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Everything posted by angelfish723

  1. Those didn't change anything, but I think I screwed something up because all I'm getting is the login in page over and over. I'm going to fix what I've done, then try both of your debugging tests and I'll let you know what happens. Thanks!
  2. What happens is I don't get redirected to the page that is password protected. I only get the Login Failed page. Also, I tried to log in without entering a username or password, to see if I would get any errors (i.e. Login I.D. missing, or Password missing) but that doesn't come up either. It just basically refreshes the login page... which is what it's supposed to do, but it's supposed to come up with an error message for the user. So I'm wondering if there's a problem within that section of code, which is below: //Input Validations if($username == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Login ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Password missing'; $errflag = true; } //If there are input validations, redirect back to the login form if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; session_write_close(); header("location: login-form.php"); exit(); }
  3. Oh yes, I'm sorry... I did have that in there, I just copied the wrong file. So my query section looks like this: //Create query $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '$username' AND pass = '$password'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); //Check whether the query was successful or not if($result) { if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { //Login Successful $_SESSION['user'] = $username; $_SESSION['pass'] = $password; $_SESSION['full_names'] = $full_names; header("location: member-index.php"); exit(); }else { //Login failed header("location: login-failed.php"); exit(); } }else { die("Query failed"); } And it just takes me to the Login Failed page...
  4. I am creating a website where there will be about 125 users. They will each be given their username and password (actually, all passwords will be the exact same, only the username will vary). So there is no registration step, they just go to the website they are given, where they will see a login form with fields for username and password, enter in what they were given, and they should be able to enter the password protected area. I'm connecting to the database just fine, but I think my problem lies in the query. Below is my PHP code (with placeholders for the database information), as well as a screen shot of the table in my database (which only has 2 users in it right now, for testing purposes). If anyone is able to help me, that would be greatly appreciated! <?php //Start session session_start(); //Include database connection details require_once('config.php'); //Array to store validation errors $errmsg_arr = array(); //Validation error flag $errflag = false; //Connect to mysql server $link = mysql_connect('host','username', 'password'); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } //Select database $db = mysql_select_db('database'); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } //Function to sanitize values received from the form. Prevents SQL injection function clean($str) { $str = @trim($str); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $str = stripslashes($str); } return mysql_real_escape_string($str); } //Input Validations if($login == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Login ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Password missing'; $errflag = true; } //If there are input validations, redirect back to the login form if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; session_write_close(); header("location: login-form.php"); exit(); } //Create query $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = 'username' AND pass = 'password'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); //Check whether the query was successful or not if($result) { if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { //Login Successful $_SESSION['user'] = $username; $_SESSION['pass'] = $password; //$_SESSION['full_names'] = $full_names; header("location: member-index.php"); exit(); }else { //Login failed header("location: login-failed.php"); exit(); } }else { die("Query failed"); } ?> THANKS! [attachment deleted by admin]
  5. I'll just tell you the process I took to get where I am... I found a login code online using PHP and MySQL that will work perfectly for what I need, I just had to change some of the values to get it to connect to my database. It came with multiple files (the login-exec.php that connects to my MySQL, the actual login-form.php that has the user and pass form, the login failed page, a mysql.sql text document which I saved over with information from my table etc.) Then I have a host for my site (I'm using 1and1.com) where I set up my database and table. I was able to learn how to connect to the database and table through a tutorial somewhere, so I know I'm connecting to it correctly. I have a list of names, passwords, formal names (i.e. Mr. and Mrs. Smith), first and last names, etc. (this website is for a wedding... it's purpose is so that the guests can sign in and rsvp and view info about the wedding) and this is where I think something is screwed up. How does the table in the database gather all of that information? Where do I put all of that information so that say the "user" row in the table pulls the username when someone enters it in? I'm sure I'm not using the correct lingo, but I hope I'm explaining it well enough. Let me know if you want any examples from my codes or text documents.
  6. You're probably going to think I'm an idiot, but what do you mean by that? Paste it into the mysql.sql document? Or into the actual database on my host site?
