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  1. Where would I place the break? Because I can't place it in any of the obvious locations without some kind of error. Sorry for the idiotic question, I've only started learning PHP.
  2. I've been making a program for school there is nothing wrong with the program itself except I don't know how to add line breaks inside a fwrite command. I'll show the code below so I can explain a little easier. The part in bold is where I need line breaks, any advice would be great. <html> <body> <form action="IO1.PHP" method="post"> <p> <label for="StrAccount"><b>Account:</b></label> <input type="text" name="StrAccount" id="StrAccount" /> <input type="submit" name="submit"/> </p> <?PHP /* Customers Information */ $Customer[0] = "Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva"; $Customer[1] = "J.T. Wang"; $Customer[2] = "Admiral Mike Mullen"; $Customer[3] = "Barack Obama"; $Customer[4] = "Ron Bloom"; $Phone[0] = "1234 5678"; $Phone[1] = "5678 1234"; $Phone[2] = "0000 1234"; $Phone[3] = "1234 0000"; $Phone[4] = "0000 0000"; $Title[0] = "The Shawshank Redemption"; $Title[1] = "The Godfather"; $Title[2] = "The Godfather: Part II"; $Title[3] = "Inception"; $Title[4] = "Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"; $Cost[0] = "$1.00"; $Cost[1] = "$2.00"; $Cost[2] = "$3.00"; $Cost[3] = "$4.00"; $Cost[4] = "$5.00"; $Return[0] = "01/01/2010"; $Return[1] = "01/02/2010"; $Return[2] = "01/03/2010"; $Return[3] = "01/04/2010"; $Return[4] = "01/05/2010"; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $Text = fopen ("Customers.txt", 'w'); $StrAccount = $_POST["StrAccount"]; if ($StrAccount == $Customer[0]) { echo "<p><b>$Customer[0], $Phone[0], $Title[0], $Cost[0], $Return[0]</b></p>"; fwrite ($Text, $Customer[0]); fwrite ($Text, $Phone[0]); fwrite ($Text, $Title[0]); fwrite ($Text, $Cost[0]); fwrite ($Text, $Return[0]); } elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[1]) { echo "<p><b>$Customer[1], $Phone[1], $Title[1], $Cost[1], $Return[1]</b></p>"; fwrite ($Text, $Customer[1]); fwrite ($Text, $Phone[1]); fwrite ($Text, $Title[1]); fwrite ($Text, $Cost[1]); fwrite ($Text, $Return[1]); } elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[2]) { echo "<p><b>$Customer[2], $Phone[2], $Title[2], $Cost[2], $Return[2]</b></p>"; fwrite ($Text, $Customer[2]); fwrite ($Text, $Phone[2]); fwrite ($Text, $Title[2]); fwrite ($Text, $Cost[2]); fwrite ($Text, $Return[2]); } elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[3]) { echo "<p><b>$Customer[3], $Phone[3], $Title[3], $Cost[3], $Return[3]</b></p>"; fwrite ($Text, $Customer[3]); fwrite ($Text, $Phone[3]); fwrite ($Text, $Title[3]); fwrite ($Text, $Cost[3]); fwrite ($Text, $Return[3]); } elseif ($StrAccount == $Customer[4]) { echo "<p><b>$Customer[4], $Phone[4], $Title[4], $Cost[4], $Return[4]</b></p>"; fwrite ($Text, $Customer[4]); fwrite ($Text, $Phone[4]); fwrite ($Text, $Title[4]); fwrite ($Text, $Cost[4]); fwrite ($Text, $Return[4]); } else { echo "<p><b>This Account Does Not Exist.</b></p>"; } } ?> </body> </html>
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