i++; } //show next button if (!($starts>=$counts-$per_pages)) echo "<a href='?starts=$next'>Next</a> "; } this is my else part.. what i want is when it execute.. and the pages will pages is shown.. like 1 2 3 4 5 , when i click 2, i want the page to be turn on page 2. but what is does is redirect to my IF condition. this is the part. public function viewSearch($form) { $affid = $form['affid']; $site_id = $form['site_id']; if($affid==""){ $where1 =""; } else { $where1 = "affid = '$affid'" ; } if($site_id==""){ $where2 =""; } elseif($affid=="" || site_id==""){ $where2= "site_id = $site_id"; }else { $where2 ="AND site_id = $site_id"; } $where_condition = $where1 . $where2; $data = array(); if ($affid=="" && $site_id=="") { //max displayed per page $per_page = 30; //get start variable $start = $_GET['start']; //count max pages $max_pages = $record_count / $per_page; if (!$start) $start = 0; $count = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM link ORDER BY site_id")); $sql = "SELECT * FROM link ORDER BY site_id LIMIT $start, $per_page"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while(($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $data[] = $rows; } $prev = $start - $per_page; $next = $start + $per_page; //show prev button if (!($start<=0)) echo "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$prev'>Prev</a> "; //set variable for first page $i=1; for ($x=0;$x<$count;$x=$x+$per_page) { if ($start!=$x) echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$x'>$i</a> "; else echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$x'>[$i]</a> "; $i++; } //show next button if (!($start>=$count-$per_page)) echo "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$next'>Next</a> "; }
  7. str_replace('$quote',&#39,'$var'); here try this. this should work..
  8. try youtube. theres a tutorial there for uploading codes.
  9. <?php ob_start(); session_start(); if(!(isset($_SESSION['name'])))//try to change the name. the same as ur session login. header("Location:index.php"); ?> try to create a session.php then include "session.php";
  10. $insert = "INSERT INTO members (username, password,Finame, Secname, email) VALUES ('".$_POST['username']."', '".$_POST['pass']."', '".$_POST['Finame']."', '".$_POST['secname']."', '".$_POST['email']."')"; $add_members = mysql_query($insert); try to put ur query on a if else condition together with your $_POST['submit'] value. if($submit){//some input tex} else{ur query} or if(submit){ur query} else{//error message}
  11. use this <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=blablalba"> it will reload the page every 1 second.
  12. function __autoload($class_name) { require_once $class_name.".class.php"; } is ".class.php"? try "class.php"
  13. <?php //ur post value here. $username=$_POST['username'] ?> <tr><td><font face="neuropol" size="2">*Username:</font></td><td><input type="text" name ="username" size="21" value="<?php echo $username ?>"></td> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit']) and !empty($_POST['username'])) { include "connect.php"; $queryID = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM cus_reg WHERE username ='$username'"); $countRecord = mysql_num_rows($queryID); if($countRecord != 0) { die("<td><font color=#990000 size=-1>Username already Exist.<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2,URL=customer_reg.php'></font></td>"); $adderror.=""; } else { echo""; } } if(isset($_POST['submit']) and empty($username)) { echo "<td><font color=#990000 size=-1 face=neuropol>*Enter First Name.</font></td>"; $adderror.="error"; } elseif(isset($_POST['submit']) and strlen($username) < 5) { echo "<td><font color=#990000 size=-1 face=neuropol>*Minimum of 5 Characters Only.</font></td>"; $adderror.="error"; } else { echo""; } ?> </tr> <tr><td><br><font face="neuropol" size="2">*Password:</font></td><td><br><input type="password" name ="password" size="21"></td> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit']) and empty($password)) { echo "<td><br><font color=#990000 size=-1 face=neuropol>*Enter Password.</font></td>"; $adderror.="error"; } elseif(isset($_POST['submit']) and strlen($password) < 7) { echo "<td><br><font color=#990000 size=-1 face=neuropol>*Minimum of 7 Characters Only.