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Everything posted by JeremyCanada26

  1. I want to link to a movie but I'd like to create an onrollover slideshow effect so that when the image that links to the movie is mouseover, it slowly slideshows each of the 4 images that I specify.
  2. I'd like to know if there is a way to detect a head instead of the more specifc face. Maybe cut out the rest and be left with a transparent .png of just the head, that would be cool if it's possible.
  3. I'm curious for a web app game that gets 5,000 users monthly, about how many of those users actually attempt to hack the game in some way? I know it's kind of strange to talk about hacker numbers, but maybe someone out there knows.
  4. function checkIfSuppliedImageDataIsValid() { //first, check that the byte_array isset, then make sure it's not empty, then make sure it contains valid image data if(isset($this->byte_array) && !empty($this->byte_array) && imagecreatefromstring($this->byte_array)) { //passed in byte array is good return true; } else { //missing or invalid return false; } } The above function is what i'm settling for, although I also see there might be another way to do it manually but I'm not technical enough to know how. Taken from the png RFC page, http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2083.html, section, 3.1. PNG file signature
  5. Thanks fugix, yes that empty() function is awesome. I wonder if it's possible to check if the $byte_array contains valid PNG data?
  6. I have two questions regarding $byte_array. 1. Is there a general way to check if a $byte_array contains any data? 2. Is there a way to confirm if the $byte_array contains an actual PNG image?
  7. I'm trying to regex match a search phrase that can be any letter or number and be either one word or more than one word, also between 2 and 100 in length. function checkSearchPhrase() { if(isset($_POST['sp'])) { //matches any single word or more if(preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9]{1,100}$/", $_POST['sp']) == 1) { return trim($_POST['sp']); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
  8. Does anyone know how I can convert linux epoch number such as 1292878800 to the UTC format? Ricky
  9. i still haven't figured out a good solution on how to factor in the value of -5 or -6 into the mix yet
  10. Is there any way for me to do this using the -6 or -5 value that I already have along with the users data? Ricky
  11. I'm interested to know how other people keep track of time and also how they display time correctly back to the users. I'm using a third party API that I can tie into that actually gives me the userID of a user, their full name and the timezone for that user. After checking a few users data, this is an example data of what I'm working with. userID: 234213412 first_name: foo last_name: bar timezone: -6 Basically when a user visits my web app, I create a new account for them and store the above data. Currently, I'm just fetching the result from time() and converting it into MySQL DateTime format and storing that into my database. //get the current time as an integer $php_timestamp = time(); //formats the time according to MySQL DateTime type $this->mysql_formatted_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $php_timestamp); I would think the current way that I'm doing this is not very good because there is a possibility that I could introduce load balancing servers into the mix and they might not be located in the same region. Also, I would have no idea how to factor the time and modify it according to the timezone value.(in my above example, -6) Can anyone help me decide what method I should use to keep all of my servers timestamps in sync and how to display the time to the end user so that it looks correct to them?
  12. I'm using amazon web services(amazon ec2). So my firewall is on their end. They do have an API available for add/removing IPs though so that's good.
  13. Yes, I'm running ubuntu 10.4 and using a LAMP setup. I came across an apache module designed specifically for limiting requests by IP address and it detects hammering and eventually forwards the IP out to the firewall. However, this solution reportedly works very well on a single machine only. In my development setup, it also would work very well since i'm using a single machine. However, When I launch, I'll be switching to 2 servers in a load balancing setup and probably scale upward from there as needed and so the triggering mechanism doesn't work very well with that kind of setup.
  14. How do I stop the case where the user sends 50 requests in 1 second? Each request still takes up a mysql connection so doesn't that mean 50 connections?
  15. I have a web app that uses an API that I wrote to communicate with my MySQL database that was written in PHP. Currently, each user of the API is required to authenticate before using the API with a username/password. Every API request is logged into a Requests_History table which stores the API request type, the timestamp and the userId of the requester. How can I easily stop hammering of the API via too many requests in a given time period? 1. first violation within 24 hours, 2 minute ban 2. second violation within 24 hours, 10 minute ban 3. second violation within 24 hours, 1 hour ban
  16. I'm getting data from a third party API and the first_name and last_name fields from this third party are sometimes not in english and they come out quite odd looking. Example... "first_name": "Pesh\u042fo", "last_name": "\u062d\u0633\u064a\u0646" How could I normalize that using PHP to make it readable again?
