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  1. I have php 5 set on the two domains I am using. One domain has the script and is passing the keyword which is supposed to dynamically insert into the output page. Let's say the keyword is rice. The php should execute so the word rice should appear on the output page. Problem is the code doesnt seem to execute and nothing happens. It is simple code. The scripts tells me to simply insert <?=$_REQUEST['kwd']?> whereever you want the keyword to appear (in this case rice is the keyword) I have also tried the <?php echo REQUEST['kwd']; ?> and that doesn't seem to work either. To test, first go to http://downloadablemusicfree.net/AP/go.php?uid=1&cid=7&id=rice The output page will look like this: http://ovariancancerprognosis.org/test.html?apid=A100008O and you will see rice doesn't appear in the title. Thank you for your help.
  2. I am using a tracking script for dynamic keyword insertion and was told to place this code < ?=$_REQUEST['kwd']?> anywhere in my source code where i want the php to execute and a certain keyword to appear. However the code ends up appearing on my published page. Any clue why? I am using wordpress with the php exec plugin.
  3. I am running some php code and java script below which is working fine (CODE #1 below) My problem is I would like to add further php code to the beginning of CODE #1 (See CODE #2 further below). It seems like when I do this, CODE #2 will execute and then CODE #1 gets ignored. Is there a way to get them both to work together and one after another? I really don't understand PHP code, so please instruct me in laymens terms. CODE#1 <? $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $referrer = str_replace("http://","", $referrer); $referrer = str_replace("https://","", $referrer); $referrer = urlencode($referrer);if(!$referrer) $referrer="Unknown"; $test = $_GET['test']; if(!$_GET['apflag'] & ($test!=1) ) { header("Location: http://downloadablemusicfree.net/AP/go.php?uid=1&cid=2&apflag=1&referrer=$referrer&".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } $trackingid = $_REQUEST["apid"];if(!$v) $v = $_COOKIE["v"]; if(!$v || $_GET["test"]) $v = $_GET["v"]; switch($v) { case 2: $afflink = "http://"; $desturl = "http://"; break; case 3: $afflink = "http://"; $desturl = "http://"; break; default: $afflink = "http://7b2deyy-fj-jksenrfwvcs7v6n.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=%TID%"; $desturl = "http://www.verticaljumpguide.com/"; break; } $afflink = str_replace("%TID%", $trackingid, $afflink); if(!$desturl || $desturl == "http://") $desturl = $afflink; $content = file_get_contents($desturl); $after_find = substr(strrchr($desturl, "/"), 1); $strlen_str = strlen($after_find); $base = substr($desturl, 0, -$strlen_str); if (!$base) $base = $desturl; ?> <base href="<? echo $base; ?>"> <? echo $content; ?> <img src="<? echo $afflink; ?>" width="1" height="1"> <script language="javascript" src="http://downloadablemusicfree.net/AP/tracker.php?uid=1& cid=2"></script> Code #2: <?php error_reporting(0); $href = urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $expirytime = time()+9600000; $cookiename = 'xconversions'; $campaign = "vertical"; $ad = "vertical2"; $var=''; $key=''; $OVKEY = urlencode($_REQUEST['OVKEY']); $bid_keyword = urlencode($_REQUEST['bid_keyword']); if(isset($_REQUEST['target_passthrough'])){$bid_keyword=$_REQUEST['target_passthrough'];} if(isset($_REQUEST['keyword'])){$bid_keyword=$_REQUEST['keyword'];} $uagent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $size=explode("google",$uagent); if(sizeof($size)>1){} elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) $var = $_COOKIE[$cookiename]; elseif($href ||(($bid_keyword)) || (($OVKEY))) { if(isset($_REQUEST['campaign'])){ $campaign=$_REQUEST['campaign'];} if(isset($_REQUEST['ad'])){ $ad=$_REQUEST['ad'];} $result=file_get_contents("http://www.ovariancancerprognosis.org/xtreme/secret.php?href=$href&campaign=$campaign&ad=$ad&OVKEY=$OVKEY&bid_keyword=$bid_keyword&xid=&curl=y"); list($var, $key) = explode('<br>', $result); $var=trim(strip_tags($var)); $key=trim($key); $key= str_replace("</html>","", $key); $key= str_replace("<", "", $key); $key= str_replace(">", "", $key); setcookie($cookiename,$var,$expirytime, "/" ); } if(!isset($key)||$key=="") $key=""; ?>
  4. I am trying to figure out why a video is not showing when I do a php tracking redirect of the same exact page (if that's what it's called)? Here is the original page with the video (on the top part of the page) working fine. http://verticaljumpguide.com But get to the same page by going here it gives an error: http://www.increase-my-vertical.com/guide.php Strange thing is the view source code appears the same on both so I cannot understand why the video gets an error on the second URL.
  5. To be honest, I really don't know php. I was just looking for some help on this one page. Anyway you could just tell me what to fix?
  6. Hey.. I keep getting this error: Warning: Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected. in /hermes/bosweb/web011/b117/ipw.awdevore/public_html/vertical/guide.php on line 18 Here is first part of page code: <? $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $referrer = str_replace("http://","", $referrer); $referrer = str_replace("https://","", $referrer); $referrer = urlencode($referrer); if(!$referrer) $referrer="Unknown"; $test = $_GET['test']; if(!$_GET['apflag'] & $test!=1) header("Location: http://downloadablemusicfree.net/AP/go.php?uid=1& cid=2& apflag=1& referrer=$referrer& ".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $trackingid = $_REQUEST["apid"]; if(!$v) $v = $_COOKIE["v"];
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