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  1. that is GREAT stuff man! I'm liking this place ALOT more than the other php forums. You guys are actually trying to point me in the right direction rather than telling me "This isn't the place to learn, go to google and read a tutorial" while tutorials are nice, if you don't know what you're looking for, there a bit useless, heh. so again, thanks so much everyone! i'll let ya know how it works out.
  2. makes sense.now ill know what to look for while sifting through all these tutorials. Thanks man...
  3. have a tricky one here (or what i think is a tricky one, anyways). Is there any way at all to send an sql query AFTER a user has successfully made a PayPal transaction. The reason I find this to be tricky, is because I don't want the query executed until the transaction is complete, so they don't just click on the paypal button without completing to receive unpaid for goods. And as I'm typing this, i think i just figured out how to, lol. Paypal has an option after a successful payment to go to a specified web page. So I guess now my question has changed to.... How would I go about writing a php page that is only accessible after a paypal transaction has been completed successfully? is there a bit of code that says the extent of (if this page wasn't opened via blah blah blah then don't allow access to this page)?
  4. omg i love you.... the db connect was at the top of the page, i just didn't copy that far up, just the lil piece that wasn't working. thank you so much i can't begin to tell you how awesome that makes you...
  5. see if this helps, maybe you can use by example... *NOTE* This is set up as a class.... <?php // start a PHP session - this class uses sessions to store the generated // code. Comment out if you are calling already from your application session_start(); // class defaults - change to effect globally define('CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID', 'php_captcha'); define('CAPTCHA_WIDTH', 200); // max 500 define('CAPTCHA_HEIGHT', 50); // max 200 define('CAPTCHA_NUM_CHARS', 4); define('CAPTCHA_NUM_LINES', 70); define('CAPTCHA_CHAR_SHADOW', false); define('CAPTCHA_OWNER_TEXT', ''); define('CAPTCHA_CHAR_SET', 'A-Z'); // defaults to A-Z define('CAPTCHA_CASE_INSENSITIVE', true); define('CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_IMAGES', ''); define('CAPTCHA_MIN_FONT_SIZE', 20); define('CAPTCHA_MAX_FONT_SIZE', 25); define('CAPTCHA_USE_COLOUR', false); define('CAPTCHA_FILE_TYPE', 'jpeg'); define('CAPTCHA_FLITE_PATH', '/usr/bin/flite'); define('CAPTCHA_AUDIO_PATH', '/tmp/'); // must be writeable by PHP process /************************ End Default Options **********************/ // don't edit below this line (unless you want to change the class!) class PhpCaptcha { var $oImage; var $aFonts; var $iWidth; var $iHeight; var $iNumChars; var $iNumLines; var $iSpacing; var $bCharShadow; var $sOwnerText; var $aCharSet; var $bCaseInsensitive; var $vBackgroundImages; var $iMinFontSize; var $iMaxFontSize; var $bUseColour; var $sFileType; var $sCode = ''; function PhpCaptcha( $aFonts, // array of TrueType fonts to use - specify full path $iWidth = CAPTCHA_WIDTH, // width of image $iHeight = CAPTCHA_HEIGHT // height of image ) { // get parameters $this->aFonts = $aFonts; $this->SetNumChars(CAPTCHA_NUM_CHARS); $this->SetNumLines(CAPTCHA_NUM_LINES); $this->DisplayShadow(CAPTCHA_CHAR_SHADOW); $this->SetOwnerText(CAPTCHA_OWNER_TEXT); $this->SetCharSet(CAPTCHA_CHAR_SET); $this->CaseInsensitive(CAPTCHA_CASE_INSENSITIVE); $this->SetBackgroundImages(CAPTCHA_BACKGROUND_IMAGES); $this->SetMinFontSize(CAPTCHA_MIN_FONT_SIZE); $this->SetMaxFontSize(CAPTCHA_MAX_FONT_SIZE); $this->UseColour(CAPTCHA_USE_COLOUR); $this->SetFileType(CAPTCHA_FILE_TYPE); $this->SetWidth($iWidth); $this->SetHeight($iHeight); } function CalculateSpacing() { $this->iSpacing = (int)($this->iWidth / $this->iNumChars); } function SetWidth($iWidth) { $this->iWidth = $iWidth; if ($this->iWidth > 500) $this->iWidth = 500; // to prevent perfomance impact $this->CalculateSpacing(); } function SetHeight($iHeight) { $this->iHeight = $iHeight; if ($this->iHeight > 200) $this->iHeight = 200; // to prevent performance impact } function SetNumChars($iNumChars) { $this->iNumChars = $iNumChars; $this->CalculateSpacing(); } function SetNumLines($iNumLines) { $this->iNumLines = $iNumLines; } function DisplayShadow($bCharShadow) { $this->bCharShadow = $bCharShadow; } function SetOwnerText($sOwnerText) { $this->sOwnerText = $sOwnerText; } function SetCharSet($vCharSet) { // check