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  1. <?php $a = 2; $b = 3; $z = fopen("test.txt", 'a+'); if($a > $b) { echo "A is bigger than B"; } elseif fwrite($z, $b); fclose($z); ?> is there a way to get elseif to write to a file? so if b is bigger than a it writes $b to a file?
  2. I've been using php for about 2 years now, creating scripts to automate things such as creating myspace accounts, scripts to automate adding applications to a myspace profile, accepting myspace friend requests, automating things in applications on both facebook and myspace, PHP has treated me well, running all of the scripts I create in the CLI, I have not once used PHP for web design and I know that is its main purpose, I was just wondering if there was another language I should start to study that would be better in the long run for simple automation like the things mentioned above, also file manipulation on the computer but mostly for automating things online. Here are some videos of scripts similar to the ones I use http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU8Oix5Zcm0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGNt8ldkReE So tl;dr: Im just curious as to what other languages would be better for automation,. Thanks
  3. I wrote this script <?php $authKeysFile = "Authkeys.txt"; $keys = file($authKeysFile); foreach($keys as $aKeys) { $Keys = explode(' ', $aKeys); $AccountInfo = array($Keys[0], $Keys[1]); } for($cwb=1; $cwb!=count($AccountInfo); $cwb++) { $Renew = file_get_contents("http://mob-dynamic-lb".rand(1,5).".mobsters0".rand(1,9).".com/mob/sign_in_secured?user_id=".$AccountInfo[0]."&sign_in=true&auth_key=".$AccountInfo[1]); $NewAuth = explode("<auth_key>", $Renew); $NewAuth = explode("<", $NewAuth[1]); $NewKeys = $AccountInfo[0]." ".$NewAuth[0]; $z = fopen('NewAuthKeys.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($z, $NewKeys."\n"); fclose($z); } echo "Done updating keys...".sleep(10000); ?> Now.. the content that is in the "AuthKeys.txt" is 537168014 10d668a39b59ffb63c7621279ff1246f12159dba 530830355 c91a3675f64353a56091449672b4af12a256336d What the script does is loads the 9 Digit id and the auth key in the url and then writes to the file NewAuthKeys.txt.. the problem is that it is only writing the last id from the first text file after updating.. I could put 100 IDs and auth keys in the file and it would only update and write the last id to the text file.. what can I do to fix this
  4. something so simple I cannot figure out.. I didnt think of count(); thanks
  5. It echos that there are to many.. how would I do this Saying like if I had 100 $Variable[] it would echo that there are to many? $Variable[] = ""; $Variable[] = ""; $Variable[] = ""; $Variable[] = ""; $Variable[] = ""; $Variable[] = "";
  6. $id[] = 12345; $id[] = 12345; $id[] = 12345; $id[] = 12345; $id[] = 12345; how would I combine these into a string "12345,12345,12345,12345,12345"
  7. So say I have a script, it calls for a text file in the script. Instead of putting the name of the text file is there a way I can run the script then type the name of the file in the CLI?
  8. What is the best php to exe compiler that would compile a php script to exe then there can be a settings file like this Mod edit: Link Removed
  9. man I write PHP like a fuckin 3rd grader, but it works <?php $login = "fblogin.txt"; $target = ""; $key = file($login); foreach($key as $keys){ $info = explode(' ', $keys); $id = $info[0]; $auth = $info[1]; echo "$info[0] || $info[1]"; sleep(1);} echo "Sleeping 10 seconds".sleep(10);
  10. So I have a text file "name.txt" in the text file I have ids and auth keys set up like this 1234564 abcdfhu 3123900 sdkoao etc How could I make it to where the ids are $ids and the auth keys are $auth_keys? I've tried using foreach() but I cant get it
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