  7. You'll have to forgive me, as I am very new to what I am trying to learn! But there is a starting point for everything... I'm using PHP and MySQL for a password protected website that will have multiple users... and I think I'm very close to getting it to work. The password will be the same for all users, which they will be given. The problem I'm having is that when I put in a username and password, I get redirected to the Login Failed page. I think it might have something to do with the section of my code below. My table is called "users," and in the SESSION part, I've put the first three parts of the table in there... the user, full_names, and guest_one. I'm not really sure if I did that part correctly either. Also, I thought I read somewhere that the .md5 part of this code was for passwords that are encrypted. Do I need this if everyone is going to have the same password. This site is not high-security or anything. One last thing... I've set up my table in MySQL, and I know that I've got that set up correctly... the only problem is, how do I get all of the user, password, name information into that table? Where does it pull that information from. I have a mysql.sql text document, does it come from there? //Create query $qry="SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='$user' AND pass='".md5($_POST['password'])."'"; $result=mysql_query($qry); //Check whether the query was successful or not if($result) { if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { //Login Successful session_regenerate_id(); $member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $_SESSION['SESS_USER'] = $user['user']; $_SESSION['SESS_FULL_NAMES'] = $user['full_names']; $_SESSION['SESS_GUEST_ONE'] = $user['guest_one']; session_write_close(); header("location: member-index.php"); exit(); }else { //Login failed header("location: login-failed.php"); exit(); } }else { die("Query failed"); } Let me know if you need more information that this. I'm sorry if these sounds like really dumb questions, but like I said, I'm brand new to this! I appreciate any help. Thanks!
  8. Yeah I've got a form document... I will read up more on why I might be getting the login failed page now. Thank you for your help!!
  9. Okay we're getting somewhere!! I realized I didn't have single quotes (or any quotes for that matter) around the host name, username, or password. So I fixed that and am not getting the error anymore, BUT I'm getting the Login Failed page. Which probably means it's not pulling the info correctly from the mysql.sql document... right?
  10. Oh trust me, you're not insulting me, I'm VERY new to this!! I was learning how to even set up MySQL and was going through a tutorial, learned how to get connected to the database, and everything, and that worked when I tested it out. The code I'm using now, that I posted earlier, I got from another source, but figured I would be able to put in the host name, user name and password to my database, just like I had done before. The part that I'm talking about that I put in my root folder, that's the mysql.sql document that came along with files from the source that I got my code from. I'm not even sure how that works, or where that falls in all of this. I've set my database up with the table, and I exported it to get the top part of the mysql.sql document, but I kind of followed what they had for the bottom part of the document, where it has the INSERT INTO part. And I'm assuming each user gets an INSERT INTO line?
  11. Oh that is just where I have put my database host, data user, and the password. I just used those words as placeholders for this forum.
  12. I am working on a password protected website that will have multiple users. I'll be giving each user their own username and password (they won't be creating them or registering or anything). Once they sign in, they will be redirected to a page that will say, "Welcome, Mr. Smith!" I also want to have more information in the database about them, like their first name, their spouse's name, etc.) I'm trying to us MySQL and php and I think I'm really close to figuring out how to do this, but I'm getting the error: Failed to connect to server: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) Here is the code I'm using: <?php //Start session session_start(); //Include database connection details require_once('config.php'); //Array to store validation errors $errmsg_arr = array(); //Validation error flag $errflag = false; //Connect to mysql server $link = mysql_connect(host, user, pass); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } //Select database $db = mysql_select_db(database); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } //Function to sanitize values received from the form. Prevents SQL injection function clean($str) { $str = @trim($str); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $str = stripslashes($str); } return mysql_real_escape_string($str); } //Sanitize the POST values $login = clean($_POST['login']); $password = clean($_POST['password']); //Input Validations if($login == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Login ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Password missing'; $errflag = true; } //If there are input validations, redirect back to the login form if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; session_write_close(); header("location: login-form.php"); exit(); } //Create query $qry="SELECT * FROM table WHERE user='$login' AND pass='".md5($_POST['password'])."'"; $result=mysql_query($qry); //Check whether the query was successful or not if($result) { if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { //Login Successful session_regenerate_id(); $member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $_SESSION['SESS_USER'] = $user['user']; $_SESSION['SESS_FULL_NAMES'] = $user['full_names']; $_SESSION['SESS_GUES_ONE'] = $user['guest_one']; session_write_close(); header("location: member-index.php"); exit(); }else { //Login failed header("location: login-failed.php"); exit(); } }else { die("Query failed"); } ?> I've double-checked the host, user, and pass to make sure they are right and they are. I also have a mysql.sql text document that has all the information that I want about each user in it. I've put that in my root folder along with everything, but I'm not really sure where that falls in the mix of things... how does the file pull that information from it? Here is what is in the text doc: -- -- Table structure for table `users` -- CREATE TABLE `users` ( `user` varchar(10) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `pass` varchar(10) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `full_names` varchar(40) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `guest_one` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `guest_two` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `guest_three` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `guest_four` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `guest_five` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, `guest_six` varchar(20) collate latin1_general_ci default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`user`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `users` -- INSERT INTO `users` (`user`, `pass`, `full_names`, `guest_one`, `guest_two`) VALUES("john", "password", "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith & Family", "John Smith", "Jane Smith"); Thank you for any help in advance!
