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Everything posted by Dragosvr92

  1. hi thorpe, i meant what kicken said. kicken, you are right. there are databases, but they arent free, i thought a php functioon may be able to do that. nevermind.
  2. Hello, Does anyone know how may i detect the Connection type by user IP? Broadband etc.
  3. Yes, but if they are Hungarian, they should use a Hungarian Based Web browser. And not English. Im Romanian and use all Programs i install In British English.
  4. hmmm.. If the person that visits your site is for example from Romania and prefers to have his browser in English, better leave it like that. English is the Internet language anyways.
  5. Okay, i have figured out how to move the logo a bit on left to fit my div better. I have done it by using this: ins #aswift_0_anchor{ position:static!important; } And changed the width and height from the line that Haku gave. Fits alot better now. That thing is produced by the Google Code. Thats whats sortof confusing me. I cant add CSS on the div to controll the Banner.... What i still dont know, is how could i make the Div cover the banner, so it wont extend outside the page, if the reasolution is under 1152x864
  6. @Frank, I can arrange the logo to show properly, but that if i control the iframe, and add properties, in what the Google Code outputs (iframe etc)... I agree that a course in HTML/CSS would be useful to me, as i'd learn new things.
  7. What? I know where my theme is located at. :o What i dont know, is on what to add CSS to affect the Banner area. What HTML Element do i apply CSS on? Haku, my main post tells what my issue is.
  8. I dont know how/where to add CSS on there to affect the Google Logo, as its having its own CSS propertys set by itself already.
  9. I assure you that i do know CSS, HTML pretty well. Some PHP also, but i am stuck on how to mess with the Google Stuff. You sort of insult me with the tut
  10. Well i have added width: 650px; and looks right in 1024. But theres too much empty space on higher resolutions. Cant i just make it to auto set its width so that it will not leave the #wrap{} ? Another question.. The Google banner is a bit too on right.. And it leaves a small empty space btw the logo and the "table" of "Google Ads". Any ideas how to move it ?
  11. http://www.rising-dead.com/forums/ Thats the page with the issue.
  12. Well, is anyone willing to help with this ?
  13. Hello, The Google Ads banner from my site header gets outside of the main body and makes the page look all messy on computers under 1152x864. Could anyone please tell me what could i do to override the extra part of the banner by the wrap id ? Thank You. EDIT: The site with the issue is in my profile.
  14. Damn im stupid, i added the img tag over the container for nothing Thank You ! I got it working. I'll get back to you if im stuck anywhere, thanks again for your time.
  15. Well this wont work: <img class="container"> <img src="pixel.png" id="BigBanner" onClick="location.href='test1.html';"></img> <img src="pixel.png" id="LinkE" onclick="location.href='test2.html';" title="Link on placed banner"></img> <img src="pixel.png" id="ContactL" onclick="location.href='test3.html';" title="Contact"></img> </img> Cant put <img> tags in another :-\
  16. I meant the outline property. What you said helps Another thing....... is it possible to use the <img> tag and a 1x1 pixel image, over the background, instead of a div? I appreciate all your help
  17. Thanks alot again! my last question would be if theres a way to add the dotted border that usually appears on the <a> element, when keeping the click pushed. If you dont know how, thats fine. Thank you very much again for your help.
  18. Thank You very much teynon ! But there is a small issue. All the links from the divs go to the main id, BigBanner. i cant add links on the other 2 buttons :-\
  19. No one replyed :'( I can figure it out how to arrange the little icons. But i dont know how to make the 468x60 image to be the main body. So that what i put in it, wont get outside it. <style> <!-- #BigBanner{ background-color:green; width:468; height:60; cursor:pointer; } #Small{ background-color:red; width:16; height:16; position:absolute; right:690px; bottom:600px; } #Small:hover{ border-style:solid; border-color:#98bf21; } --> </style> <div id="BigBanner" onclick="location.href='{U_INDEX}';"> <div id="Small" onclick="location.href='{U_INDEX}';"></div></div>
  20. I have just made this messy code ....... How may i make the small icon to stay ONLY Inside the main image? <style> <!-- #BigBanner{ background-color:green; width:468; height:60; } #Small{ background-color:red; width:16; height:16; position:absolute; right:690px; bottom:600px; } --> </style> <a href="http://TEST.COM"> <div id="BigBanner"> <a href="http://TEST.COM"><div id="Small"></div></a> </div> </a>
  21. Ok, i understanded that. but how do i set the position? it is absolute etc.... but it has to be absolute somewhere..... bottom, top etc. And, should i use them all as backgrounds?
  22. Ok, so i have a .... In the bottom right of a 468x60 image, I would like to add two small images about 16x16, each with a link on it. It would be nice to have the 468x60 image as a background. Does anyone have any idea how to do that? I have no clue on how to do it myself...
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