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Everything posted by daxguy

  1. umm ill try finding that
  2. umm.. wer should i use this? str_replace() with?
  3. i have written a script using touch() function for creating new pages.. but the url's appear are not search engine frendly i want the urls to appear like this everyspace filled with - oder than a space because the space makes the url display as http://localhost/gl/uploads/movies/2010/08/The%20Hangman%202010%20Hindi%20Movie%20Watch%20Online/The%20Hangman%202010%20Hindi%20Movie%20Watch%20Online.php I want it to appear this way http://www.onlinewatchmovies.net/hindi/vroom-2010-hindi-movie-watch-online.html any suggestion how can i do this?
  4. i have a text box, the no of text boxes that are displayed are random depending upon the condition of the loop.. hosting[] takes up many no of values <input type='text' name='hosting[]' size='2' /> when the form is submitted i use the following code to access the content of hosting[] $link_no = $_POST['hosting']; $total_actual_links = null; foreach($link_no as $total_link) { $total_actual_links[] = $total_link; } now i get the results in $total_actual_links[].. i want to pass the value of this array into the value of another text box of other form which i get on submission of the 1st form.. i do not knw how shud i do this.. please help
  5. i dont know hot to check the server log.. i did try the code u mentioned for error display error_reporting(E_ALL); //over ride error reporting in php.ini ini_set("display_errors", 1); //print errors to screen. but nothing happened it is still giving the same message as be4.. i have uploaded the error msg image in my previous post! can anyone help?
  6. i am still getting the same error message am attaching a screenshot of the error wen i try to access the newly created and used the following code as u said to copy the contents $template = file_get_contents("news_template.php"); $new = "news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php"; file_put_contents($new,$template); here the screen shot [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. I am trying from several hours to sort and issue but i donno what the problem.. this is the following code i am using mkdir("news_upload/$year/$month/$day",0777); touch("news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php"); chmod("news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php",0777); $template = "news_template.php"; $new = "news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php"; copy($template,$new); I have created the directories and given the permission the made a new empty file.. i added permissions to the new made file.. but it didnt apply as i check it.. (PROBLEM) then i have a template designed with the name news_template.php wanted to copy this template to the new created file.. the file gets created.. but the new file is not copying the template file on itself.. have i done anything rong??? help please?
  8. can i add the file permisson to the touch as well? like touch("news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php",0777, true); ???
  9. i tried adding file permission to the folder on which the directories and the files were being created.. and it worked 1ce and i dunno wats up with it.. it aint working again the code is $title = $_POST['title']; if(is_dir("news_upload")) { if(is_dir("news_upload/$year")) { if(is_dir("news_upload/$year/$month")) { if(is_dir("news_upload/$year/$month/$day")) { touch("news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php"); } else { mkdir("news_upload/$year/$month/$day"); touch("news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php"); } } else { mkdir("news_upload/$year/$month"); mkdir("news_upload/$year/$month/$day"); touch("news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php"); } } else { mkdir("news_upload/$year"); mkdir("news_upload/$year/$month"); mkdir("news_upload/$year/$month/$day"); touch("news_upload/$year/$month/$day/$title.php"); } }
  10. I have written a piece of code that create a directories, files on the server using mkdir and touch and also inserts the form data into the table.. the code gets executed and the info gets stored in the database but the part which has the create directories. and files dont work as it doesnt create the directory and files on the server.. do i need to make changes to the php.ini file to enable the mkdir and touch feature to get enabled? as i said the code executes without any error.. I dont know wat to do.. please any help would be appreciated!! thanku
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