  13. If I use the code you gave me, it doesn't go to a password page first, it puts the password form on the page I want password protected. And if I replace the cookies section of my code with the code you gave me, I get a syntax error on the last line (the ?>) Here is what I've got now, with the error: <?php // Add login/password pairs below, like described above // NOTE: all rows except last must have comma "," at the end of line $LOGIN_INFORMATION = array( 'steve' => '121110', 'rick' => '121110', 'tom' => '121110' ); // request login? true - show login and password boxes, false - password box only define('USE_USERNAME', true); // User will be redirected to this page after logout define('LOGOUT_URL', 'http://www.example.com/'); // time out after NN minutes of inactivity. Set to 0 to not timeout define('TIMEOUT_MINUTES', 30); // This parameter is only useful when TIMEOUT_MINUTES is not zero // true - timeout time from last activity, false - timeout time from login define('TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY', true); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do not change code below /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // show usage example if ($username == "steve") { echo "<img src=images/nameplates/sdougan.png>"; } elseif ($username == "rick") { echo "<img src=images/nameplates/rmineck.png>"; } elseif ($username == "tom") { echo "<img src=images/nameplates/tpolasik.png>"; } if(isset($_GET['help'])) { die('Include following code into every page you would like to protect, at the very beginning (first line):<br><?php include("' . str_replace('\\','\\\\',__FILE__) . '"); ?>'); } // timeout in seconds $timeout = (TIMEOUT_MINUTES == 0 ? 0 : time() + TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60); // logout? if(isset($_GET['logout'])) { setcookie("verify", '', $timeout, '/'); // clear password; header('Location: ' . LOGOUT_URL); exit(); } if(!function_exists('showLoginPasswordProtect')) { // show login form function showLoginPasswordProtect($error_msg) { ?> <html> <head> <title>Please enter password to access this page</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type="text/css"> body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #666; } body { background-color: #FFFFFB; } </style> </head> <body> <div align="center"> <style> input { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <div style="width:600px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center"> <form method="post"> <h4>Please sign in using the information provided on the invitation</h4> <font color="red"><?php echo $error_msg; ?></font><br /> <?php if (USE_USERNAME) echo 'Login:<br /><input type="input" name="access_login" /><br />Password:<br />'; ?> <input type="password" name="access_password" /><p></p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <br /> <a style="font-size:9px; color: #B0B0B0; font-family: Verdana, Arial;" href="http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/password-protect.php" title="Download Password Protector">Powered by Password Protect</a> </div> </body> </html> <?php if (isset($_POST['access_password'])) { $login = isset($_POST['access_login']) ? $_POST['access_login'] : ''; $pass = $_POST['access_password']; if (!in_array($pass, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || (( !array_key_exists($login, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || $LOGIN_INFORMATION[$login] != $pass ) ) ) { echo "Incorrect password."; } else { echo "HELLO AND WELCOME ". $_POST['access_login']; } } ?>
  14. Okay, I'm getting the name to show up (almost there!!) but it shows up twice (it has one name on a line, then the line below it it says "name, you are invited..." So it's like: Rick Rick, you're invited I'm also curious to find out how to make it so that if rick is the password, his name on the next page can be "Mr. Smith" ... instead of what his actual username was. Do you know how to do that? Thanks so much for all your help!!
