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Everything posted by friedice

  1. Don't worry about it... I managed to fixed my code of doing it.. just changed my java-script abit.. and sorry about my punctuation
  2. thanks for your suggestions and input... I will try and boot Ubuntu from a CD when i get the chance. . i've been just using Ubuntu on VM for now. on my laptop
  3. i wana dual boot my laptop with both os on it i already have windows7 ultimate on it.. im not too sure whether which one to install tho linux cinnamon or ubuntu 12.04 im gona use the linux os for web programing purposes -> github and cmd just wana ask a few questions.. which do u think is most recommended linux or ubuntu? should i just install the os on top of windows after partitioning my hdd? do i need a program like a boot loader p.s i tried dual bootin it after win7 with ubuntu but it just goes to blank screen when i boot the iso from usb
  4. anyone? or a clue on goin bout this?
  5. i tried using the same way as the input-file type method i got workin which is this function (function () { var input = document.getElementById("urlimages"), formdata = false; function showUploadedItem (source) { var list = document.getElementById("image-list"), li = document.createElement("li"), img = document.createElement("img"); p = document.createElement("p"); img.src = source; alert(img.src); li.appendChild(img); list.appendChild(li); li.appendChild(p); } if (window.FormData) { formdata = new FormData(); document.getElementById("btn").style.display = "none"; } input.addEventListener("change", function (evt) { document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = "checking image . . ." document.getElementById("imgdesc").style.display = "block"; if (formdata) { $.ajax({ url: "upload.php", type: "POST", data: formdata, processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (res) { document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = res; } }); } }, false); }());
  6. yeah i tried using that as well but it doesnt seem to handle urls images :/ from <input type="text" >
  7. i want to display the image of a url image while dynamically loaded on a div under the input type is there a way to do it? form method="POST" action="upload.php"> <br/><br/> <pre>Upload File: <input type="file" name="images" id="images"/> </br>Use Url: <input type="text" name="urlimages" id="urlimages" style="width:280px;" value=""/> </pre> <button type="submit" id="btn">Publish Files!</button> </form> <div id="response"></div> <ul id="image-list"> <pre><p id="imgdesc" >Description: <textarea rows="2" style="width:395px;"></textarea></p></pre> </ul> <div id="imageHolder"></div> i got upload file part to work to preview but not this one i think because its on the server side ...
  8. im tryin to create a navbar similar to the one on here well mostly other websites too when u log on on the site for example when u click on the username a popdown windows shows up i got the the div to show up including user information/ only problem is that the top part in the navbar doesnt change proper here its black background.. when u hover its grey background .. when u click it, it turns white i tried using just normal onmouseover and on mouseout and using image changes for it but when its mouse over it goes back to default black image <div id="header"> <a id="accountgear" href="javascript:toggle()"><img src="images/navigation/gear_icon_white_40x40.png" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#444444'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor=''"/></a> </div> when clicked it calls the js to the show the div containin the info function toggle() { var ele = document.getElementById("accountgear"); var text = document.getElementById("accountsettings"); document.getElementById("accountsettings").style.display = "block"; $('#header').css({ 'opacity': 1 }); $('#accountsettings').css({ 'opacity': 1 }); $('#scroller').css({ 'opacity': 0.5 }); $('#maincontent').css({ 'opacity': 0.5 }); } function monitorClick(e){ var evt = (e)?e:event; var theElem = (evt.srcElement)?evt.srcElement:evt.target; while(theElem!=null){ if(theElem.id == "accountsettings" || theElem.id == "clickclick" && document.getElementById('accountsettings').style.display == 'none') { document.getElementById('accountsettings').style.display = 'block'; return true; } theElem = theElem.offsetParent; } document.getElementById('accountsettings').style.display = 'none'; $('#scroller').css({ 'opacity': 1}); return true; } document.onclick = monitorClick; accountsettings div is in the next div after the header thanks
  9. <div id="main"> <div id ="scroller"> <div class="maincontent" id="maincontent"> <!-- database connection --> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ // Alert the position with jQuery var position = $("#tiles").position(); alert('left: ' + position.left + ", top: " + position.top ); }); </script> <ul id="tiles"> <!-- grid thumbnails --> <li data-large="images/tumblr_images/i1.jpg"> <div class="box" > <img src="images/tumblr_images/i1.jpg"/> <p class="imgcontent">Just chilling. </p> <script> var p = document.getElementById(?maincontent?).innerHTML; var pos = $("maincontent").position(); $("pos").text( "left: " + position.left + ", top: " + position.top ); </script> </div> <!-- like incrementer --> <!-- <div class="content"> <p><a href="#" onclick="doaction('<?php echo $postid;?>','like');"> Like(<span id="<?php echo $postid;?>_likes"><?php echo $data->like;?></span>)</a> </p> </div>--> </li> <li data-large="images/tumblr_images/i2.jpg"> <div class="box"> <img src="images/tumblr_images/i2.jpg"/> <p class="imgcontent">Babe.</p> </div> </li> </div> </div> </div> this is part of the page #main { margin:0px 0 0 0; max-width:1903px; min-width:980px; position:relative; z-index:0; } #scroller { margin-top:1px; } .maincontent{ position:relative; margin-top:-300px; margin-left:0px; left:0; top:0; } i might add that it calls this function to set the tiles on the page <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(new function() { $('#tiles').pinterestGallery({ largeContainerID: 'largeImage', animateStyle: 'twirl', gridOptions: { autoResize: true, container: $('#main'), offset: 12, itemWidth: 300 } }); }); </script>