for input type if (is_array($vCharSet)) { $this->aCharSet = $vCharSet; } else { if ($vCharSet != '') { // split items on commas $aCharSet = explode(',', $vCharSet); // initialise array $this->aCharSet = array(); // loop through items foreach ($aCharSet as $sCurrentItem) { // a range should have 3 characters, otherwise is normal character if (strlen($sCurrentItem) == 3) { // split on range character $aRange = explode('-', $sCurrentItem); // check for valid range if (count($aRange) == 2 && $aRange[0] < $aRange[1]) { // create array of characters from range $aRange = range($aRange[0], $aRange[1]); // add to charset array $this->aCharSet = array_merge($this->aCharSet, $aRange); } } else { $this->aCharSet[] = $sCurrentItem; } } } } } function CaseInsensitive($bCaseInsensitive) { $this->bCaseInsensitive = $bCaseInsensitive; } function SetBackgroundImages($vBackgroundImages) { $this->vBackgroundImages = $vBackgroundImages; } function SetMinFontSize($iMinFontSize) { $this->iMinFontSize = $iMinFontSize; } function SetMaxFontSize($iMaxFontSize) { $this->iMaxFontSize = $iMaxFontSize; } function UseColour($bUseColour) { $this->bUseColour = $bUseColour; } function SetFileType($sFileType) { // check for valid file type if (in_array($sFileType, array('gif', 'png', 'jpeg'))) { $this->sFileType = $sFileType; } else { $this->sFileType = 'jpeg'; } } function DrawLines() { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iNumLines; $i++) { // allocate colour if ($this->bUseColour) { $iLineColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, rand(100, 250), rand(100, 250), rand(100, 250)); } else { $iRandColour = rand(100, 250); $iLineColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, $iRandColour, $iRandColour, $iRandColour); } // draw line imageline($this->oImage, rand(0, $this->iWidth), rand(0, $this->iHeight), rand(0, $this->iWidth), rand(0, $this->iHeight), $iLineColour); } } function DrawOwnerText() { // allocate owner text colour $iBlack = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, 0, 0, 0); // get height of selected font $iOwnerTextHeight = imagefontheight(2); // calculate overall height $iLineHeight = $this->iHeight - $iOwnerTextHeight - 4; // draw line above text to separate from CAPTCHA imageline($this->oImage, 0, $iLineHeight, $this->iWidth, $iLineHeight, $iBlack); // write owner text imagestring($this->oImage, 2, 3, $this->iHeight - $iOwnerTextHeight - 3, $this->sOwnerText, $iBlack); // reduce available height for drawing CAPTCHA $this->iHeight = $this->iHeight - $iOwnerTextHeight - 5; } function GenerateCode() { // reset code $this->sCode = ''; // loop through and generate the code letter by letter for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iNumChars; $i++) { if (count($this->aCharSet) > 0) { // select random character and add to code string $this->sCode .= $this->aCharSet[array_rand($this->aCharSet)]; } else { // select random character and add to code string $this->sCode .= chr(rand(65, 90)); } } // save code in session variable if ($this->bCaseInsensitive) { $_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID] = strtoupper($this->sCode); } else { $_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID] = $this->sCode; } } function DrawCharacters() { // loop through and write out selected number of characters for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->sCode); $i++) { // select random font $sCurrentFont = $this->aFonts[array_rand($this->aFonts)]; // select random colour if ($this->bUseColour) { $iTextColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100)); if ($this->bCharShadow) { // shadow colour $iShadowColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100)); } } else { $iRandColour = rand(0, 100); $iTextColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, $iRandColour, $iRandColour, $iRandColour); if ($this->bCharShadow) { // shadow colour $iRandColour = rand(0, 100); $iShadowColour = imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, $iRandColour, $iRandColour, $iRandColour); } } // select random font size $iFontSize = rand($this->iMinFontSize, $this->iMaxFontSize); // select random angle $iAngle = rand(-30, 30); // get dimensions of character in selected font and text size $aCharDetails = imageftbbox($iFontSize, $iAngle, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i], array()); // calculate character starting coordinates $iX = $this->iSpacing / 4 + $i * $this->iSpacing; $iCharHeight = $aCharDetails[2] - $aCharDetails[5]; $iY = $this->iHeight / 2 + $iCharHeight / 4; // write text to image imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iAngle, $iX, $iY, $iTextColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i], array()); if ($this->bCharShadow) { $iOffsetAngle = rand(-30, 30); $iRandOffsetX = rand(-5, 5); $iRandOffsetY = rand(-5, 5); imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iOffsetAngle, $iX + $iRandOffsetX, $iY + $iRandOffsetY, $iShadowColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i], array()); } } } function WriteFile($sFilename) { if ($sFilename == '') { // tell browser that data is jpeg header("Content-type: image/$this->sFileType"); } switch ($this->sFileType) { case 'gif': $sFilename != '' ? imagegif($this->oImage, $sFilename) : imagegif($this->oImage); break; case 'png': $sFilename != '' ? imagepng($this->oImage, $sFilename) : imagepng($this->oImage); break; default: $sFilename != '' ? imagejpeg($this->oImage, $sFilename) : imagejpeg($this->oImage); } } function Create($sFilename = '') { // check for required gd functions if (!function_exists('imagecreate') || !function_exists("image$this->sFileType") || ($this->vBackgroundImages != '' && !function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'))) { return false; } // get background image if specified and copy to CAPTCHA if (is_array($this->vBackgroundImages) || $this->vBackgroundImages != '') { // create new image $this->oImage = imagecreatetruecolor($this->iWidth, $this->iHeight); // create background image if (is_array($this->vBackgroundImages)) { $iRandImage = array_rand($this->vBackgroundImages); $oBackgroundImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->vBackgroundImages[$iRandImage]); } else { $oBackgroundImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->vBackgroundImages); } // copy background image imagecopy($this->oImage, $oBackgroundImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->iWidth, $this->iHeight); // free memory used to create background image imagedestroy($oBackgroundImage); } else { // create new image $this->oImage = imagecreate($this->iWidth, $this->iHeight); } // allocate white background colour imagecolorallocate($this->oImage, 255, 255, 255); // check for owner text if ($this->sOwnerText != '') { $this->DrawOwnerText(); } // check for background image before drawing lines if (!is_array($this->vBackgroundImages) && $this->vBackgroundImages == '') { $this->DrawLines(); } $this->GenerateCode(); $this->DrawCharacters(); // write out image to file or browser $this->WriteFile($sFilename); // free memory used in creating image imagedestroy($this->oImage); return true; } // call this method statically function Validate($sUserCode, $bCaseInsensitive = true) { if ($bCaseInsensitive) { $sUserCode = strtoupper($sUserCode); } if (!empty($_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID]) && $sUserCode == $_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID]) { // clear to prevent re-use unset($_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID]); return true; } return false; } } // this class will only work correctly if a visual CAPTCHA has been created first using PhpCaptcha class AudioPhpCaptcha { var $sFlitePath; var $sAudioPath; var $sCode; function AudioPhpCaptcha( $sFlitePath = CAPTCHA_FLITE_PATH, // path to flite binary $sAudioPath = CAPTCHA_AUDIO_PATH // the location to temporarily store the generated audio CAPTCHA ) { $this->SetFlitePath($sFlitePath); $this->SetAudioPath($sAudioPath); // retrieve code if already set by previous instance of visual PhpCaptcha if (isset($_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID])) { $this->sCode = $_SESSION[CAPTCHA_SESSION_ID]; } } function SetFlitePath($sFlitePath) { $this->sFlitePath = $sFlitePath; } function SetAudioPath($sAudioPath) { $this->sAudioPath = $sAudioPath; } function Mask($sText) { $iLength = strlen($sText); // loop through characters in code and format $sFormattedText = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $iLength; $i++) { // comma separate all but first and last characters if ($i > 0 && $i < $iLength - 1) { $sFormattedText .= ', '; } elseif ($i == $iLength - 1) { // precede last character with "and" $sFormattedText .= ' and '; } $sFormattedText .= $sText[$i]; } $aPhrases = array( "The %1\$s characters are as follows: %2\$s", "%2\$s, are the %1\$s letters", "Here are the %1\$s characters: %2\$s", "%1\$s characters are: %2\$s", "%1\$s letters: %2\$s" ); $iPhrase = array_rand($aPhrases); return sprintf($aPhrases[$iPhrase], $iLength, $sFormattedText); } function Create() { $sText = $this->Mask($this->sCode); $sFile = md5($this->sCode.time()); // create file with flite shell_exec("$this->sFlitePath -t \"$sText\" -o $this->sAudioPath$sFile.wav"); // set headers header('Content-type: audio/x-wav'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$sFile.wav"); // output to browser echo file_get_contents("$this->sAudioPath$sFile.wav"); // delete temporary file @unlink("$this->sAudioPath$sFile.wav"); } } // example sub class class PhpCaptchaColour extends PhpCaptcha { function PhpCaptchaColour($aFonts, $iWidth = CAPTCHA_WIDTH, $iHeight = CAPTCHA_HEIGHT) { // call parent constructor parent::PhpCaptcha($aFonts, $iWidth, $iHeight); // set options $this->UseColour(true); } } ?>
