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Everything posted by cnl83

  1. Im getting a Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/apex/scormsource-www/classes/access_user/evaluation1submit.php on line 61 Does anyone see anything wrong with this code? The variables are passed over through a form. [code] <?php $toAddress="chad@actionfx.net"; $recipientSubject="EVALUATION 1 FOR CME"; /* grabs the POST variables and puts them into variables that we can use */ $one=$_POST['one']; $two=$_POST['two']; $three=$_POST['three']; $four=$_POST['four']; $five=$_POST['five']; $six=$_POST['six']; $seven=$_POST['seven']; $eight=$_POST['eight']; $nine=$_POST['nine']; $ten=$_POST['ten']; $eleven=$_POST['eleven']; //---------VALIDATION-------->     if($one){//----> CHECK input         }         else{             $error.="Please, go back and select a value<br>\n";//----> ERROR if no input             } //GENERALLY YOU WOULD HAVE A LONG LIST OF THE ABOVE CODE, but EXCELLENT IS DEFAULT! //-------->ERROR FREE?? //The below line has to echo, because php tries to parse the shit     if($error==""){ echo "<script language=\"javascript\">document.location.href=\"authenticated.php\"</script>"; //---------------------------------- $mailContent="--------CONTACT--------\n"             ."Objectives: Stated learning objectives met.: ".$one."\n"             ."Identify heart anatomy, muscle, chambers and vessels.: ".$two."\n"             ."Describe heart physiology, including conduction pathways.: ".$three."\n"             ."Differentiate waveform basics and their relationship to anatomy and physiology.: ".$four."\n"             ."Demonstrate paper basics and heart rate determination.: ".$five."\n"             ."Content : Relevant, valuable and adequate.: ".$six."\n"             ."Presentation: Engaging, interactive, conducive to learning.: ".$seven."\n"             ."Overall quality of this program.: ".$eight."\n"             ."Practice:  Validates, incorporates change in practice.: ".$nine."\n"             ."Effectiveness:  Met my personal objectives.    : ".$ten."\n\n--------ADDRESS/INFO--------\n"             ."Other Comments: ".$eleven."\n";              //The following is for a receipt //mail($email, $subject, $receiptMessage,"From:$toAddress"); //---------------------------------- mail($toAddress,$recipientSubject,$mailContent,"From:$toAddress"); //--->echo $mailContent; ?> [/code]
  2. Anyone jack with scorm? I cannot figure how the LMS pulls the data. Say if my score field is named SCORM, how it tells the LMS the the actual score field is name $SCORE. SCORM is the crappiest system in programming yet!
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