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Everything posted by DarrenG

  1. From what I can gather the first part of the php code is for the image. Then the next 2 lines generate the filter and paginate it on the screen: <?php ... $queryString_newproducts = str_replace("data[Product][check_1]=&", "data[Product][check_1]=1&", $queryString); echo $paginator->sort(' New Product', 'product', array('url'=>array('?'=>$queryString_newproducts))); ?> I think I need to somehow get these 2 lines of code to work on the image icon. If I'm way off the mark I apologize but I think that is what I need to do.
  2. I did and it made the icon a link. The only issue I have now is trying to get that link to work and filter the correct results. I'm trying to learn quick, just like other newbies I guess :-\ Any thoughts on how I could apply the correct code to the link?
  3. I forgot to mention that it was written in cakephp. Would that make a difference. The page displays a list of products and some are New. Clicking the link should just display the new items only and remove all others. Don't know if any of this helps.
  4. Hi I am new to php and have inherited some code to change. At the moment I have a page that has an icon and then some php that generates text that is a link to filter a list. I now need to remove the text and make the icon the link. Any ideas how this would be done? Here is the current code snippet: <?php $logo_size = array(18, 17); $logo_image = ""; echo $html->image('icons/new.png', array( 'alt'=>'New Product Icon', 'width'=>$logo_size[0], 'height'=>$logo_size[1], 'border'=>'0', 'class'=>'ProductLogo')); $queryString_newproducts = str_replace("data[Product][check_1]=&", "data[Product][check_1]=1&", $queryString); echo $paginator->sort(' New Product', 'product', array('url'=>array('?'=>$queryString_newproducts))); ?> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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