  6. hey everyone. i tried getting help at another forum, but was kinda run off because i'm still learning. so i'm going to try this one and see how it goes... I'm working on a website and i'm trying to do something, but don't know if it can be done. I want my users to accumulate points based on referring new users. I've set up the register.php page to record the usual name, password, email address and have added a "reference" option for users to enter an email address of the user that referred them. everything records to the user database correctly. now here's to my question. I've added another "numeric" column called "reference_points". Is there any code i could use that when a new user is registering, the "reference" column does a search against the "email" column and adds 1 point to the "reference_points" column for the user who's "email" matched the "reference" that the new user entered, and also gave an error message(which isn't nearly as important) if the email address put as a reference didn't exist? Is this making any since? I've been using php for a long time, but never custom code, always altering templates to fit my needs. So i've learned just enough to be dangerous, as they say. if it helps at all, here's the link to the register page: http://www.gamerz-haven.net/register.php <form name="frm_cadastro" id="frm_cadastro" method="post" action="register.php"> <tr> <td width="42%" height="30" align="right"> <strong><?php echo LG_LOGIN;?>:</strong></td> <td width="58%" valign="top"> <input name="name" type="text" class="inputs" id="name" style="width:120px;" maxlength="45" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="right"> <strong><?php echo LG_PASSWORD;?>:</strong></td> <td valign="top"> <input name="password2" type="password" class="inputs" id="password2" style="width:100px;" maxlength="65"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="right"> <strong><?php echo LG_PASSWORD_CONFIRM;?>:</strong></td> <td valign="top"> <input name="password" type="password" class="inputs" id="password" style="width:100px;" maxlength="65"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="right"><strong><?php echo LG_EMAIL;?>:</strong></td> <td height="30"> <input name="email" id="email" type="text" class="inputs" style="width:100px;" maxlength="65" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="right"><strong><?php echo LG_REFERENCE;?>:</strong></td> <td height="30"> <input name="reference" id="reference" type="text" class="inputs" style="width:100px;" maxlength="65" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" align="right"><strong><?php echo LG_CAPTCHA;?>:</strong></td> <td height="30"> <input name="user_code" id="user_code" type="text" class="inputs" style="width:80px;" maxlength="5" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td > </td> <td><img src="img_captcha.php" width="200" height="60" alt="" style="border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 2px;" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td > </td> <td><input type="image" src="_images/bt_enviar.gif" width="46" height="14" border="0"></td> </tr> </form> </table> <?php @mysql_select_db(MYSQL_BASE_LS) or die( "Unable to select database"); mysql_query($query); $reference=$_POST['reference']; $query = "UPDATE TABLE SET reference_points=reference_points+1 WHERE email=$reference"; $result=mysql_query($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { // okay } else { // no such email } ?> i have tried this sql thing every which way anyone can possibly image except the right way. The only thing in the form that really matters is the reference and email portion, the rest of the code was already programmed and works like it's supposed to. i can't seem to get the WHERE email= part to post in the right spot. i have the column on the sql table as text, have also tried numeric and decimal. any help at all would be most appreciated
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