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  1. Hi These days I have trouble displaying RSS tabular information on a php page. The problem is I can't seem to sort out this RSS information. Moreover, I need to get Total for 'bestBuy'. I'm out of my field with php, can anybody give me a hand, or a program for processing/converting RSS into php? My aim is to display public information about rates. <?php $list_code = array(); function round2d($valor) { $float_redondeado=round($valor * 100) / 100; return $float_redondeado; } function read_code() { $content = file_get_contents("http://www.bse-sofia.bg/shared/real/security.php"); $x = new SimpleXmlElement($content); global $list_code; foreach($x->item as $entry) { $list_code[strval($entry->isin)] = strval($entry->code); } } function search_code($isin){ global $list_code; return $list_code[$isin]; } function read_values($nombre_archivo){ $archiv_XML = file_get_contents ($nombre_archivo); if (empty($archiv_XML)) die("The xml file can not be found"); preg_match_all("|<item>(.*)</item>|sU", $archiv_XML, $items); $list_node = array(); foreach ($items[1] as $key => $item) { preg_match("|<bse:isin>(.*)</bse:isin>|s", $item, $isin); preg_match("|<bse:lastPrice>(.*)</bse:lastPrice>|s", $item, $lastPrice); preg_match("|<bse:chgPrice>(.*)</bse:chgPrice>|s", $item, $chgPrice); preg_match("|<bse:bay>(.*)</bse:bay>|s", $item, $bestBuy); preg_match("|<bse:sell>(.*)</bse:sell>|s", $item, $bestSell); preg_match("|<bse:numShares>(.*)</bse:numShares>|s", $item, $numShares); preg_match("|<bse:avgPrice>(.*)</bse:avgPrice>|s", $item, $avgPrice); $list_node[$key]['isin'] = $isin[1]; $list_node[$key]['lastPrice'] = $lastPrice[1]; $list_node[$key]['chgPrice'] = $chgPrice[1]; $list_node[$key]['bestBuy'] = $bestBuy[1]; $list_node[$key]['bestSell'] = $bestSell[1]; $list_node[$key]['numShares'] = $numShares[1]; $list_node[$key]['avgPrice'] = $avgPrice[1]; } read_code(); echo '<table>'; echo '<tbody>'; $result = count($list_node); for ($i = 0; $i < $result; $i++) { $isin = $list_node[$i]['isin']; echo '<tr><td><b>' . search_code($isin) . '</b></td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . round2d($list_node[$i]['lastPrice']) . '</td>'; if (round2d($list_node[$i]['chgPrice'])<0) { echo '<td align="right"><font color="#e10000">' . round2d($list_node[$i]['chgPrice']) . '</font></td>'; }else{ echo '<td align="right"><font color="#507517">' . round2d($list_node[$i]['chgPrice']) . '</font></td>'; } echo '<td align="right">' . round2d($list_node[$i]['numShares']) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' .$a= round(($list_node[$i]['avgPrice'])*($list_node[$i]['numShares']) ) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . round2d($list_node[$i]['bestBuy']) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . round2d($list_node[$i]['bestSell']) . '</td>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="7"><div style="border-bottom: 1px dashed rgb(197, 197, 197); padding: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> </div></td></tr>'; } echo '</tbody> </table>'; $archiv_XML = "http://rss.bse-sofia.bg/?page=ShortBulletin"; } read_values("http://rss.bse-sofia.bg/?page=ShortBulletin"); ?>
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