  15. I'm am somewhat new to PHP and am trying to set up a website for my cousin's wedding. Her idea is to have the guests sign in with a user/pass that she provides, and once they sign in, they will be taken to a page that has their name on it (i.e. "Mr. and Mrs. So and So, you are invited...). I have come to the conclusion that I will need to make an image for each guest's name (she wants to use a font for their names that nobody will have on their computer) so what I need to know is: How do I link each user name to their own personalized webpage, where the image of their name on the next page will change based on what username is entered? I have been told to use Sessions (which I don't yet have in this code), but I'm clueless as to how to make that work for multiple users. Where do I put the coding, what does the coding look like, etc. Thanks in advance for any help! The php code I have right now is this (i'm sorry it's so long, I just don't want to leave anything out that might be important): $LOGIN_INFORMATION = array( 'steve' => 'password', 'rick' => 'password', 'tom'=> 'password' ); // request login? true - show login and password boxes, false - password box only define('USE_USERNAME', true); // User will be redirected to this page after logout define('LOGOUT_URL', 'http://www.example.com/'); // time out after NN minutes of inactivity. Set to 0 to not timeout define('TIMEOUT_MINUTES', 0); // This parameter is only useful when TIMEOUT_MINUTES is not zero // true - timeout time from last activity, false - timeout time from login define('TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY', true); ################################################################## # SETTINGS END ################################################################## /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do not change code below /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // show usage example if(isset($_GET['help'])) { die('Include following code into every page you would like to protect, at the very beginning (first line):<br><?php include("' . str_replace('\\','\\\\',__FILE__) . '"); ?>'); } // timeout in seconds $timeout = (TIMEOUT_MINUTES == 0 ? 0 : time() + TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60); // logout? if(isset($_GET['logout'])) { setcookie("verify", '', $timeout, '/'); // clear password; header('Location: ' . LOGOUT_URL); exit(); } if(!function_exists('showLoginPasswordProtect')) { // show login form function showLoginPasswordProtect($error_msg) { ?> <html> <head> <title>Please enter password to access this page</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type="text/css"> body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #666; } body { background-color: #FFFFFB; } </style> </head> <body> <div align="center"> <style> input { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <div style="width:600px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center"> <form method="post"> <h4>Please sign in using the information provided on the invitation</h4> <font color="red"><?php echo $error_msg; ?></font><br /> <?php if (USE_USERNAME) echo 'Login:<br /><input type="input" name="access_login" /><br />Password:<br />'; ?> <input type="password" name="access_password" /><p></p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <br /> <a style="font-size:9px; color: #B0B0B0; font-family: Verdana, Arial;" href="http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/password-protect.php" title="Download Password Protector">Powered by Password Protect</a> </div> </body> </html> <?php // stop at this point die(); } } // user provided password if (isset($_POST['access_password'])) { $login = isset($_POST['access_login']) ? $_POST['access_login'] : ''; $pass = $_POST['access_password']; if (!USE_USERNAME && !in_array($pass, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || (USE_USERNAME && ( !array_key_exists($login, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || $LOGIN_INFORMATION[$login] != $pass ) ) ) { showLoginPasswordProtect("Incorrect password."); } else { // set cookie if password was validated setcookie("verify", md5($login.'%'.$pass), $timeout, '/'); // Some programs (like Form1 Bilder) check $_POST array to see if parameters passed // So need to clear password protector variables unset($_POST['access_login']); unset($_POST['access_password']); unset($_POST['Submit']); } } else { // check if password cookie is set if (!isset($_COOKIE['verify'])) { showLoginPasswordProtect(""); } // check if cookie is good $found = false; foreach($LOGIN_INFORMATION as $key=>$val) { $lp = (USE_USERNAME ? $key : '') .'%'.$val; if ($_COOKIE['verify'] == md5($lp)) { $found = true; // prolong timeout if (TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY) { setcookie("verify", md5($lp), $timeout, '/'); } break; } } if (!$found) { showLoginPasswordProtect(""); } } ?>
  16. I dont know if you are done with this or not but definitely go with this. It will be very easy and work perfectly for what you want. I really really really appreciate every body's help and apologize for being so dense on this subject! I'd love to go with the easiest route... I just have no idea where to put this SESSION code into what I already have. What do I replace it with, or is it additional to what I already have?
  17. The Eagle, I think this is my best solution with the little knowledge that I have in PHP. I understand the code you gave me, but I can't get it to work and it's driving me insane! I pasted that into my password php document, right under the Login array info (and I'm not getting any syntax errors, which makes me think it's okay?) ... then in the file for the page that I want the login to take them to, I pasted this: <?php echo $username; ?>, you are invited... But when I test it out, nothing shows up except the ", you are invited..." I also tried the embedded fonts method: if ($username == "tim") { echo "Mr. and Mrs. Tim", you are invited... } and ",you are invited" shows up in my font, but it's blank before that, just like when I try to make an image show up. Are you able to tell me what I'm doing wrong?? Thank you!!
