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Everything posted by ladyath

  1. Thank you for the response, but how would I have all 5 criteria? Would it use a switch or an if statement? I am a bit lost on how to approach it.
  2. Not sure if anyone can help me with something like this. I am looking for a php script that can give me the following: Webpage with a dropdown listing the numbers 1 to 5. Depending on what number is chosen, to execute a script to give me a set of results. The results would be drawn from 5 tables. In the tables there would be an item listed with a category flag of red, blue, green or yellow. For example: If the rating is 2: * display 4 random results from table 1 where the category is red * display 2 random result from table 2 where the category is red * 20% chance to display a result from the blue category in table 1 or two. If the rating is 3: * display 5 random results from table 1 where the category is red * display 3 random result from table 2 where the category is red * display 1 random result from table 3 where the category is red * 20% chance to display a result from the blue category in table 1 or two * 5% chance to display a result from the green category in table 1 or two How can this be done? Sorry, but my knowledge on PHP is dismal at best
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