  10. is there a way to get left position and right position of a div and set it to an image css to always be aligned to it? the div itself which is a set of <li>s always changes depending how wide the screen with 24inch resolution , there are 5 column in which the li takes and its near the edge of the screen however in 15inch resolution there is only 3 columns and there is a much larger space on the sides im tryin to get the logo at the top of the page to always be matched with the right and left sides of the columns i tried using javascript for it like .position() and .offset() and all but it doesnt seem to work ;/ thanks
  11. thanks it works now i forgot to set the left value initially in the css for the second div >.<
  12. i tried using that but i still require 2 clicks to activate the js script i thot it would be something to do with the href inside the a tag since it called an empty url from it then calls the js, so i tried using button tag instead and still doesnt work >.< starting to frustrate me
  13. <a href="#" ><img src="img/sign_up_button.png" alt="signup" width="200px" height="40px"/></a> calls this js $(document).ready(function() { $('#slideleft a').click(function() { var $lefty = $('div.slideleft > div') $lefty.animate({ left: parseInt($lefty.css('left'),10) == 0 ? -$lefty.outerWidth() : 0 }); }); }); i have to click twice on the link to call that function? is there a reason why this happens?
  14. is there a way to only show half a div like a div with width 400px with content in it from left to right is there a way to only show like 200px of it and hide the other 200px in the background? but the content is still there
  15. ive got the animation to work using $(document).ready(function() { $('#slidewidth button').click(function() { $(this).next().animate({width: 'toggle'}); }); }); but it squishes the text together behide it hides so i tried another way but it doesnt seem to work <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#slideleft button').click(function() { var $lefty = $(this).next(); $lefty.animate({ left: parseInt($lefty.css('left'),10) == 0 ? -$lefty.outerWidth() : 0 }); }); }); </script> with this <div id="slideleft" class="slideleft"> <button>press me</button> <div class="welcome" id="welcome"> <h1>Welcome to <b>g<span class="glueUSLfont">l</span>ue<span class="glueUScolor">us</span></b></h1> <p class="welcomepara"> </br></br> Your Email<br/> <input type="text" name="email" style="width:190px"/><br /> </p> <a href="#" onclick="changeDiv(1)""><img src="img/sign_up_button.png" alt="signup" height="40px"/></a> </div> </div> im thinkin its something to do with the div width value O.O
  16. i got the position working now thanks. i just had to change one line in my code.. now for the animation slide hmmm
  17. hello i train to set a div names wrapper containing 2 more divs inside it to always be positioned in the center of a page no matter what the resolution is. i tried using margins but it didnt more well in the end . it displays right on a smaller screen (15inch laptop) but displays wrong on my 24inch desktop is there is way of doin it? im thinking something to do with it being responsive.. the page is also designed to be responsive to all sizes as well also one of the div(welcome div) in the wrapper div mentioned above . i want to like slide to the left as a animation and another div(login div) comes in with a form in it what sort or javascript would i need to use for it? could u give me examples of how to do it as well hope u can help me cheers
  18. oo i fixed it forgot to put font-family lol thx
  19. nah not like that i meant like the page keeps loading dynamically from the db/server each time so it keep loading topics with files if theres any new added ones like there are 2 topics now with 3 files each (6 files in directory) uploads 2 more topics with 3 files each again so when the page loads again it will display 4 topics now with 3 files under each other
  20. hmm im having some trouble tackling this problem i have a database table with topicname then 3 columns with 3 pdfs in each one all the files are stored in a directory called topicfiles in the server so like 3 topicnames with 3 files in each one with this page i want to make i want to display each topic name with the files under it calling it from the server like topic 1 file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf topic 2 file4.pdf file5.pdf file6.pdf topic 3 file71.pdf file8.pdf file9.pdf i tried using dhandler to access all files in the folder and only managed to display all of the files in rows using foreach loop was thinkin of using mysql query to access the topic name and then each file for that topic but not sure hmmm
  21. #content { width :798px; padding:20px; background-color:white; color:grey; font:Maiandra GD; font-size:12px; using both chrome and ff
  22. im having a slight problem with a website pages doesnt seem to follow the fonts and fonts size specified in the css file but works fine with others like background color could it be the doctype im using? ive been using XHTML 1.0 Strict all along for all pages even with others in other directories should i change all pages to XHTML 1.0 Transitional?
  23. omg i just realised i used desc before already thx solved
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