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Everything posted by jwilson122

  1. hmm :/
  2. Well, see I'm trying to get HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR and those types of HTTP's from the website using the file_get_contents().. :/ Cant do that no way possible?
  3. Thats what I thought.. What about getting HTTP details?
  4. Okay, so I know how to get an IP address using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], however, I need to get an IP a little different. How would I get the IP of the visitor on a remote site loading MY site using file_get_contents()? It just returns that remote websites server IP... :/ Thanks!
  5. Yeah i know. But, how do I get vars like.. $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'] || $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT_VIA'] from my customers website visitor?
  6. Okay, so I'm trying to make a service to detect proxies. Heres what I need to know.. This is how I have it set up: 1. I have a file on mysite.com/check.php 2. My clients create a page to load my check.php file on THEIR website using file_get_contents(); Like: file_get_contents("http://mysite.com/check.php?ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']"); 3. My system checks for a proxy using HTTP vars, how would I get them?? Like.. if I echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; out on the page on MY end, it will echo the servers IP to check is using step #2 with file_get_contents(); Can anyone please help me? I am willing to pay a little, if needed :/ Thanks in advance!
  7. jwilson122


    Hey, so which framework would you recommend me using? Which do you use? Should I make my own MVC instead of using something premade? Edit: oh and I've never used a framework before in my life
  8. Thanks guys!
  9. Hey, I have a question about doing a % in PHP.. So say a user in my database has a cash amount of $20.00. Their referrer is going to get 20% of that. How would I calculate that in PHP?
  10. Its posting it fine.. The array is posting out: => [countries] and it is inside the form, and I have it wrapped with a if isset statement. I've done it before, worked fine. Not exactly sure why its not working.
  11. Hey, I'm having a issue with using a listbox.. Am I doing something wrong?? Heres my HTML: <select style="height:100px;width:250px;" name="countries[]" multiple> <option value="US">United States</option> <option value="UK">United Kingdom</option> <option value="CA">Canada</option> <option value="AU">Australia</option> </select> and my PHP: $countries = $_POST['countries']; $countries = implode(' | ', $countries); I'm trying to set it up so I can insert the data as: US | UK | CA. But, when I submit the form, I get these errors: Thanks in advance!
  12. Opps. Thought I did
  13. Nvm I found mysql_stat() Uptime: 4384 Threads: 1 Questions: 1105 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 36 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 28 Queries per second avg: 0.252
  14. Hey, I was wondering.. Is there any php functions or any way I can get some information from MySQL? I want to be able to echo out the uptime for MySQL, and some other things.. I've seen it done before so I know its possible lol.
  15. lolz true
  16. yeah, I have a $Auth class set up and @ LAWL. That's true Some people have too much time on their hands lmao
  17. ditto... that explain and close the topic Mhm lol
  18. Yep. Just remember, this isn't even PART of securing a login system Lol. You can take precautions on the login.php page for them to actually login, or register / database etc. But things people dont think about a lot is.. session hijacking. I've taken about a week to actually write a really secure login system and it is nearly impossible to session hijack
  19. mikosiko, I said it before the fact I didn't know that there was a " ' " missing before $state. I've had times where when I used the "`" around things, it fixes a lot of my problems. Pikachu2000, you owned me there lolz. I gotta admit Dunno what I was rly thinking lol. I just know its helped fix a lot of issues I've had in the past.
  20. Sorta first one lol.. I'm making a login script now using my framework base, I'll post some of the code here in a little bit after I'm done to maybe help you out
  21. why? :'( here. Just add a " ' " right below the $state variable. That's all that's wrong. Give credit to Maq for saying that tho LOL. I didn't see it myself. Also, sometimes if you wrap your fields in the "`" such as.. (`id`,`username`) etc it will prevent it from messing with MySQL. Such as, if you have a field called "desc", it will not work, because MySQL has something called that already. BUT if you wrap it like this: "`desc`" it would work Also @ Maq, I know its a MySQL question too. Thing is, someone needs PHP knowledge to fix the problem lol. Not just SQL.
  22. He has a question about PHP and MySQL. No need to move the thread. There are tons of these kinds of questions. He is trying to insert data into a MySQL database.. So its basically both PHP and MySQL. As for your question bob2006, Try replacing: mysql_query("INSERT INTO user (id,username,email,last,address1,address2,City,State,Postcode,Country,Phone) VALUES (NULL,'$frist','$mail','$lastname','$add1','$add2','$city',$state','$post','$country','$number')")or die(mysql_error()); with mysql_query("INSERT INTO user (`id`,username,email,last,address1,address2,City,State,Postcode,Country,Phone) VALUES ('','$frist','$mail','$lastname','$add1','$add2','$city','$state','$post','$country','$number')")or die(mysql_error()); I'm not sure if that will work or not, but let me know
  23. ah k cool. So question. How would you do errors? I usually just echo then out, create a var like.. $errors = true; under the echo'd message, then do.. if ($errors == false) create user.. yada yada. But I'm sure there are easier better ways..
  24. So you mean create a function for everything pretty much? lol like.. validate_username(), validate_email() etc?
  25. hmm k Well, I know php fairly well now.. I use a class like $db->q("yada yada"); etc. But, my main struggle is the security in fields. Such as, sanitizing user input :/ I know how to do like.. if ($_POST['username'] == '') or (empty($_POST['username'])) and I'd make sure that username doesn't already exist.. But its like.. all the things together looks messy to me :/
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