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Everything posted by bh

  1. Hi, Theres a lots of same topic as yours in 'PHP Coding Help', look around. ---- unix timestamp - unix timestamp $time = $time2 - $time1; echo date('Y-m-d', $time);
  2. Hi, Is there an error message cuz thats ok theres an error... anyway try sg like this: $html_txt = $html_xml->item(0)->nodeValue;
  3. if (isset($_GET['page'])) { switch ($_GET['page']) { case 'index': { echo 'index'; } break; case 'blah': { echo 'blah'; } break; default: { echo 'no page'; } break; } }
  4. Hi, ids in joke table: 0, 0 ids in author table : 1, 2, 3, 4 theres no matches.
  5. DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column = x;
  6. bh

    VARCHAR error.

    Hi, after 'NOT NULL' you dont need the comma (only a space) track_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, -> track_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  7. example then store what you echos... and the next echo check whether you did echo that line...
  8. Sg like this? $my_var = 'abc efg[quote="text"]message[/quote]hij klm'; echo preg_replace('/(.*)\[quote.*\\quote\](.*)/', '$1 $2', $my_var);
  9. Put the results into a php array...
  10. http://php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php <?php $to = 'nobody@example.com'; $subject = 'the subject'; $message = 'hello'; $headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); ?>
  11. Try with MAX function. [off]think its a sql question[/off]
  12. Hi, Try this: $a = '/'.$firstcol[$i].'(.+?)'.$secondcol[$i].'/';
  13. Hi, use the preg_replace function
  14. Hi, Post your table structure.
  15. example with substr function substr($string, 1);
  16. Group By
  17. Hi, Try something like this: $new_array = array(); foreach ($parts as $value) { $new_key = explode(' ', $value); $new_value = explode(' ', $value, 2); $new_array[$new_key[0]]= $new_value[1]; }
  18. okey, and then? post your php code. probably your fetch mode is not what you like... and user 'AS' like that: SELECT ic.id AS ID,ic.name AS NAME,ic.carrieraddress AS CARRIERADDRESS... and so on
  19. Where did you define $database variable?
  20. Is there any error message?
  21. Wheres the 'deleted' column from your structure?
  22. The problem is in your main sql file in the 42. line! Table structure or sg? Or we guess the error?
  23. Perhaps your utf-8 coding is utf8 with bom! If it is (you can see it with a clever editor or netbeans...) try to convert it to utf8 without bom.
  24. Hi, array_diff(2ndarray, mainarray)
  25. Its utf-8 content. Is your php file in utf-8? And the site and your xml file is utf-8 you sure?
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