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  1. I have found a solution! I have added a field in my database "urlname", and every article has its unique url name The links now refer to view.php?name=blabla And I just have to rewrite it ! Thanks anyway
  2. Hello everyone! I'm new here and I hope you'll help me find a solution to my problem! I have written a blog in php, and all my articles are identified with their id number. So if anyone wants to see a particular article, he clicks on a link that opens mysite.fr/view.php?nArticle=9 for example. I'd like to rewrite it so that it is prettier, but i don't want to have mysite.fr/view/9 because I don't want the user to see the number at all. I have seen that wordpress blogs write in their url the title of each article. So that's my question : can I make a request to my database, get the article title, and rewrite the url so that it is mysite.fr/name_of_the_article ? I have searched the web and this forum but haven't found... Everyone talks about .htaccess files but I thinks that in order to question my DB I have to write it in the view.php file... Thanks in advance !
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