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Everything posted by phpworker

  1. Hi can we use print_r ($cartContent[0]['ct_id']); and what are all other codes to display it.. thanks karthika
  2. Hi In the following code,at the 21st line, the code to print the value of the variable $cartContent is: print_r ($cartContent); function getCartContent() { $cartContent = array(); $sid = session_id(); $sql = "SELECT ct_id, ct.pd_id, ct_qty, pd_name, pd_price, pd_thumbnail, pd.cat_id FROM tbl_cart ct, tbl_product pd, tbl_category cat WHERE ct_session_id = '$sid' AND ct.pd_id = pd.pd_id AND cat.cat_id = pd.cat_id"; $result = dbQuery($sql); while ($row = dbFetchAssoc($result)) { if ($row['pd_thumbnail']) { $row['pd_thumbnail'] = WEB_ROOT . 'images/product/' . $row['pd_thumbnail']; } else { $row['pd_thumbnail'] = WEB_ROOT . 'images/no-image-small.png'; } $cartContent[] = $row; } print_r ($cartContent); return $cartContent; } I get the output at runtime as, When i want to see only the ct_id key and its value which is 120,ignoring all other keys and values. what is the code for it.. thanks phpworker
  3. hi i am new to phpreaks and want a clarification Before posting my topic ,i saw three options at the right top of the table as -New topic,Notify,Mark Read. What is use of notify and mark read option.How to do that.. I want to book mark or record the answer by your side for my posting questions..How can i do that..? thanks karthika
  4. Hi if (isset($_GET['p']) && (int)$_GET['p'] > 0) { $pdId = (int)$_GET['p']; $sql = "SELECT pd_name FROM tbl_product WHERE pd_id = $pdId"; $result = dbQuery($sql); $row = dbFetchAssoc($result); $pageTitle = $row['pd_name']; } In the above coding,what is the code for seeing the output of the variable $sql,$result,$row at runtime of the application.. Is it echo $result or print ($result) or any other...? thanks phpworker
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