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Everything posted by techker

  1. so it's just this part?i modified it but still.. <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM Brand"; $Brand = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Brand)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[brand_id]\" " . ($Brand_N == $row["Brand_id"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[brand_N]</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php if($Brand_N!= null && is_numeric($Brand_N)) { ?> <select name="Product" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value="Product">Product</option> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE Brand_id = $Brand_N "; $Products = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Products)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[Product_id]\" " . ($Product_N == $row["Product_N"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[Products_N]</option>"); } ?>
  2. hey guys i can't seem to get my second list box to work? the first one is good it shows the brands but the second one does not show at all? i have 2 DB Brands and others products so in brands i have id and name .. second i have product_id-product_Nand Brand this is my query(select the brand then it list the products that are associated with the brand) <?php $Brand_N = $Product_N = null; //declare vars $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "2", "2"); $db = mysql_select_db('2',$conn); if(isset($_POST["Brand_N"]) && is_numeric($_POST["Brand_N"])) { $Brand_N = $_POST["Brand_N"]; } if(isset($_POST["Product_N"]) && is_numeric($_POST["Product_N"])) { $Product_N = $_POST["Product_N"]; } ?> <script language="JavaScript"> function autoSubmit() { var formObject = document.forms['theForm']; formObject.submit(); } </script> <form name="theForm" method="post"> <select name="brand" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value="Brand">Brand</option> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM Brand"; $Brand = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Brand)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[brand_id]\" " . ($Brand_N == $row["Brand_N"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[brand_N]</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php if($Brand_N!= null && is_numeric($Brand_N)) { ?> <select name="Product" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value="Product">Product</option> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE Brand = $Brand_N "; $Products = mysql_query($sql,$conn); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Products)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[Product_id]\" " . ($Product_N == $row["Product_N"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[Products_N]</option>"); } ?> </select> </form> <?php } ?>
  3. ok that looks like what i need. whats IsValidated BOOL and the echo would be what? $q3=SELECT s.FirstName, s.LastName, CASE ss.IsValidated WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Validated FROM Student s JOIN StudentSick ss ON s.StudentID = ss.StudentID WHERE ss.SickDay >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 48 HOUR); $res3 = mysql_query($q3); $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res3); <?php echo $row3['Validated'] ?>
  4. table is not done yet..figuring out what would be the best way to do this. student DB Sick DB 2 diffrent Db for shure.
  5. Sorry.. So every time a student calls in sick they put it in the filling and it needs to be valid whiten the 48h fallowing the log.. So basicly i set up a script for al students.then i have a table called sick ID-student id-date called-valid. so buy default the valide is no when it is validated they press validated.so it goes to yes.
  6. Hey guys im making a script for a school and i need to check the database for non validated absences in the last 48hours? would it be something like SELECT * FROM YOUR_TABLE t WHERE t.datetime_column < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 48 HOUR) how do i add in colum validated if it says no?(yes when validated)
  7. Hey guys the Linux help section is the only place i can't post??
  8. So it will execute the query's one afthere the other?can this cause an overflow or something ??
  9. hey guys i made scripts that update's a cart database.. but i have 1 page that updates the qty then it refreshes to go to page 2 that updates the price 1 then refresh to go to page 3... is it possible to combine all the queries in one page? like 1 execute this query first the execute query 2 .... exaple of my query's $sql2 = "UPDATE xcart_products p LEFT JOIN TbItemInventory pp ON p.productid = pp.XcartID SET p.avail = pp.QuantityOnHand WHERE p.productid = pp.XcartID"; $retval = mysql_query( $sql2 ); if(! $retval ) { die('Could not update data: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "All QTY Updated successfully"; echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=2;url=3.php>"; this will go to the second page that will update my prices..
  10. so i guess not ah..lol
  11. ?? i need it to generate its self..like now cause there is like 40 cars..and every week it changes... it needs to be in php..
  12. im sorry im dunce..i don't get it... what idid is make a table but the image in background the inserted on the area i needed(pic and car info) so when you click on the car you get the window sticker to print.. but when i printed it it showed as a super small image on the printed paper... so i made the image to the size of (A4 code DPI) but it is to big to open in Dreamweaver and insert the code...
  13. ya but if i resize it i wont be able to print it??
  14. anybody?????? like this http://www.autoplusnet.com/Graphics/NewarkLandRover_DEMO_562_QR.jpg
  15. Hey guys i made a window sticker for my body's car dealer ship.. but the ting is the image i to big..like a paper size 8.5 x 11... so i can't load it in dream weaver to ad the code... is there a way to get the info from the database(select car id) and insert it on that ?? lol cause i didn't think of the image to print..so i made the window sticker and loaded it with the code..all goo but when it came to print..ha it printed a small image in the center of the page...
  16. Hey guys i made a car catalog for my body and i made a window paper to put in the windows of the cars.. so when i select the car i press window print and i see a page with the pic of the paper and all the cars info in it.that part was great until a printed it..lol small little square ... so when back to PS and made a new one paper size 219 x 296 mm but now it is way to big to view it on the web..is there a way to insert all the info in it and printing it out ? cause now if i load the pic in a table in Dreamweaver it is way to big for the page so i can't place the code on it to view the info of the car..
  17. techker

