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Everything posted by Tenaciousmug

  1. Okay the reason I'm doing it this way is because I work locally and then transfer them to the production site. For some reason, this isn't working even though when I view the page source, it has the right URL, but when it's clicked it goes to a blank page, but when I copy and paste, it goes to the right page. Anywho, this is what I'm trying: <?php $homeURL = 'localhost:90/Elvonica'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Elvonica</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $homeURL; ?>/template/css/skySpirit.css" /> I didn't plug in the rest to ignore it since it's not part of the problem. It's printing: localhost:90/Elvonica/template/css/skySpirit.css, but when it's clicked, goes to blank page. When it is copied and pasted, it goes to the right page. I have a feeling you can't include PHP inside a link rel or any sort of that header information. If anyone could please help me how to do this, I would appreciate it. FYI: I did have just template/css/skySpirit.css and it worked until I go into a another directory like forums/index.php. Then it tries to go localhost:90/Elvonica/forums/template/css/skySpirit.css and it's not in there obviously. Thank you for anything that you can offer! I know how to do the includes with the dirname(__FILE__).
  2. Ok I'm setting the error. I debugged my code and it's catching the phrase in the set_error() function. But it's returning NULL when I try to display it from the display_error() function. These functions are in the form class. I create a new instance of it on the register.php and I'm trying to grab the values. Here is my Form class (only showing the part you need to see): class Form { private $error; public function set_error($errmsg){ $this->error = $errmsg; return; } public function display_error() { $error = "<p style='color:red;'>".$this->error."</p>"; return $error; } } Then here is my register process: if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { if(isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['password2']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['email2']) && isset($_POST['dob']) && isset($_POST['gender']) && isset($_POST['security'])) { if ($user->register_user($_POST['name'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['password2'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['email2'], $_POST['dob'], $_POST['gender'], $_POST['security'])) { $message = "User has been registered successfully."; } else { $message = $form->display_error(); } } else { $message = "Please fill out all parts of the form!"; } } It display the $message just fine when I call isset($message), but it won't display it when I assign it the form->display_error() value because it returns NULL. Thank you!
  3. $query = "INSERT INTO custpackage1000( id, FirstName, LastName, Country, State, City, ZipCode, Address, PayPalEmail, PhoneNumber, PrimaryEmail, WebsiteURL) VALUES ( '1', '$fname', '$lname', '$country', '$state', '$city', '$zcode', '$address', '$ppemail', '$pnumber', '$cemail', '$url')"; There. You forgot the address! Also, do not insert the id manually. thats what the auto increment is for. so delete the id and the $id from the insert statement.
  4. even if i change it to generate_hash in both places, it still gives me the error message: The capitalization isn't what's going on. Because in both places I had generateHash. But it just converted it to lowercase. Now I have lowercase, still same error. Anyone?
  5. Ok this is my script so far: class User { function generateHash($password, &$saluti=null) { define('SALT_LENGTH', 15); $key = '!@#$%^&*()_+=-{}][;";/?<>.,'; if ($saluti=="") { $saluti = substr(hash('sha512', uniqid(rand(), true).$key.microtime()), 0, SALT_LENGTH); } else { $saluti = substr($saluti, 0, SALT_LENGTH); } return hash('sha512', $saluti . $key . $password); } function validate_user($username,$password) { $mysql = new Database(); $hashedPassword = generateHash($password,''); $ensure_credentials = $mysql->verify_username_and_password($username,$hashedPassword); if($ensure_credentials) { $_SESSION['auth'] == "yes"; header("Location: index.php"); } else return "That was not the correct username or password."; } } It gives me this error: Can anyone help me solve this?
  6. Ah it's still not working, but I did fix that. Which is where the result variable is. So it's not returning anything, but when I put that in the sql statement in the phpmyadmin, it gives me the result I want. Of course, I change the LIKE '%{$searchSoftware}%' to LIKE '%hatch%'. EDIT Nvm. I'm dumb. xD I spelled ORDER BY wrong. Thank you!!!!
  7. $sql = "SELECT softwareID,softwareName,softwareType,softwareDesc,softwarePath,ITOnly FROM software WHERE softwareName LIKE '%($searchSoftware)%' ORBER BY softwareName"; $result = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql) or die(mysqli_error()); There is something wrong with my LIKE statement because it's not pulling it since I'm either formatting it wrong or something. Can anyone catch it?
  8. I've looked up many tutorials and still can't find an answer. D: I see this getting pushed down really far and just wanted to move it back up so maybe someone can still help me? It's only echoing "software/". It's not echoing the file i uploaded, but I checked the "name" attribute in the form and the name it's pulling and they both are the same..
