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  1. I am trying to include this small mail script into a site I am building and am having trouble... I have it to where it will send the messages, and they are inserted into the table correctly, but I can not get it so the messages show up in the in box for each member. http://patch.ciilent-scape.com/mem_panel.php If you need to see any coding or get a temp log in for the member panel let me know. I really want to get this all figured out. Thank You Code for Mail.php <?php include("mytcg/settings.php"); include("$header"); $result1=MYSQL_QUERY("select * from `members`") or DIE ("cant do it"); $row100 = MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($result1); ?> | <a href="mail.php?action=compose">Compose</a> | <a href="mail.php?action=inbox">Inbox</a> | <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" height="300" width="450"> <tr><td align=center valign=top> <?PHP IF($action==compose) { ECHO "<form action=mail.php?action=compose2 method=post>"; ECHO "<table>"; ECHO "<tr><td>Subject:</td><td><input type=text name=subject size=20 value=$subject></td></tr>"; ECHO "<tr><td>To:</td><td><input type=text name=to size=20 value=$to></td></tr>"; ECHO "<tr><td>Message:</td><td><textarea rows=16 cols=45 name=message></textarea></td></tr>"; ECHO "<tr><td><button type=submit>Send Mail!</button></td></tr>"; ECHO "</table>"; ECHO "</form>"; } IF($action==compose2) { $subject or DIE("Subject Blank"); $message or DIE("Message Black"); $to or DIE("To blank"); $date = DATE(YmdHis); $create = "INSERT INTO mail (UserTo, UserFrom, Subject, Message, SentDate, status) VALUES ('$to','$name','$subject','$message','$date','unread')"; $create2 = MYSQL_QUERY($create) or DIE("A letter could not be sent to $to!"); ECHO("Message Sent to $to!"); } IF($action==inbox) { $result=MYSQL_QUERY("select * from mail where UserTo='$username' ORDER BY SentDate DESC") or DIE ("cant do it"); ECHO "<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=500 valign=top>"; WHILE ($row=MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($result)) { ECHO "<tr><td width=30>Mail:</td><td><a href=mail.php?action=veiw&mail_id=$row[mail_id]>$row[subject]</a></td><td width=50> <a href=mail.php?action=delete&id=$row[mail_id]><center>Delete</a><br></td></tr>"; } ECHO "</table>"; } IF($action==veiw) { $result=MYSQL_QUERY("select * from mail where UserTo='$name' and mail_id=$mail_id") or DIE ("cant do it"); $row=MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($result); IF($row[userTo]==$name) { } ELSE { ECHO "<font face=verdana><b>This isn't your mail!"; EXIT; } $query="UPDATE mail SET status='read' WHERE UserTo='$name' AND mail_id='$row[mail_id]'"; $query or DIE("An error occurred resulting that this message has not been marked read."); ECHO "<table border = 1 bordercolor = black width = 50% align=center><tr><td>$row[subject]</td><td>$row[userFrom]</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>$row[Message]<br><a href=mail.php?action=compose&to=$row[userFrom]&subject=RE:$row[subject]>Reply</a></td></tr></table>"; $rs = MYSQL_QUERY("UPDATE mail SET status='read' WHERE mail_id='$mail_id'"); } IF($action==delete) { $query = MYSQL_QUERY("DELETE FROM mail WHERE mail_id='$id' LIMIT 1"); IF($query) { ECHO "<font face=verdana>Message Deleted.</font>"; } ELSE { ECHO "The message wasnt deleted."; } } include($footer); ?>
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