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  1. Hey guys, longtime reader first time poster. i seem to be having a pagination problem and i think that some fresh eyes are in order im sure its staring in front of me.......just cant see it <?php global $main; $main->query('upgraded', "SELECT `auctions`.*, `categories`.* FROM `auctions` LEFT JOIN `categories` ON `category_id` = `auction_category_id` WHERE `auction_upgrade_color` = '1' ORDER BY `auction_id` DESC LIMIT {$main->upgraded_auctions_max}"); if (!$main->auth['logged_in']) { header('Location: ' . SITE_BASE . '/login/'); } ?> <div class="left"> <? include('php/inc.featured-listings.php'); ?> </div> <div class="right"> <?php #pagination $sql = "SELECT `auction_id` FROM `auctions` WHERE `auction_user_id` = {$main->auth[user_id]}"; $q = mysql_query($sql); $page_count = ceil(mysql_num_rows($q) / $main->auctions_per_page); $current_page = (int) $_GET['current_page'] > 0 && (int) $_GET['current_page'] <= $page_count ? $_GET['current_page'] : 1; $offset = ($current_page - 1) * $main->auctions_per_page; $order = in_array($_GET['order'], array('auction_id', 'auction_views', 'auction_title', 'category_name')) ? $_GET['order'] : 'auction_id'; #listings if (!$_GET['auction_id']): $title = 'My Current Listings'; #query for newest listings $sql = "SELECT `auctions`.*, `categories`.*, `users`.* FROM `auctions` LEFT JOIN `categories` ON `category_id` = `auction_category_id` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `user_id` = `auction_user_id` WHERE `auction_user_id` = {$main->auth[user_id]} GROUP BY `$order` ORDER BY `$order` DESC LIMIT $offset, {$main->auctions_per_page}"; $q = mysql_query($sql); ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="listings" style="width: 703px;"> <tr class="header"> <td colspan="5"><h2><?php echo $title; ?></h2></td> </tr> <tr class="title"> <td width="50%" class="lborder">Listing Title</td> <td width="15%">Created In</td> <td width="15%">Created By</td> <td width="15%">Listed On</td> <td width="5%">Views</td> </tr> <?php while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)): ?> <tr class="listing<?php echo $r['auction_upgrade_color'] == '1' ? ' orange' : ''; ?>"> <td class="listing-title"><a href="/auction/<?php echo $r['auction_id']; ?>-<?php echo niceurls($r['auction_title']); ?>.html"><?php echo $r['auction_title']; ?></a></td> <td><a href="/category/<?php echo $r['category_url']; ?>/"><?php echo $r['category_name']; ?></a></td> <td><a href="/user/<?php echo $r['user_id']; ?>/"><?php echo $r['user_name']; ?></a></td> <td><?php echo howlongago($r['auction_time_listed']); ?></td> <td><?php echo number_format($r['auction_views']); ?></td> </tr> <?php endwhile; ?> </table> <div class="pagination"> <?php for ($i = 1; $i <= $page_count; $i++): ?> <a href="./?current_page=<?php echo $i; ?>"<?php echo $i == $current_page ? ' class="current"' : ''; ?>><?php echo $i; ?></a> <?php endfor; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> thanks in advance and yes i can laugh at myself
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