  9. Yeah you're right. It's only showing the target_path and not even the basename variable so it's obviously not grabbing it. Ok here is the HTML part for my file upload: <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" /> Software Upload:<br /> <input name="softwarepath" type="file" /><br /> And the PHP: $target_path = "software/"; $basename = strtolower(basename($_FILES['softwarepath']['name'])); $target_path = $target_path . $basename; echo $target_path; It won't echo the target_path though..
  10. Darn. I thought that would give me an error message, but it doesn't give me any error message in my error_log either. :/
  11. Anyone have any help on this? I can't seem to find anything on Google.
  12. Ok, I have this working on another page from a long time ago, but it's not working right here: It gets past the if($num == 0) part, but when it's seeing if the files has been uploaded, it's not getting past that and it won't give me my error message too. So I have a feeling it's getting past it, but it's not uploading it into the software/ directory and not inserting it into the database. I get no errors in my error_log or my default errors I have set up under the variable, $message. $target_path = "software/"; $basename = strtolower(basename($_FILES['softwarePath']['name'])); $target_path = $target_path . $basename; $sql = "SELECT softwarePath FROM software WHERE softwarePath='$target_path'"; $result = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql) or die(mysqli_error()); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); if($num == 0) { if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['softwarePath']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO software(softwareName,softwareType,softwareDesc,softwarePath,ITOnly) VALUES('$softwareName','$softwareType','$softwareDesc','$target_path','$ITOnly')"; mysqli_query($cxn,$sql) or die(mysqli_error()); header("Location: search_software.php"); } } else { $message = "There is already a file with that name."; }
  13. $(document).ready(function() { $(".alert").click(function() { { var id = $(this).attr("id"); alert(id); $(id).dialog(); return false; } }); }); Ok it's alerting the id AFTER it alerts an undefined.. so it alerts "undefined" and then "5" or whatever the number may be. What am I doing wrong?
  14. Nevermind, PHP changed their way of showing errors. I'm looking at the error_log file. I should have been doing this the whole time. I just didn't know they didn't display them right in the browser anymore. Thanks! I was adding an extra ")" onto the variables I was creating in the while loop.
  15. Oh wow... I can't believe I did that. I'm sorry. I never did that before. I'm so retarded. xD Here is my updated code: $sql = "SELECT alertID,alertName,alertMessage,activateSubj,activateBody,deactivateSubj,deactivateBody FROM alerts ORDER BY alertName"; $result = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql) or die(mysqli_error()); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $alertID = $row['alertID']; $alertName = stripcslashes($row['alertName']); $alertMessage = stripcslashes($row['alertMessage'])); $activateSubj = stripcslashes($row['activateSubj'])); $activateBody = stripcslashes($row['activateBody'])); $deactivateSubj = stripcslashes($row['deactivateSubj'])); $deactivateBody = stripcslashes($row['deactivateBody'])); echo "<div class=\"alert\" style=\"border:1px solid #000;border-radius:5px;padding:12px;\">"; echo $alertID."<br />"; echo $alertName."<br />"; echo $alertMessage."<br />"; echo $activateSubj."<br />"; echo $activateBody."<br />"; echo $deactivateSubj."<br />"; echo $deactivateBody."<br />"; echo "</div>"; } Still giving me a blank screen. I don't understand why no parse errors or anything will pop up like they usually do. It's giving me a rough time debugging my scripts. Anyway, the stripcslashes() are there because I had to strip the \ from when I escaped the string when inputting it into the database with real_escape_string().