  17. Woops, I just realized I didn't even pastebin the Table creation mysql link. Here it is, http://pastebin.com/LudLfvKz
  18. This is my first time really working with more than 1 or two tables in a mysql database and I'd like to know what is the best way to go about querying my data so that i'm doing it in at least a somewhat efficient manner that the way I am currently doing it. First I will list my Tables and pastebin the Table creation code so you can get an idea of what I'm working with. Graff_Users, Drawings, Drawings_Stamps, Stamps, Packages Ok, those are the tables, the Graff_Users is the main table. The way I've got things setup is that I first do a query on the Graff_Users table for any uid that I want to lookup data for. Then, based on whether the artist column is equal to 1 will determine if there are Drawings to fetch, at least that is how I've been doing it and I dont feel like redesigning something that works so well for me right now. so everything is fine when artist=0 or null or anything but 1. But my trouble starts if artist=1, then I have to query a whole lot of data here, let me explain it. Ok, if artist=1, currently, I query the Drawings table to find any drawings where the house_owner_id is equal to the uid of the User. This leads me to a list of Drawings rows. Next, I check which of those rows has stamps_used=1 for each Drawing and gather up a list of id's of the Drawings that have that set to 1. Once I have the list of id's of the Drawings, I query the Drawings_Stamps table for rows where the drawings_id is equal to any of those id's. Then once I have that, I use the stamp_id's from those and do another query on the Stamps table to get all of the stamps matching those id's. Then each Stamp also contains an author_id so I gather those id's up and do another query back on the Graff_Users table to get the first_name,last_name and picture. Once I have all of that data in various array throughout my script, i create a new array and start putting the pieces back togather from the various arrays until I am left with an array that looks like this one here(JSON used for visualization here) { "request_type": 1, "target_uid": "1234567", "data": { "id": "277", "uid": "1234567", "first_name": "Jeremy", "last_name": "Canada", "picture": "http://www.pictures.com/mypic.png", "signed_up": "2010-10-29 03:47:09", "selected_house": "10", "mp3": "1", "emblem_id": "2", "artistData": [ { "id": "210", "artist_id": "1234567", "house_owner_id": "1234567", "anonymous": null, "stamps_used": "1", "timestamp": "2010-09-23 00:52:42", "note": "wanna dance?", "first_name": "Jeremy", "last_name": "Canada", "picture": "http://blahblah.com/picture.png", "stampsArray": [ { "id": "250", "name": "", "author_id": "654321", "created": "2010-09-23 23:40:22", "keywords_id": null, "packages_id": "27", "public": "1", "package_category_id": "0", "filename": "drawingitems\/663231980_1285285221_445643.png", "number_of_users": "0", "description": "just another stamp my friend", "rating": "0", "thumbs_up": "0", "thumbs_down": "0", "first_name": "Cat Man", "last_name": "Blues", "picture": "http:\/\/pic.com\/_q.jpg", "packageData": { "id": "27", "name": "Circles Of cool", "description": null, "total_stamps": "6", "number_of_users": "0", "rating": "0", "thumbs_up": "0", "thumbs_down": "0" } }, { "id": "249", "name": "", "author_id": "1680999989", "created": "2010-09-23 23:38:28", "keywords_id": null, "packages_id": "26", "public": "1", "package_category_id": "0", "filename": "drawingitems\/663231980_1285285108_441450.png", "number_of_users": "0", "description": null, "rating": "0", "thumbs_up": "0", "thumbs_down": "0", "first_name": "Raymond", "last_name": "Coldstar", "picture": null, "packageData": { "id": "26", "name": "The nice pics pack", "description": "description of the package would go here", "total_stamps": "123", "number_of_users": "234", "rating": "3", "thumbs_up": "2", "thumbs_down": "7" } } ] }, { "id": "212", "artist_id": "4", "house_owner_id": "1234567", "anonymous": "0", "stamps_used": "1", "timestamp": "2010-07-09 03:45:59", "note": "shake it baby", "stampsArray": [ { "id": "248", "name": "flying stick man 1", "author_id": "663231980", "created": "2010-09-23 23:37:08", "keywords_id": "6", "packages_id": "26", "public": "1", "package_category_id": "0", "filename": "drawingitems\/663231980_1285285027_288422.png", "number_of_users": "1200", "description": "stamp description would go here", "rating": "6734", "thumbs_up": "18", "thumbs_down": "22", "first_name": "Gary", "last_name": "Hoss", "picture": "http:\/\/profiles.com\/63231980_1168_q.jpg", "packageData": { "id": "26", "name": "The nice pics pack", "description": "description of the package would go here", "total_stamps": "6546345", "number_of_users": "234", "rating": "3", "thumbs_up": "2", "thumbs_down": "7" } }, { "id": "249", "name": "", "author_id": "1680999989", "created": "2010-09-23 23:38:28", "keywords_id": null, "packages_id": "26", "public": "1", "package_category_id": "0", "filename": "drawingitems\/663231980_1285285108_441450.png", "number_of_users": "0", "description": null, "rating": "0", "thumbs_up": "0", "thumbs_down": "0", "first_name": "Raymond", "last_name": "Blues Brutha", "picture": null, "packageData": { "id": "26", "name": "The nice pics pack", "description": "description of the package would go here", "total_stamps": "6543534", "number_of_users": "234", "rating": "3", "thumbs_up": "2", "thumbs_down": "7" } } ] }, { "id": "221", "artist_id": "663231980", "house_owner_id": "1234567", "anonymous": null, "stamps_used": null, "timestamp": "2010-09-13 07:35:25", "note": "hi jeremy", "first_name": "Coolio", "last_name": "Stars", "picture": "http:\/\/nowhere.com\/1980_1168_q.jpg" }, { "id": "227", "artist_id": "4321", "house_owner_id": "1234567", "anonymous": null, "stamps_used": null, "timestamp": "2010-09-24 01:24:19", "note": "" } ] } }
  19. For SMTP, I use the Zend Mail class which comes from the Zend Framework and it's free to use but you'll have to include it in your php script if your want to use it. http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.mail.html
  20. Anti-Moronic, thanks man. The regex has change slightly since you gave it to me though, if(preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]{0,19}$/", $_POST['value'])) { return true; }
  21. I have an integer that I'd like to validate to ensure that it is a valid number between 1 and 99999999999999999999(20 digits). I'm thinking about using the following, but I'm not sure what the max range is on the FILTER_VALIDATE_INT options. return filter_var($_REQUEST['r'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array("options" => array("min_range"=>1, "max_range"=>99999999999999999999)));
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