</font></td>"; $adderror.="error"; } else if(isset($_POST['submit']) and ($password != $repeat)) { echo "<td><br><font color=#990000 size=-1 face=neuropol>*Password did not Match.</font></td>"; $adderror.="error"; } else echo ""; ?> </tr> </tr> <tr><td><br><font face='neuropol' size='2'>*Repeat Password:</font></td> <td><br><font face='neuropol' size='2'><input type="password" name ="repeat" size="21"></font></td> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit']) and empty($repeat)) { echo"<td><br><font color=#990000 size=-1 face=neuropol>*Enter Password</font></td>"; $adderror.="error"; } else if(isset($_POST['submit']) and ($password != $repeat)) { echo "<td><br><font color=#990000 size=-1 face=neuropol>*Password did not Match.</font></td>"; $adderror.="error"; } else { echo ""; } ?> </tr> <tr><td><br><br></td><td><br><input type="submit" value="Create Account" name="submit"><br><br><a href ="tellerpage.php"><font face=neuropol size=2>Back</font></a></td></tr> <?php if((isset($_POST['submit'])) and empty($adderror)) { include "connect.php"; $queryreg = mysql_query (" //your mysql query here. INSERT blablabla. "); mysql_error(); die("Registration Successful,<br>") } else if(!empty($adderror)) { echo"<center><br>Please FIll in The Required Fields</center><br><br><br>"; $adderror .= "error"; } ?> here's an example.. try this one..
  14. pls help me with my codes. i am calling this function to a new php file. what i want to do is when the ELSE CONDITION execute. the pages will display and when i click the pages. prev12345next will direct to next page. but the problem is.. it redirects to my IF CONDITION. where the the IF CONDITION will display the total output of the data. when no input value on the searchbox.. and paginates the records.. pls help.. tnx.. public function viewSearch($form) { $affid = $form['affid']; $site_id = $form['site_id']; if($affid==""){ $where1 =""; } else { $where1 = "affid = '$affid'" ; } if($site_id==""){ $where2 =""; } elseif($affid=="" || site_id==""){ $where2= "site_id = $site_id"; }else { $where2 ="AND site_id = $site_id"; } $where_condition = $where1 . $where2; $data = array(); if ($affid=="" && $site_id=="") { //max displayed per page $per_page = 30; //get start variable $start = $_GET['start']; //count max pages $max_pages = $record_count / $per_page; if (!$start) $start = 0; $count = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM link ORDER BY site_id")); $sql = "SELECT * FROM link ORDER BY site_id LIMIT $start, $per_page"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while(($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result))) { $data[] = $rows; } $prev = $start - $per_page; $next = $start + $per_page; //show prev button if (!($start<=0)) echo "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$prev'>Prev</a> "; //set variable for first page $i=1; for ($x=0;$x<$count;$x=$x+$per_page) { if ($start!=$x) echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$x'>$i</a> "; else echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$x'>[$i]</a> "; $i++; } //show next button if (!($start>=$count-$per_page)) echo "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?start=$next'>Next</a> "; } else { //max displayed per page $per_pages = 5; //get start variable $starts = $_GET['starts']; //count max pages $max_pages = $counts / $per_pages; if (!$starts) $starts = 0; $counts = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM link WHERE $where_condition ORDER BY site_id")); $sql = "SELECT * FROM link WHERE $where_condition ORDER BY site_id LIMIT $starts, $per_pages"; $results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while(($rows = mysql_fetch_array($results))) { $data[] = $rows; } $prev = $starts - $per_pages; $next = $starts + $per_pages; //show prev button if (!($starts<=0)) echo "<a href=\"?starts=$prev\">Prev</a> "; //set variable for first page $i=1; for ($x=0;$x<$counts;$x=$x+$per_pages) { if ($starts!=$x) echo " <a href=\"?starts=$x\">$i</a> "; else echo " <a href=\"?starts=$x\">[$i]</a> "; $i++; } //show next button if (!($starts>=$counts-$per_pages)) echo "<a href=\"?starts=$next\">Next</a> "; } return $data; }
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