  16. Ok, the sql seems to be working fine, but when I go into the while loop, it gives me an internal error 500 and doesn't load anything. It just shows me a blank white screen: $sql = "SELECT alertID,alertName,alertMessage,activateSubj,activateBody,deactivateSubj,deactivateBody FROM alerts ORDER BY alertName"; $result = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql) or die(mysqli_error()); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $alertID = $row['alertID']; $alertName = stripcslashes($row['alertName']); $alertMessage = stripcslashes($row['alertMessage'])); $activateSubj = stripcslashes($row['activateSubj'])); $activateBody = stripcslashes($row['activateBody'])); $deactivateSubj = stripcslashes($row['deactivateSubj'])); $deactivateBody = stripcslashes($row['deactivateBody'])); <div class="alert" style="border:1px solid #000;border-radius:5px;padding:12px;"> echo $alertID."<br />"; echo $alertName."<br />"; echo $alertMessage."<br />"; echo $activateSubj."<br />"; echo $activateBody."<br />"; echo $deactivateSubj."<br />"; echo $deactivateBody."<br />"; </div> }
  17. Ok I've been staring at this for the past 2 hours and I can't get it. I'm getting super frustrated. I'm trying to make a graphic go from image 1 to 2, then 1, then 0 and then back to 1 then 2, etc. So 1,2,1,0,1,2,1,0. I'm starting that process when they click a button called "Start Dancing".. It won't even start dancing at all when I click the button. I don't know what's not reading and what is... Here is my HTML: <p><img id="animation" src="fatcat1.gif" alt="Fat Cat Dancing" /></p> <form> <fieldset> <button type="button" name="run" onclick="startDancing();">Start Dancing</button> <button type="button" name="stop" onclick="clearInterval(begin);">Stop Dancing</button> </fieldset> </form> And here is my Javascript: /* <![CDATA[ */ var cats = new Array(3); var fatCat = 1; var begin; cats[0] = "fatcat0.gif"; cats[1] = "fatcat1.gif"; cats[2] = "fatcat2.gif"; function dance() { if (fatCat == 1){ ++fatCat; $("#animation").src = cats[fatCat]; } else if (fatCat == 2){ --fatCat; $("#animation").src = cats[fatCat]; --fatCat; } else if (fatCat == 0){ ++fatCat; } function startDancing() { if (begin){ clearInterval(begin); begin = setInterval("dance()",200); } } /* ]]> */ PLEASE help!
  18. Here is my code: $sql = mysqli_prepare($cxn,'SELECT userId, salty, password FROM members WHERE userName=?'); mysqli_stmt_bind_param($sql,'s',$userName); mysqli_stmt_execute($sql); mysqli_stmt_bind_result($sql,$userId,$salty,$pass); echo $userName; echo $userId; echo $salty; echo $pass; What is happening is when I plug that query into the phpmyadmin, it pulls the data perfectly. But when I put it in my script and do the bind_result() function, it is getting a 0 userId and null salty and pass.... It acts like it's not grabbing any data. Am I doing this wrong or is the order I'm doing it wrong? Thanks for the help!
  19. Those are parantheses. o.o And I know they mean something in PHP. That's why I'm using them 0.o I don't see your posts useful at all. They are just staying obvious things I already have. () - parantheses. {} - curly braces [] - brackets. Terminology helps when explaining something to people.
  20. xyph, what the heck are you talking about? I'm not using brackets.. o.o
  21. 39. if(isset($_POST['submit'])) 40. { 41. if(!(empty($name) && empty($username) && empty($password) && empty($password2) && empty($email) && empty($email2) && empty($gender) && empty($security) && empty($adminpw))) 42. { 43. if($password == $password2) 44. { 45. if($email == $email2) 46. { That is line 39 - 46. There is no error message. But whenever I submit the form WHILE leaving $name blank, it still goes through and inserts it into the database leaving it blank D: And then if I put line 41, like this: 41. if(!empty($name) && !empty($username) && !empty($password) && !empty($password2) && !empty($email) && !empty($email2) && !empty($gender) && !empty($security) && !empty($adminpw)) It won't go through AT ALL and says "You left a lot of fields blank (my own echo message)".
  22. But NOW, it's not posting the form at ALL. It keeps saying that error message over and over again. This is what I have: if(!empty($name) && !empty($username) && !empty($password) && !empty($password2) && !empty($email) && !empty($email2) && !empty($gender) && !empty($security) && !empty($adminpw))
  23. Ohh I gotcha nethnet! I understand where you're coming from. And xyph... you need to read my first post o.o
  24. This is the code I have: if(!empty($name)) || (!empty($username)) || (!empty($password)) || (!empty($password2)) || (!empty($email)) || (!empty($email2)) || (!empty($gender)) || (!empty($security)) || (!empty($adminpw)) I know it's wrong because it's giving me this error: But I searched everywhere on coding forums and guides and I can't... find the OR in an IF statement that works. I know it's that symbol, but I can't combine it with the !empty() function. Already tried this as well: if(!empty($name) || !empty($username) || !empty($password) || !empty($password2) || !empty($email) || !empty($email2) || !empty($gender) || !empty($security) || !empty($adminpw))
  25. Wowww never new about Firebug. Figured out my problem immediately! Thanks for that. But I also have another question. You know how I'm using the onclick? Well I literally have to CLICK the button for it to work. When I press enter, it actually leads to validation.php?password=whatever... How do I make it so that even if I hit enter or click the button, it will make it work properly and not lead to the .php url?
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