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Everything posted by sudeepk

  1. @cs.punk Thanks a lot. It really helped. One last thing.. What to do if each file is named differently instead of numbers. Just tell in text(or which ever way is easy for you). The problem is solved for now. Just in case of further problems. @dreamwest I have no idea how to deal with it. Anyway thanks and I will learn more about it and implement it soon.
  2. Hi, I have a application in which I embed about 2000 swf files. Named (1.swf, 2.swf.. so onn to 2000.swf). But, Iam embedding them from an external source. The url is quite ugly, huge , location and file name revealing. Example of present url: http://example.com/video.php?input=media/videos/1620.swf I would like to have it smaller and less obvious.. Some what like.. http://example.com/video.php?id=1620 Or even fancier if you have any better ideas. And I also need Facebook Like button enabled for each page separately. So was wondering if its possible to attach a facebook like button by attaching a current url into its script instead of making 2000 pages with script on each page. Facebook like button code: <iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=[Page url here]&layout=standard&show_faces=true&width=450&action=like&colorscheme=light&height=80" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> It worked for me in a blog where I replaced the page url with current page tag. Can we do the same here in a single file?
  3. @Muffins Yeah, i was doing it wrong placing it above the declared variables. It definitely worked. Thanks.
  4. @jskywalker I understand your pain. Thanks for your concern regarding my language. I appreciate your effort in finding the mistakes(regardless of how noticeable they were). But yeah, you should work on your perception part. See! Other people could understand it even though it had mistakes. Being smart is not everything. @Muffins I think i tried the same. It dint seem to work. @HavokDelta6 I will try to put that to use. Thanks.
  5. I have 17 form fields. I use $_post to get the variables. Please let me know how to stop the form being submitted if any form field is left blank. I tried but couldn't solve. Please help me. $name = $_POST["name"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $ans1 = $_POST["ans1"]; $ans2 = $_POST["ans2"]; $ans3 = $_POST["ans3"]; $ans4 = $_POST["ans4"]; $ans5 = $_POST["ans5"]; $ans6 = $_POST["ans6"]; $ans7 = $_POST["ans7"]; $ans8 = $_POST["ans8"]; $ans9 = $_POST["ans9"]; $ans10 = $_POST["ans10"]; $ans11 = $_POST["ans11"]; $ans12 = $_POST["ans12"]; $ans13 = $_POST["ans13"]; $ans14 = $_POST["ans14"]; $ans15 = $_POST["ans15"]; $ans16 = $_POST["ans16"]; These are the variables.
  6. Iam making a quiz page for which i want people to answer it in given time of 3 minutes. Is it possible that i can get the time spent on the page right after opening it. So that i can make sure, they submitted in time and no one got answers from google. Can i trace ip of the comp? So that i can find if same person is not posting again. I get "10-05-31 02:15:10" in place of ip when used $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; If there are easier ways, plz let me know.
  7. it solves to a extent but can we do something like if the embeded iframe link doesnt have ?input=thing.html then it redirects to index page.
  8. Here i start with index page with link which generates a random link in which it has a "random number".html iframed. So finally the link looks like project.php?input=stuff/4214.html . In this link when i delete the ?input=stuff/4214.html leaving project.php as link. The iframe shows the parent website in the iframe. So here i need to do some coding where if i open project.php directly it redirects to index.php where people can start with the generated link as usual. I read a php ebook today and started working. Iam a noob in php.
  9. It works like a charm. I have a small problem again and a last one. Can i implement something like if the value of the input is zero or any rejected number by brute forcing like project.php?input=4275 where 4275 is already banned. So that it redirects to the home page
  10. @papaface sry i dint mention.. iam already using yours. thnaks a lot and i wont forget to add ur names in guidance credits in my project.
  11. Now, i just got to know that i need to avoid many individual numbers too.. :| like 46, 207, 336, 982 so on.. etc.. :| i see ranges here.. how to deal with individual numbers? @teamatomic Thanks to you too.. I will learn more about it and implement it..
  12. Wow! I dint expect this quick reply. ) Thanks a lot to both of you. Enlightened.
  13. Hi, I need to generate random numbers which i have a limit of min 1 and max 7000. And in between this numbers i don't need to introduce few sets of numbers like 400 to 800 and 4600 to 5000. Please guide me. I simply wrote $rand = (rand(1,7000)); Now, how should i stop those numbers from coming up.
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