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Soldier Jane

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Everything posted by Soldier Jane

  1. Ahahaha, I'd love to make something my iPhone-using friends love, only to have them unable to use it on their phones. It really annoys me when they sit there tapping away, ignoring everyone.
  2. A good reason not to is the fact that iPhones don't support it. Alot of people use iPhones and would not be able to play your browser game on their device if you created it in Flash, which would diminish the availability to mobile devices considerably. Don't forget that there are other mobile devices too that would struggle with Flash, so JScript might be a much better choice if mobility is a part of your plan.
  3. Glad to see that I'm not alone I agree tables are appropriate for statistics and more abstract things like a 'control panel'. It's annoying to see it used for layout because technologies like CSS have been developed (and are indeed still being developed) only to have years of work being undermined by trash techniques.
  4. 回声("象这样"); Edit: Damn, chopped up by processing. Should read:
  5. I'd do it in XNA using C#. Sphere (which someone suggested) is also a great option, and they are apparently upgrading their game engine. When it comes to SNES-esque gameplay I wouldn't use a js/php/mysql environment. It can be done, but I wouldn't describe it as the most appropriate platform, unless you want it to be browser-based, then I'd recommend it over Flash any day.
  6. CyberDuck is the way to go. Best FTP program I've ever used.
  7. Does anyone else get really annoyed when they see code using tables for layout structure? I don't understand how people learn HTML and grasp this concept. It's 2010 and there are obviously still tutorials out there recommending this practice. What is going on?
  8. I'm not quite understanding what the problem is. If you mean by this "How do I access my site using XAMPP?" You simply put your files in the folder specified in the configuration and point your browser to it (index.php).
  9. Just noticed something, try this: $sql = "UPDATE `Member` SET `rp` = 'rp + $winnings' WHERE `username` = '$username'";
  10. Sorry, in my tired state I misread something, you should ignore what I said before, haha. Are you getting any error messages or just observing the the data in the database?
  11. Try changing your query to UPDATE rather than SET.
  12. I'm too tired to write up the actual code but I'm sure you could do it with strlen() and substr() Actually, since you gave the vars at the bottom of your post. $characterlimit = 25; if(strlen($Thread['title']) > $characterlimit){ echo substr($Thread['title'], 0, $characterlimit) . '...'; }else{ echo $Thread['title']; }
  13. Code please! Could be something to do with variable scope or any other number of things.
  14. If it really boils down to personal preference I'd suggest simply trying them out or looking at http://kuler.adobe.com/ for some inspiration.
  15. Guidelines for what exactly? Also, this is a PHP forum not ASP, you may want to try posting elsewhere, perhaps even the HTML one. Or are you asking how to generate static HTML pages using PHP? Oh, and XSS is covered in a tutorial on this very site: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/php-security
  16. You might struggle getting someone to write code for you thus getting involved in something riddled with legal issues. However, I have no idea what stance people have on such issues around here. It seems like what you are trying to build is relatively simple though. In a nutshell you need to add entires to a database such as name, info, screenshot, location of file (or link?) and date added. Then you just need to pull them from the database and display them in an organised manner, according to your layout/styling. Standard gallery stuff really. If there was no legal issue I'm sure that many people would jump at the chance to work with you, perhaps even without incentive. Alas you may have to stick with advice/found scripts. Edit: I'd recommend you check out the phpcredo system that thewooleymammoth suggested, it might solve alot of problems for you, especially if you already has ideas/work for the layout.
  17. Yeah, the most obvious thing to me is hashing the password inside the query. Try using the PHP MD5 function and putting the result into your query. I am guessing that you used 2 queries to allow you to determine whether you typed the login or password incorrectly. There are probably better ways to do this, but I'm not sure which is the most efficient.
  18. I would second that. Also, make sure that anything to do with this is all in your boss' name, though you'd still be relying on him denying/not mentioning your involvement if it did go to court or whatever. Sketchy.
  19. I was once advised to use print_r($var) in a situation like this to see if it was a problem with my session vars.
  20. 1. Red is often associated with anger and aggressive behaviour. 2. Blue is often associated with clarity and purity. 3. Green is often associated with nature and growth. The first colours that came to me anyway.
  21. Yeah, it should be pretty straightforward to create a site that simply hosts/points-to files. Basically database output and searching, but if you need to set up a tracker you're gonna need some sort of dedicated server loaded with the tracker software I'd have thought. What's this rapidleech php script you speak of?
  22. I'd suggest posting the code you've tried then? Make sure you call session_start() near the beginning of your code as well. $_SESSION is a superglobal associative array, so as thorpe suggested, make sure it's in caps every time you call on it.
  23. I think you need to edit your post a bit.
  24. I noticed that in your code you have a large block of repetitive formatting. This can be eliminated and 'cleaned-up' using CSS, which is advantageous as you don't have to spend time copy/pasting too much, and it's easier to read/edit, besides being a more contemporary method. You've actually used a little CSS already which confuses me. Regardless, you might enjoy learning how to attach style sheets and simplify your future styling code
  25. Could it be something to do with the fact that it uses the HTTPS protocol?
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