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Everything posted by ultraPHPnoob

  1. Are these PHP functions? fp fput inject_code phpAds_remoteInfo phpAds_XmlRpc phpAds_xmlrpcDecode phpAds_xmlrpcEncode suexec xmlrpc_entity_decode leak listen source I found them on the internet, but they're not in the PHP manual.
  2. Hi, When you use the "disable_function =" in PHP.ini, can you use a space between the comma separations? Like this: disable_function = function1, function2, function3, +++ Or do you need to edit it like this: disable_function = function1,function2,function3, +++ ?
  3. Are you sure about that? Because I can download like hundreds of downloads simultaneously in Firefox.
  4. That sounded like a good idea! But I would need some help to setup something like that though. I'm not sure what you're talking about here on a technical level.
  5. Hi, thanks for answering! Yeah, this is a LAMP server.
  6. I don't know if this is the right sub forum, but here's the question anyway: When you run a PHP board that's based on a PHP session ID for each user, is it possible to edit the php.ini or any other file to restrict the amount of simultaneous downloads for each user/session? I can see in PHP.ini that there are restrictions for uploads, but NOT downloads. I'm running a board with lots of attachments on it, and the users are taking too much bandwidth these days. And my PHP board doesn't support any download restrictions either. There's no plugins for this, so I was hoping for some guidance here. I thank you all in advance for any help!
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