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Everything posted by mincedgarlic

  1. I have a flash newsticker which dispays entries from the site users live. I use ajax to write the entries to an xml file with one message element which the ticker displays. The ticker is supposed to be updated with each new entry made by any user but in IE no new entry is ever added and the ticker new updates after initially loaded. I tried removing caching writing the following metadata tags in the head. <META HTTP-EQUIV='cache-control' CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV='expires' CONTENT="0"> <META HTTP-EQUIV='pragma' CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> but got no results . I use the folowing ajax code to call php code to write to the xml file $(document).ready(function() { $('#Submit').click(function() { $.post("shout_out.php",{ name : $('#name').val(), comment : $('#comment').val(), }); }); parent.frames['ticker'].window.location.reload(); }); I've attached the php code called by the ajax. [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. I have a setup where i`m using jquery to enter values using the post method into a php file which saves them to a CSV file and uses it to build a dynamic xml which it uses to send to a scrolling flash ticker for updating and messages. Though i`m using ajax it does not update till I reload. I would be quite gratefull for any assistance.
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