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Everything posted by 345dfg

  1. Not sure if this is the right forum section to post this. If not, accept my apologies and mods please move it where it should (hopefully not the trash ). I want to have a .php app developed that clones a Wordpress blog and then can import everything in another Wordpress blog (which will be on another domain and probably a different server altogether). I know that Wordpress has an export/import function, but that covers just the posts etc. I also want to be able to clone the theme, any media uploads (like banner images), existing plugins etc. The whole shebang. Do you have any idea as to what would be the best approach for such an app? I'm clueless with php myself so I have no idea what's possible. For example: 1) should this be a Wordpress plugin? 2) should this be a php app that is uploaded on "server 1" and it could "magically" migrate files from "server 2" to "server 3"? 3) Would that app require any of the servers to have cpanel installed? I'm looking for the simplest, most intuitive and straightforward path possible. I would be grateful for any feedback. Thanks is advance...
  2. Thanks for being so patient. The actual name of my form is "signup", so I replaced all instances of "form" in the code you provided with "signup." I tried but my form just worked as normally (it redirected the entire page to the thank-you page). Here's the original form code (includes some javascript for validation): <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function checkSub(){ if (document.signup.email.value.indexOf('@', 0) == -1) { alert("Please fill in your valid Email address.\nYour email should be in the following format: email@address.com") document.signup.email.focus() return false} }</script> <form action="http://someautoresponderservice/optin.php" method="post" name="signup" id="signup" onSubmit="return checkSub()"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="addlead" /> <input type="hidden" name="member" value="1234" /> <input type="hidden" name="auto" value="3456" /> <input type="hidden" name="thankyou" value="http://www.mysite.com/thanks" /> <input type="hidden" name="resubsetting" value="Y" /> <input type="hidden" name="resubredirect" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="invalid_redirect" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="fname" value="Friend" /> <input type="text" name="email" class="input"> <input type="submit" value="Cound Me In!" /> </form> Note that I have to use the code above as is - it was created by the autoresponder service I use. Not sure if the form code as well as your code should be "merged" in any way (probably a dumb thing to say). Thanks again - I appreciate your help :-) George
  3. Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm not really experienced with this type of stuff. Where do I put this code? And is that all? Do I have to also enclose it within <script type="text/javascript"></script> and put it in the head tag? Is "#form" the name of the form? Thanks again for taking the time to reply. George
  4. Hi guys, I have an autoresponder form on my website and I would like to use AJAX so that the page doesn't refresh when the visitor submits his email address. Instead, I would like a message to appear where the form used to be. The form itself would need to disappear after submission, since it did it's part (*Not* show a thank-you message while still leaving the form there). I must have been searching for 4 hours online now and don't seem to be able to find a simple solution for this. Could somebody perhaps point me in the right direction - or maybe to a newbie-friendly tutorial I have missed? I already have the autoresponder code, of course - which includes form validation with javascript. I just don't know how to make the AJAX aspect of it work. I would appreciate any help with this. Thanks in advance, George
  5. Thanks for the responses everybody - I appreciate it. George
  6. Hi guys, Sorry if this isn't the right section of the forum, but I need some help and didn't know where else to post this... I sometimes hire PHP programmers. Most of them look great initially (respond fast, are courteous, say all the right things etc) - only to be disappointed later because their work was sub par (non-scalable or "spaghetti" code). My problem is that I don't know PHP so I can't really test their abilities first hand (while I could understand that a writer isn't a good one if he said "O hai deer sir h0w r u?"). Are there any super-quick tests that would allow me to test a PHP programmer's competence over Instant Messenger? Code that would take them less than 1 min to write but would be really "telling" of their abilities. I would really appreciate your help with this. Thanks, George
  7. Thanks for the responses everybody. Much appreciated. George
  8. Hi guys, I happen to be clueless about PHP. I want to create a section on my website that rotates content (like a slideshow). It should be able to rotate any type of html content (images and text). An example of a site that does something similar is: http://www.fordgt.org. However, I'm NOT looking for javascript code. If possible, I should be able to set the amount of seconds each html area appears. People who visit the website use both IE and Firefox. I have searched online with queries like php rotator, php content rotator, php slideshow etc but I haven't been able to find something that looks easy enough to implement. Could someone point me in the right direction, please? Thanks, George
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