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Everything posted by Muffins

  1. Are you posting anything to the page at all times? If nothing is in $_POST["nav"] it's going to be blank...
  2. Or make it so your users can't execute any scripts in that directory.
  3. Is there a reason you would want your users to be able to upload .php files? I would suggest you don't allow those file types for starters.
  4. I meant Values > 0 in your query string.
  5. try Values > 0 and see if that works.
  6. Let's back up a second. Is "Values" even a valid Column name? That might be your problem right there.
  7. while($row5 = mysql_fetch_array($sourcesnot)) { $id = $row5['uniq_id']; //echo $row5['uniq_id']; }
  8. Try $sourcesnot = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pm_player_sources WHERE uniq_id = '".$uniqid."' AND Values IS NOT '0'");
  9. As Thorpe said, is $email defined?
  10. If it's on a different server, PHP5 is backwards compatible with PHP4 so the server your script is currently on might simply have the mail function disabled. I would check with your host.
  11. Are you sure $last_name is not defined somewhere else in your script, or possibly globally?
  12. You need to remove some of the ";"'s at the end of your concatenated echo statements, except for the very last line.
  13. You need to close your if statement. You are missing a )
  14. You probably don't want count($draf) in your for loop as it has to run the count() every iteration. Just a thought.
  15. If you have Photoshop you can use this ico file format extention: http://www.telegraphics.com.au/svn/icoformat/trunk/dist/README.html. The ICO format does not allow images more than 256 pixels high or wide.
  16. Is $total defined anywhere in your script? That could be the issue.
  17. For the FavIcon You put this in the <head></head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.yoursite.com/images/favicon.ico" /> This assumes you have already created the .ico image.
  18. if(!empty($name) && !empty($email)...) { //Submit form } else { //Produce error, redisplay form etc. }
  19. Make sure the directory is correct, and that it is writable on the server.
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