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Everything posted by deymer

  1. at first i was trying to collect random emails from random websites using a search engine like crawler, but i'm probably going to use it to hide emails from unregistered users on a forum i moderate
  2. I'm trying to make a script that will search the source code of a given url and strip every email address that pops up. I already have a script that will crawl around, jumping from webpage to webpage... i just need to figure out how to strip the contents... any suggestions?
  3. I never learned how to update, I've always used the delete and add method. It's wired in the past. How do you use update, example please
  4. i have a with my script I made a basic messaging service for my website. I have a form with a textarea as an input variable. It inserts the textarea value to a database using a php script upon form submission. The SQL field is set as longtext so the user can insert a large text string. There's a few things i need to do to perfect it. I need to make it so the user can only insert text characters, so not to allow script manipulation; and I need to figure out why it's deleting my intro message when changing the `read` field from `unread` to `read`. The `messages` SQL table is separated into 6 fields: to, from, message, read, subject, and number. when the user reads a message, i have a php script that reads as follows: <?php include("include/session.php"); function curPageName() { return substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],"/")+1); } $pagename = curPageName(); $replaced2 = eregi_replace("message", "", $pagename); $number = eregi_replace(".php", "", $replaced2); mysql_select_db("******_starcraft") or die(mysql_error()) ; $query = " SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE number='$number' "; $result = mysql_query($query); $info = mysql_fetch_array ( $result ); $to = $info['to']; $from = $info['from']; $subject = $info['subject']; $message = $info['message']; $read = $info['read']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM `messages` WHERE `number`='$number'") ; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `messages` VALUES ('$to', '$from', '$message', 'read', '$subject', '$number')") ; ?> Now, after trouble shooting, i found that the problem is occuring when it tries to insert the $message string into the third field of the `messages` table. I find this strange because when you send the message to this user using the "compose message" script, the input variable is inserted into the database table without a stitch. Is there something i'm missing? i feel like it's on the tip of my tounge... thanks in advance, -dan
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