  18. The Eagle, I will try that out tonight, thank you!!
  19. Shawn, I think I'm close to understanding what you're telling me, but how do I use sessions instead of cookies? Is it safe to take all the cookie code out of that and replace it with the code you gave me or is there a lot more to it than that? (I'm probably a lot newer to PHP than I should be, but there's a first for everything!) I really do appreciate your help!! Sam
  20. I'm am somewhat new to PHP and am trying to set up a website for my cousin's wedding. Her idea is to have the guests sign in with a user/pass that she provides, and once they sign in, they will be taken to a page that has their name on it (i.e. "Mr. and Mrs. So and So, you are invited...). I have come to the conclusion that I will need to make an image for each guest's name (she wants to use a font for their names that nobody will have on their computer) so what I need to know is: How do I link each user name to their own personalized webpage, where the image of their name on the next page will change based on what username is entered? The php code I have right now is this (i'm sorry it's so long, I just don't want to leave anything out that might be important): $LOGIN_INFORMATION = array( 'steve' => 'password', 'rick' => 'password', 'tom'=> 'password' ); // request login? true - show login and password boxes, false - password box only define('USE_USERNAME', true); // User will be redirected to this page after logout define('LOGOUT_URL', 'http://www.example.com/'); // time out after NN minutes of inactivity. Set to 0 to not timeout define('TIMEOUT_MINUTES', 0); // This parameter is only useful when TIMEOUT_MINUTES is not zero // true - timeout time from last activity, false - timeout time from login define('TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY', true); ################################################################## # SETTINGS END ################################################################## /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do not change code below /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // show usage example if(isset($_GET['help'])) { die('Include following code into every page you would like to protect, at the very beginning (first line):<br><?php include("' . str_replace('\\','\\\\',__FILE__) . '"); ?>'); } // timeout in seconds $timeout = (TIMEOUT_MINUTES == 0 ? 0 : time() + TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60); // logout? if(isset($_GET['logout'])) { setcookie("verify", '', $timeout, '/'); // clear password; header('Location: ' . LOGOUT_URL); exit(); } if(!function_exists('showLoginPasswordProtect')) { // show login form function showLoginPasswordProtect($error_msg) { ?> <html> <head> <title>Please enter password to access this page</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type="text/css"> body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #666; } body { background-color: #FFFFFB; } </style> </head> <body> <div align="center"> <style> input { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <div style="width:600px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center"> <form method="post"> <h4>Please sign in using the information provided on the invitation</h4> <font color="red"><?php echo $error_msg; ?></font><br /> <?php if (USE_USERNAME) echo 'Login:<br /><input type="input" name="access_login" /><br />Password:<br />'; ?> <input type="password" name="access_password" /><p></p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <br /> <a style="font-size:9px; color: #B0B0B0; font-family: Verdana, Arial;" href="http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/password-protect.php" title="Download Password Protector">Powered by Password Protect</a> </div> </body> </html> <?php // stop at this point die(); } } // user provided password if (isset($_POST['access_password'])) { $login = isset($_POST['access_login']) ? $_POST['access_login'] : ''; $pass = $_POST['access_password']; if (!USE_USERNAME && !in_array($pass, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || (USE_USERNAME && ( !array_key_exists($login, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || $LOGIN_INFORMATION[$login] != $pass ) ) ) { showLoginPasswordProtect("Incorrect password."); } else { // set cookie if password was validated setcookie("verify", md5($login.'%'.$pass), $timeout, '/'); // Some programs (like Form1 Bilder) check $_POST array to see if parameters passed // So need to clear password protector variables unset($_POST['access_login']); unset($_POST['access_password']); unset($_POST['Submit']); } } else { // check if password cookie is set if (!isset($_COOKIE['verify'])) { showLoginPasswordProtect(""); } // check if cookie is good $found = false; foreach($LOGIN_INFORMATION as $key=>$val) { $lp = (USE_USERNAME ? $key : '') .'%'.$val; if ($_COOKIE['verify'] == md5($lp)) { $found = true; // prolong timeout if (TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY) { setcookie("verify", md5($lp), $timeout, '/'); } break; } } if (!$found) { showLoginPasswordProtect(""); } } ?> ************************************************************** THANK YOU SO MUCH for any help!! Sam
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