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Everything posted by mcdade

  1. is there anyway with php to run a script to see weather the browser supported flash or not, and if it does/does not support flash to redirect it to to different urls ? thanks for any advice in advance
  2. i do apologise bit new to this whole thing, but thanks alot for having a quick look through. after inserting [print_r($_POST); exit;] and running the script I got "Array()" after the next step i got Debug: email m.mcdade@hotmail.co.uk, subject Results from Contact form, text Results from form: i think i did what was asked ? as to the problem, you guessed right. im receiving an email, just no content . not sure if it would help to look at the form in its html state www.mock.thetaxirank.co.uk sorry and thanks for anyone's time.
  3. if anyone out there fancy's helping the needy please can you cast your eyes over my mess! and possibly help me find my way out of this maze? So im useing a third party form, and a third party php script.......... cant get them to work together . form script : <form action="phpquote.php" method="post" id="reserve-form"> <div class="box"> <div class="left-top-corner"> <div class="right-top-corner"> <div class="border-top"></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-left"> <div class="border-right"> <div class="xcontent"> <h5>Get an online quote for your journey</h5> <p>please fill in all fields for your quote.</p> <fieldset> <div class="field"> <label>Customer Information</label> <input type="text" id="name" value="Name" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='Name'}" onfocus="if(this.value=='Name'){this.value=''}" /> </div> <div> <input type="text" id="number" value="Phone" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='Phone'}" onfocus="if(this.value=='Phone'){this.value=''}" /> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="style1"> <div class="field"> <label>Travel Date/ Time</label> <select id="year"> <option>2010</option> <option>2011</option> </select> <select class="sel-1" id="month"> <option>Jan</option> <option>Feb</option> <option>Mar</option> <option>Apr</option> <option>May</option> <option>Jun</option> <option>Jul</option> <option>Aug</option> <option>Oct</option> <option>Sep</option> <option>Nov</option> <option>Dec</option> </select> <select class="sel-2" id="date"> <option>1</option> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option> <option>4</option> <option>5</option> <option>6</option> <option>7</option> <option>7</option> <option>8</option> <option>9</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> <option>13</option> <option>14</option> <option>15</option> <option>16</option> <option>17</option> <option>18</option> <option>19</option> <option>20</option> <option>21</option> <option>22</option> <option>23</option> <option>24</option> <option>25</option> <option>26</option> <option>27</option> <option>28</option> <option>29</option> <option>30</option> <option>31</option> </select> </div> <div class="field"> <select class="sel-2" id="time"> <option>00</option> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> <option>13</option> <option>14</option> <option>15</option> <option>16</option> <option>17</option> <option>18</option> <option>19</option> <option>20</option> <option>21</option> <option>22</option> <option>23</option></select> <select class="sel-2" id="time"> <option>00</option> <option>15</option> <option>30</option> <option>45</option> </select> </div> <div class="field"> <label>No. Passangers</label> <select id="year"> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> </select> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="style2"> <div class="field"> <label>Pickup Information</label> <input type="text" id="where" value="Pickup Address" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='Pickup Address'}" onfocus="if(this.value=='Pickup Address'){this.value=''}" /> </div> <div> <select id="where"> <option>or Airport</option> <option>Stansted</option> <option>Gatwick</option> <option>Heathrow</option> <option>Luton</option> </select> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="style2 style3"> <div class="field"> <label>Drop-off Information</label> <input type="text" id="to" value="Drop-off Address" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='Drop-off Address'}" onfocus="if(this.value=='Drop-off Address'){this.value=''}" /> </div> <div> <select id="to"> <option>or Airport</option> <option>Stansted</option> <option>Gatwick</option> <option>Heathrow</option> <option>Luton</option> </select> </div> </fieldset> </div> </div> </div> <div class="left-bot-corner"> <div class="right-bot-corner"> <div class="border-bot"><a href="#" class="link2" onclick="document.getElementById('reserve-form').submit()"><em><b>Get Quote</b></em></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </form> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- php script //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php //--------------------------Set these paramaters-------------------------- // Subject of email sent to you. $subject = 'Results from Contact form'; // Your email address. This is where the form information will be sent. $emailadd = 'm.mcdade@hotmail.co.uk'; // Where to redirect after form is processed. $url = 'http://www.mock.thetaxirank.co.uk/thankyou.html'; // Makes all fields required. If set to '1' no field can not be empty. If set to '0' any or all fields can be empty. $req = '0'; // --------------------------Do not edit below this line-------------------------- $text = "Results from form:\n\n"; $space = ' '; $line = ' '; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($req == '1') { if ($value == '') {echo "$key is empty";die;} } $j = strlen($key); if ($j >= 20) {echo "Name of form element $key cannot be longer than 20 characters";die;} $j = 20 - $j; for ($i = 1; $i <= $j; $i++) {$space .= ' ';} $value = str_replace('\n', "$line", $value); $conc = "{$key}:$space{$value}$line"; $text .= $conc; $space = ' '; } mail($emailadd, $subject, $text, 'From: '.$emailadd.''); echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL='.$url.'">'; ?> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- any advice will be appreciated..... thanks in advance to any kind souls !!! [attachment deleted by admin]
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