    while loop

    well i have a table called link in it i have link_ID linked _IMG and Link so i have 4 pre determed images the querry quets the link table so img 1 in database it is img1 image 2 is img2... (need link in DB)<a href="<?php echo $link('linked_IMG'== 'img1');?>">(image)<img src="tmp/1_180x100_v2.gif" alt="" width="180" height="100" /> </a> <a href="<?php echo $link('linked_IMG'== 'img2');?>">(image)<img src="tmp/1_180x100_v2.gif" alt="" width="180" height="100" />....
  18. techker

    while loop

    Hey guys i have a blog with images on the side.im doing a script that i can change the images and links to.. i cant seem to figure out how to echo link to image1.. echo (linked_image(table row)'== 'img1') echo (linked_image(table row)'== 'img2') echo (linked_image(table row)'== 'img3').... <? $recent_req2 = "SELECT * FROM $table_m LIMIT 4 , 4"; $res2 = mysql_query($recent_req2); do {?> <div> <a href="<?php echo $link('linked_image'== 'img1');?>"><img src="tmp/1_180x100_v2.gif" alt="" width="180" height="100" /></a> <a href="<?php echo $link['img2']; ?>"><img src="tmp/2_180x100_v2.gif" alt="" width="180" height="100" /></a> <a href="<?php echo $link['img3']; ?>"><img src="tmp/3_180x100_v3.gif" alt="" width="180" height="100" /></a> <a href="<?php echo $link['img4']; ?>"><img src="tmp/4_180x100_v5.gif" alt="" width="180" height="100" /></a> </div> <? } while ($link = mysql_fetch_array($res2)); ?>
  19. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>CAR LOAN APPLICATION </title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css-form.css" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- input:focus, textarea:focus{ background-color: lightyellow; } --> </style> <style type="text/css" media="all"> @import "css/global.css"; body { background-color: #FFF; } </style> <style> div { background:#def3ca; margin:3px; width:80px; display:none; float:left; text-align:center; } </style> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.4.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jtip.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="add2.php"> <p>ONLINE APPLICATION:</p> <ol> <li> <label for="name">Last Name</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_L_NAME" id="PERS_L_NAME" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">First Name</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_F_NAME" id="PERS_F_NAME" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Date of Birth</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_DATE_BIRTH" id="PERS_DATE_BIRTH" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Social Sec.Num.</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_SSN" id="PERS_SSN" /><span class="formInfo"><a href="ajax.htm?width=375" class="jTip" id="one" name="Why SSN:">?</a></span> </li> <li> <label for="name">Drivers License</label> <input name="PERS_DRIVERS_L" type="text" id="PERS_DRIVERS_L" size="50" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Address</label> <input name="PERS_ADD" type="text" id="PERS_ADD" size="50" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">City</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_CITY" id="PERS_CITY" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Postal Code</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_CODE" id="PERS_CODE" /> </li> <li><u>Previous information ,if less the 2 years:</u></li> <li><button id="showr">CLICK HERE</button> <button id="hidr">Hide</button> <div>Address<input name="PERS_ADD_2" type="text"></div> <div>City<input name="PERS_CITY_2" type="text"></div> <div>Postal Code<input name="PERS_CODE_2" type="text"></div></li> <script> $("#showr").click(function () { $("div:eq(0)").show("fast", function () { /* use callee so don't have to name the function */ $(this).next("div").show("fast", arguments.callee); }); }); $("#hidr").click(function () { $("div").hide(2000); }); </script> <li></li> <li> <label for="name">Home #</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_NUMBER" id="PERS_NUMBER" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Cell #</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_CELL" id="PERS_CELL" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Fax #</label> <input type="text" name="PERS_FAX" id="PERS_FAX" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Employer</label> <input type="text" name="EMPL_E" id="EMPL_E" value="Present" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Empl.Add</label> <input name="EMPL_ADD" type="text" id="EMPL_ADD" size="50" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Empl.City</label> <input type="text" name="EMPL_CITY" id="EMPL_CITY" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Empl.Postal C.</label> <input type="text" name="EMPL_CODE" id="EMPL_CODE" /> </li> <li> <label for="name">Empl. 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  20. the click function is confusing the submit vise versa,... when i click on view it shows for 2 seconds but refreshes to another page like my submit..
  21. its in a form you know when you fill out a for and it says use this address for shipping if not click heer and there is another form that appears to fill in.. thas what i need..
  22. its all good but there is a on button funstion so it gets confused with my form submit..
  23. so what would i be looking for?
  24. Hey guys i have a form that clients fill out for a credit application.. in my address section i have address and if less then 2 years previous address.. but it takes alot of space for a rare usage.. i would like to make like a check box if less then 2 years and it would open on check the added fields for address... i was looking up accodion ..seen ajax and JQ.... what would be the best?
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