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  1. Actually after following this guide: www. cyberciti. biz/tips/recover-mysql-root-password.html I was able to get into phpMyAdmin without a password and I had somehow changed the root account to not be accessible by localhost. After changing that back I was once again able to log in. So, the password was correct.
  2. I was attempting to allow remote connections to a MySQL database by following this guide here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-enable-remote-access-to-mysql-database-server.html In the process of following step #5 I seem to have removed access to the database from myself? Now the website is broke and I'm at a loss on how to get my access back. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any ideas at all. I am getting the error as follows: Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'cboweb@localhost' (using password: YES in /opt/oasis/php/dbconnect.php on line 18 Could Not Connect: Access denied for user 'cboweb'@'localhost' (using password: YES) I have tried the root login and the other login. I can't even get through on phpMyAdmin now either. I don't know how to reverse the changes that I made and I can't connect. This has completely hosed my work site. I'm kind of freaking out. If anyone can give some help it would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Ok that makes sense. That worked perfectly! Thanks a lot for your help Dj Kat!
  4. I wasn't sure if this should go in the JavaScript or PHP forum, so I decided JavaScript. I have created a site that has a form where the user can create as many rows as wanted. I really have no idea how I can then get this information to use in PHP. Here is my JavaScript function creating the rows: Code: function addDollyRow() { numDollies++; document.getElementById("numDollies").value = numDollies; document.getElementById("removeDolly").disabled = false; var dollyTable = document.getElementById('dollyTable'); var lastRow = dollyTable.rows.length; // if there's no header row in the table, then iteration = lastRow + 1 var row = dollyTable.insertRow(numDollies); // two blank cells var blankCellOne = row.insertCell(0); var blankCellTwo = row.insertCell(1); // dolly list var dollyListCell = row.insertCell(2); var dollyListSel = document.createElement('select'); dollyListSel.name = 'dollyListRow[]'; dollyListSel.id = 'dollyList' + numDollies; dollyListSel.options[0] = new Option('','-1'); dollyListSel.options[1] = new Option('Regular Duty Dolly Set - Collins-4.80 \'C\'','1'); dollyListSel.options[2] = new Option('Heavy Duty Dolly Set - Collins-5.70 \'C\'','2'); dollyListSel.options[3] = new Option('Super Duty Dolly Set - Collins-5.70 \'D\'','3'); dollyListCell.appendChild(dollyListSel); // dolly material list var dollyMatCell = row.insertCell(3); var dollyMatSel = document.createElement('select'); dollyMatSel.name = 'axleMaterial' + numDollies; dollyMatSel.id = 'axleMaterial' + numDollies; dollyMatSel.options[0] = new Option('','-1'); dollyMatSel.options[1] = new Option('Aluminum','1'); dollyMatSel.options[2] = new Option('Steel','2'); dollyMatCell.appendChild(dollyMatSel); // quantity text cell var qtyCell = row.insertCell(4); var qtyInput = document.createElement('input'); qtyInput.type = 'text'; qtyInput.name = 'dollyQuantity' + numDollies; qtyInput.id = 'dollyQuantity' + numDollies; qtyInput.size = 3; qtyCell.appendChild(qtyInput); } I read something about naming each element something such as 'el[]' and then iterating through it on the PHP side, but that didn't make much sense to me. I have only been using PHP for a few weeks now so I'm pretty new. Thanks for the help!
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