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Everything posted by DaveNZ

  1. Hey everyone, someone pointed out to me I should add ? + d.getTime() to the file name of the ajax request, and they were correct, works in IE and Opera now.
  2. Added the missing semicolon from the 7th to last line, no difference (just adding that in case someone notices its missing in the posted code, I ran out of time to edit it)
  3. Hi, I have made a script for live updates from a file using Ajax, only problem is in IE, it does not update after the first loop through the 2 functions, and in Opera there is a successful ajax update very occasionally. Works well in FF, Safari and Chrome The page is for my weather website for the local area and is at http://howick.localweatherview.com/newlive.php The realtime file is at http://howick.localweatherview.com/realtime.txt Maybe something is wrong with my variable types. I couldn't figure it out on the first go. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Code below ( Notes: I have used <body onload="startUpdates()"> to begin the updates. rawdata=data[0] returns a date such as "07/12/10" and time=data[1] returns something like "23:25:45" function startUpdates(mstime) { var startdate = (new Date(2010,11,07,23,18,15,0)).getTime(); var wait=10000; var tp = 480000; // time out period - how long should data update for. e.g. 300000 = 300 seconds. if (mstime==null) { mstime=startdate; wait=0; } if (parseInt(mstime,10) - startdate < tp) { setTimeout("updateData()",wait); } else { var z = document.getElementById('timeout'); z.innerHTML="<span id=\"message\">Updates paused - reload the page to start live updates again</span><br />"; } } function updateData() { var params=["date","time","temp","hum","dew","wspeed","wgust","wnow","htemp","ltemp","rrate","rain","baro","avdir","hrrain","hspeed","hgust","hbaro","lbaro"]; var n=params.length; var count=0; var dataspans=[], index, i, j, m, xmlhttp, data, mstime, element; var tempunit="°C", windunit="km/h", rainunit="mm", barounit="hPa"; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { data=xmlhttp.responseText.split(" "); var rawdate=data[0]; var monthnames=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; var date=parseInt(rawdate.substring(0,2),10)+" "+monthnames[-1+parseInt(rawdate.substring(3,5),10)]+" 20"+parseInt(rawdate.substring(6,,10); var time=data[1], temp=data[2]+" "+tempunit, hum=data[3]+"%", dew=data[4]+" "+tempunit; var wspeed=data[5]+" "+windunit, wgust=data[40]+" "+windunit, wnow=data[6]+" "+windunit, htemp=data[26]+" "+tempunit, ltemp=data[28]+" "+tempunit; var rrate=data[8]+" "+rainunit+"/hr", rain=data[9]+" "+rainunit, baro=data[10]+" "+barounit, avdir=data[51], hrrain=data[47]+" "+rainunit; var hspeed=data[30]+" "+windunit, hgust=data[32]+" "+windunit, hbaro=data[34]+" "+barounit, lbaro=data[36]+" "+barounit; // get milliseconds date var ty="20"+rawdate.substring(6); var tmo=parseInt(rawdate.substring(3,5),10)-1; var td=rawdate.substring(0,2); var th=time.substring(0,2); var tmi=time.substring(3,5); var ts=time.substring(6); mstime=(new Date(ty,tmo,td,th,tmi,ts,0)).getTime(); element=document.getElementById('timeout'); element.setAttribute("name",mstime); // only way I could think to be able to access mstime from a different function!! var spanarray=document.getElementsByTagName('span'); var num=spanarray.length; for (i=0;i<num;i++) { x=spanarray[i]; if (x.getAttribute('class')=="ajax") { for (j=0;j<n;j++) { if (params[j]==x.getAttribute('id')) { var s=params[j]; if (x.innerHTML!=eval(s)) { dataspans[count]=i; count=count+1; x.innerHTML=eval(s); x.style.color="#0025d9"; } } } } } var k=dataspans.length; setTimeout(function() { for (m=0;m<k;m++) { index=dataspans[m]; spanarray[index].style.color="#00058c"; } },1500); } } xmlhttp.open("GET","realtime.txt",true); xmlhttp.send(); var ms=document.getElementById('timeout').getAttribute('name'); startUpdates(ms); }
  4. Actually I figured out another way, preload a loading image into the document and display that first when the changeImage function is called, then load the new images
  5. Hi, I have been writing a script to reload images without reloading the page. At the moment, while the images are loading the inner HTML of a span tag changes to "Loading" and then setTimeout is used to empty the span again 4 seconds later. However on a slow connection the images can take longer than 4 seconds to load, so the "Loading" phrase disappears before the images have actually loaded. Preferably I would like "Loading" to disappear after all the images have loaded. Is there some way to detect this?
  6. Hi, I'm trying to select a field in the last row in my database and compare it to another value in an if statement, but I can't get it to work. I have $yesterday=date("d M Y", time()-86400); $lastRowQuery = "SELECT Date FROM DailyWxData ORDER BY Day DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $lastRowResult = mysql_query($lastRowQuery,$link); if ($lastRowResult != $yesterday) { $output = "yesterday's data is not in the database"; } else { $output = "yesterday is in the database"; } After this code is executed I get $output = "yesterday's data is not in the database"; The value $yesterday has taken is "27 Aug 2010" The last row of the database has "27 Aug 2010" in the Date field Also note that Day is like an auto number field (ie first row has value 1, 250th row has value 250) Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong here?
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