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Everything posted by darkcarnival

  1. yea i can do that: [code]while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($board_query)){ $board_id .= $row['id']; $board_name .= $row['Board']; $board_description .= $row['Description']; } $board_vars = array($board_id, $board_name, $board_description);[/code]
  2. hi, I have 3 variables that are comming from a loop, when i output this, it slams the items in one shot. for example: id-name 1-test 2-help 3-foo would output as testhelpfoo 123 how do i kill off this pattern? thanks
  3. nevermind, i figured it out.
  4. hello, I am working on a bulletin board program and I am trying to add a sub-board feature to it. now its hard when i have to make the template file use only one file so it isnt so hard. now i set everything up but i get this error: [quote]Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')'[/quote] now I have two pieces of code to present. here is the output code. [code] $category_vars = index_category(); $board_vars = index_board($category_vars['CATEGORY_ID']); $page = new template($template_path ."/board-index.htm"); $page->replace_tags(array(   "BORDER" => "$border",   "TABLE1" => "$table1",   "TABLE2" => "$table2",   "CAT_NAME" => "$category_vars[CATEGORY_NAME]",   "LANG-BOARD" => "$index[boards]",   "LANG-TOPIC" => "$index[topics]",   "LANG-POST" => "$index[posts]",   "LANG-LASTPOSTDATE" => "$index[lastposteddate]"   "POST-ICON" => "$board_vars['BOARD_ICON']",   "ID" => "$board_vars[BOARD_ID]",   "BOARD" => "$board_vars[BOARD_NAME]",   "DESCRIPTION" => "$board_vars[BOARD_DESCRIPTION]",   "TOPIC-COUNT" => "$board_vars[BOARD_TOPICCOUNT]",   "POST-COUNT" => "$board_vars[BOARD_POSTCOUNT]",   "MODERATOR" => "$board_vars[BOARD_GROUP]",   "SUBBOARD" => "$board_vars[BOARD_SUBBOARDS]",   "DATE" => "$board_vars[BOARD_LASTUPDATE]",   "LAST-POST" => "$board_vars[BOARD_POSTLINK]")); $page->output();[/code] now the functions basically just perform the loop actions. and then output them in an array, since some are long-ended, i'll just diaply ther arrays. [code]$category_vars .= array( "CATEGORY_NAME" => "$row[Name]", "CATEGORY_ID" => "$row[id]");[/code] [code]$board_vars .= array( "BOARD_ID" => "$row[id]", "BOARD_ICON" => "$icon", "BOARD_NAME" => "$row[Name]", "BOARD_DESCRIPTION" => "$row[Description]", "BOARD_LASTUPDATE" => "$board_date", "BOARD_POSTLINK" => "$last_post_link", "BOARD_TOPICCOUNT" => "$topic_num", "BOARD_POSTCOUNT" => "$post_num", "BOARD_GROUP" => "$board_moderator", "BOARD_SUBBOARDS" => "$subboard_vars");[/code] [code]$subboard_vars .= array( "SUBBOARD_NAME" => "$row[Name]", "SUBBOARD_ID" => "$row[id]");[/code] I really hope someone can help me as I am stuck on this. also please try to keep in mind im trying to get this to work on 1 template file for ease(plus its mess the last way i did it) if you need anymore information, please let me know. thanks :)
  5. ok i got it working. first disply_errors was off. turned it on and found my session path was incorrect. fixed it now ebverything is working just fine :) thank you for your help man :)
  6. no the issue is with the design. for some reason the formatting is all screwed up but it is still working just fine :? if you wish to see a screenshot of this, please let me know.
  7. well to update i got php to work, i forgot to remove something from the cgi setup i was during for php 5.1.5 but phpmyadmin is still acting up, i have mysql 4.1.21 and mysqli enabled so i dont know whats wrong.
  8. im using apache 2.0.x and php 5.2.0 automatically configed apache for me. when it did it, it used a module to setup php on apache, though im never had success with that for some reason. now i still had the cgi method setup on there too from the last time and i removed that but still it doesnt work. and yes i am using <? ?> and enabled the short_tag item.
  9. to update: php is not 100% not working but for some reason some things arent working at all. like when i try to do phpinfo, i get a blank screen, some of my scripts act like php doesnt exist. now i know my scripts can run on this version as it does very well on a host im on. if you need any further detail let me know.
  10. hi, just upgraded to 5.2.0 and last night I was working on getting all my extension to work ,which i managed to do and then i shut-off my machine for the night. now php isnt working :o not sure whats wrong, as i followed everything the install said and I didnt edit anything too much. now just a thought, when i uninstalled the previous version(5.1.5) some of the files were still there, could that be my problem? thanks.
  11. yes thats what im asking for. looking at the php manual, it doesnt give much on how to use it, any ideas on how to use it for the purpose i want it for?
  12. hi, im working on a project and the thing I want to do is add support for DST(daylight saving time) I know vb uses this and a few othres do too but how do you actually detect dst? thanks :)
  13. thats a notice error. it's just an non-error error, meaning it wont kill off your program but it will annoy you to death. I believe there is a way to disable it in your script but i'll have to do some more on that before i do anything more.
  14. for the form values i'd use $_POST instead of $_GET. also session_start should always be first. it would also help us if you posted what errors you get and maybe even a demo so we can see it for ourselves.
  15. i'd recommend you use a database-driven site only if you have alot of content and you wish to make changes easier. i have a site that has close to 400 pages so i had to do it in order to keep it simple on changing design and such. but if you ony have a couple of pages, its not worth it in the amount of bandwidth it sucks up in the process.
  16. hi, for a program of mine, I wish to use this WYSIWYG editor i found, but the editor will output html, and I rather use bbcode for this. so my question is, is there a way to convert html to bbcode? if so is this the same way of looking for bbcode? this may sounds dumb but I havent tried it so im wondering if its possible. thanks.
  17. ok thank you guys for the pointers, I'll try it out later tonight.
  18. hi, I'm interested in using the md5_file function as a way to check for a new verison of a script of mine. currently i have a variable setup that i check but thats too much hassle when i have to update it for bug releases. this md5_file function looks like something that would easier for me to check, if im wrong let me know. now i checked on the php official site, but they dont give much detail on it so I'm hoping someone here knows a bit more about the workings of that function. much thanks :)
  19. well ok, now it works :D thorpe, I have to give you a major thank you for helping me with this :)
  20. i tried that and that doesnt work either. i might have to quit on making a wildcard check, until i can have more time(i want to get this thing going soon)
  21. i only added one entry which is admin
  22. no, i tried that too.
  23. here is the full code im using: [code]#db connection stuff. $username = "siteadmin"; function blacklisted_usernames($value){ $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ebb_blacklist where blacklisted_username like '$value'") or die(mysql_error()); $n = mysql_num_rows($q); if($n == 1){ $blklist = 1; }else{ $blklist = 0; } return ($blklist); } #check it $blklist = blacklisted_usernames($username); if ($blklist == 1) { echo "username ban!!"; }elseif($blklist == 0){ echo "Your good to go, username pass test."; }else{ echo "blank.$blklist"; } ?>[/code]
  24. i mean it doesnt work enter in admin as an option it works but looking for siteadmin it doesnt. i want to find any occurance of admin and ban it. though it looks like an impossible feat so far.
  25. that doesnt work, i already tried that.
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