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About Karlos94

  • Birthday 05/23/1994

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  • Location
    Fenland, Cambridgeshire

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  1. Right, I am trying to create a small application here, for example picture this.. I start off with a table like this (just to let you know this table is bare minimum): City Current Weather London Get New York Get Right, when I click get I'd like to have an extra <tr> tag appear and slide down so I can fit in the response from Yahoo! Weather RSS feed. However, I don't want to explicity define the ZIP code within a hidden input field as that will decrease security, I wish to have the information within a array or comming from a database. For example, I'll do it an array to show how I mean: $city = array( array( 'name' => 'Beijing', 'zip_code' => 'CHXX0008' ), array( 'name' => 'Moscow', 'zip_code' => 'RSXX0063' ), array( 'name' => 'Paris', 'zip_code' => 'FRXX0076' ), array( 'name' => 'Tokyo', 'zip_code' => 'JAXX0085' ) ); Any help here? Much appreciated if so! Regards, Karlos94
  2. Maybe you are looking for the preg_match() function instead of the preg_replace(). What your doing is if the preg_replace() function returns true (replacing your letters with nothing), it will echo out bad characters.
  3. Without looking at anything, your probably looking for the AVG() function within MySQL?
  4. From what i know from a highly experienced website developer, as far as I know it is indeed more secure than sha512, however I last got that information a while ago so it might be worth checking it yourself. And thanks, somtimes the simplist functions can make a sure god damn difference.
  5. I believe that is down to a JavaScript spell check or something along those lines, however if your not a fan of JavaScript there is a PHP alternative, but you'll need to do quite a bit. The PHP function: levenshtein()
  6. Unbreakable? Nothing is unbreakable but I can tell you a hashing algorithm that is near enough to that. As far as I know it hasn't been cracked or anything. Try this for example: <?php $salt = 'Your salt'; $rot13 = rot_13($salt); $rev_rot13 = strrev($rot13); $pass = hash('sha256', $rot13 . sha1($password . $salt) . $rev_rot13); $hashed = hash('whirlpool', $pass); echo $hashed;
  7. First off, you could create another file if you wished so but then again... There's no point! To simply evaluate and process the data we could just do it nice and simply. <?php if (isset($_POST['only_need_one_field_name'])) { // Your form evaluation and processing } else { // Your HTML form, knock yourself out } Why did I use isset()? Simple, because if I didn't and just went on to the exactly same page without it, you'll get a nice undefined error.
  8. If in case you are still wondering why it wouldn't work it is because you was using limit which is one of MySQL's attributes, however you did what was necessary to make the query work by wrapping the keyword in the quotes.
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