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  1. gintjack


    Can anyone convert this <html> <body> <script type='text/javascript'> var currenttime = 'August 04, 2010 06:56:51' var montharray=new Array('Jan','Feb','March','April','May','June','July','Aug','Sept','Oct','Nov','Dec') var serverdate=new Date(currenttime) function padlength(what){ var output=(what.toString().length==1)? '0'+what : what return output } function displaytime(){ serverdate.setSeconds(serverdate.getSeconds()+1) var timestring=padlength(serverdate.getHours())+':'+padlength(serverdate.getMinutes())+':'+padlength(serverdate.getSeconds()) document.getElementById('servertime').innerHTML=timestring+' MST ' } window.onload=function(){ setInterval('displaytime()', 1000) } </script> </body> </html> <?php // Page Colors $backgroundColor = "#3366FF"; $tableOutline = "#000000"; $topAndBottomBG = "#003399"; $topAndBottomText = "#FFFFFF"; $middleBG = "#99CCFF"; $middleTEXT = "#000000"; $reallyLight = "#DEF2FF"; $menuColor = "#FFFFFF"; $maincellColor = "#FFFFFF"; $maincellText = "#000000"; $menulinkColor = "#003399"; $mainlinkColor = "#003399"; $bottomlinkColor = "#FFFFFF"; // End Page Colors // Ranks ect if ($rank >= 5) { $admin_line .= "<p align=center>Admin Stuff:<br><a class=menu href=# onClick=\"window.open('$base_url/admin/admin_remote.php?game=$game','remote','toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=200,height=60')\">Mute User</a><br><a class=menu href=$base_url/warn_user.php?game=$game>Warn User</a>"; } if ($rank >= 7) { $admin_line .= "<br><a href=$base_url/admin/admin.php?game=$game class=menu>Admin Panel</a>"; } if ($rank == null) { $updateLine2 = "<p><a href=register.php?game=$game><img src=http://images.toxicpets.co.cc/register.png width=180 height=165 border=0></a></p>"; //End Ranks } $menu = "$updateLine2<p><a href=/index.php?game=$game><img src=http://images.toxicpets.co.cc/map.png width=180 height=165 border=0></a></p><p><a href=/games.php?game=$game><img src=http://images.toxicpets.co.cc/game.png width=180 height=165 border=0></a></p><p><a href=/mystuff.php?game=$game><img src=http://images.toxicpets.co.cc/control.png width=180 height=165 border=0></a></p><p align=center><A href=$base_url/login.php?game=$game class=menu>Login</a> | <A href=$base_url/logout.php?game=$game class=menu>Logout</a></font></p>$admin_line"; $userInfo = "<P><FONT SIZE=\"-1\"> Username: <A HREF=$base_url/update_profile.php?game=$game class=menu>$display_name</A><BR> Hunger: <A HREF=$base_url/myitems.php?game=$game class=menu><FONT SIZE=-1>$hungerLevel</A><BR> $pointVar: <a href=$base_url/bank.php?game=$game>$points</a><BR> <center><p><b><u>My Prefs</u></b></p></center> <center><a href=$base_url/myitems.php?game=$game>Items</a><center> <center><a href=$base_url/mypets.php?game=$game>Pets</a></center> <center><a href=$base_url/nursery.php?game=$game>Nursery</a></center>"; // SearchBox $searchBox = "<form action=$base_url/prompt.pro.php?game=$game method=post><p align=center><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=command VALUE='' SIZE=8><BR><INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=submit VALUE='Do it'></P></form>"; //End SearchBox // Bottom Copyright $copywrite ="<center><span id='servertime'></span> |<a href=http://www.toxicpets.co.cc class=bottom>Run By ToxicPets.co.cc</a><br>$total_time | <a href=$base_url/tos.php?game=$game class=bottom>Terms/Rules</a> | <a href=$base_url/privacy.php class=bottom>Privacy</a>| <a href=upgrade.php?game=$game class=bottom>Upgrade to Premium Now!</a>| <a href=http://neopets.com class=bottom>Copyright 2000-2010 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission</a></center>"; //End Bottom Copyright // // // (C) // // // // CSS // //CSS INCUDED IN PHP// $openHTML = " <HTML> <HEAD> <center><TITLE>$gameName2 - $page_title</TITLE></center> <style><!-- INPUT {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 1 solid $topAndBottomBG; } TEXTAREA {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 1 solid $topAndBottomBG; } BUTTON {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 0 solid $topAndBottomBG; } SELECT {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 1 solid $topAndBottomBG; } INPUT {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 1 solid $topAndBottomBG; } OPTION {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 1 solid $topAndBottomBG; } RESET {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 1 solid $topAndBottomBG; } SUBMIT {color:#000000; font: 9pt verdana; font-weight: none; text-decoration: none; background: $maincellColor; border: 1 solid $topAndBottomBG; } A:link { text-decoration: underline; color: $mainlinkColor; } A:visited { text-decoration: underline; color: $mainlinkColor; } A:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: $mainlinkColor; } A:active { text-decoration: underline; color: $mainlinkColor; } A:link.menu { text-decoration: underline; color: $menulinkColor; } A:visited.menu { text-decoration: underline; color: $menulinkColor; } A:hover.menu { text-decoration: underline; color: $menulinkColor; } A:active.menu { text-decoration: underline; color: $menulinkColor; } A:link.bottom { text-decoration: underline; color: $bottomlinkColor; } A:visited.bottom { text-decoration: underline; color: $bottomlinkColor; } A:hover.bottom { text-decoration: underline; color: $bottomlinkColor; } A:active.bottom { text-decoration: underline; color: $bottomlinkColor; } p { font-family: verdana; font-size: 11pt; color: black; } p.error { font-family: verdana; font-weight: bold; color: red; } p.white { font-family: verdana; color: white; } a.white { color: white; text-decoration: underline; } hr { margin: -1; } img { border: 0 } --></style> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=\"$backgroundColor\"> <CENTER><TABLE BGCOLOR=\"$tableOutline\" CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=\"95%\"> <TR BGCOLOR=\"#FFCC00\" width=100%> <TD VALIGN=bottom COLSPAN=2 HEIGHT=60 BGCOLOR=\"$topAndBottomBG\" width=12> <P ALIGN=right><FONT SIZE=\"+3\" COLOR=\"$topAndBottomText\"><B>$gameName</B></FONT></P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=top BGCOLOR=\"$menuColor\" width=120> $menu $userInfo $searchBox </TD> <TD VALIGN=top BGCOLOR='$maincellColor'><font color=$maincellText> "; $closeHTML = " </font></TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR='$topAndBottomBG'> <TD COLSPAN=2> <P align=right><FONT SIZE= '-1' color='$topAndBottomText'>$copywrite</FONT></P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> "; ?> to css
  2. Well its give the wrong item it is ment to give a gumball but it give food
  3. And Heres the submit code <?php /* Pull my finger (finger.pro.php) */ ob_start(); $interactive = 1; $page_title = "Gumball"; $rank_check = 1; include "header.inc.php"; $findFingerPrizes = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE game = '$game'"); if ((!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) OR (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) or (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name])) { if ($rank == 7) { $ifAdmin = "Admins: Click <a href=admin/admin_setup_finger.php?game=$game>here</a> to setup this game!<br>"; } die("$openHTML<p>" . $ifAdmin . "This game is not ready to be played yet.</p>$closeHTML"); } // Start Check $checking2 = "gumball"; $limit1 = $datestamp; $findCheck = fetch("SELECT * FROM checking2 WHERE userid = '$userid' AND check_what = '$checking2' AND timestamp = '$limit1' AND game = '$game'"); if ($findCheck[id]) { die(header(error("gumballs.php?game=$game","Don't cheat."))); } mysql_query("DELETE FROM checking2 WHERE userid = '$userid' AND check_what = '$checking2' AND game = '$game'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO checking2 (userid,check_what,timestamp,game) VALUES ('$userid','$checking2','$datestamp','$game')"); // End Check $num_prizes = rand(1,3); $prize_1 = explode(", ", $findFingerPrizes[item_name]); $prize_2 = explode(", ", $findFingerPrizes[item_name]); $prize_3 = explode(", ", $findFingerPrizes[item_name]); $count_1 = count($prize_1) - 1; $count_2 = count($prize_2) - 1; $count_3 = count($prize_3) - 1; $rand_1 = rand(0,$count_1); $rand_2 = rand(0,$count_2); $rand_3 = rand(0,$count_3); if ($num_prizes == 1) { $first = $prize_1[$rand_1]; $cookie_1 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$first' AND game = '$game'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_1[id]','$cookie_1[parts]','$game')"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO pullmyfinger2 (user,date,game) VALUES ('$userid','$datestamp','$game')"); $message .= "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_1[id].gif>"; $message2 .= "$cookie_1[item_name]"; die("$openHTML<p align=center>You won a $message2!</p><p align=center>$message</p><p align=center><a href=games.php?game=$game>Back to the Game Room</a></p>$closeHTML"); } if ($num_prizes == 2) { $first = $prize_1[$rand_1]; $cookie_1 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$first' AND game = '$game'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_1[id]','$cookie_1[parts]','$game')"); $second = $prize_2[$rand_2]; mysql_query("UPDATE members2 SET points=$points+$second WHERE username = '$username' AND game = '$game'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO pullmyfinger2 (user,date,game) VALUES ('$userid','$datestamp','$game')"); $message .= "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_1[id].gif>"; $message2 .= "$cookie_1[item_name]"; die("$openHTML<p align=center>You won a $message2 and $second $pointVar!</p><p align=center>$message</p><p align=center><a href=games.php?game=$game>Back to the Game Room</a></p>$closeHTML"); } if ($num_prizes == 3) { $first = $prize_1[$rand_1]; $cookie_1 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$first' AND game = '$game'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_1[id]','$cookie_1[parts]','$game')"); $second = round($prize_2[$rand_2]); mysql_query("UPDATE members2 SET points=$points+$second WHERE username = '$username' AND game = '$game'"); $third = $prize_3[$rand_3]; $cookie_3 = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE item_name = '$third' AND game = '$game'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO usersitems2 (owner,item_id,parts_left,game) VALUES ('$userid','$cookie_3[id]','$cookie_3[parts]','$game')"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM pullmyfinger2 WHERE date != '$datestamp'"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO pullmyfinger2 (user,date,game) VALUES ('$userid','$datestamp','$game')"); $message .= "<img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_1[id].gif><img src=$base_url/images/user_images/opg_$game/items/item_$cookie_3[id].gif>"; $message2 .= "$cookie_1[item_name], and a $cookie_3[item_name]"; die("$openHTML<p align=center>You won a $message2! You also got $second $pointVar!</p><p align=center>$message</p><p align=center><a href=games.php?game=$game>Back to the Game Room</a></p>$closeHTML"); } ?>
  4. Well heres the page <?php /* Daily Item (daily_item.php) */ $rank_check = 1; $page_title = "Daily Item"; include "header.inc.php"; print "$openHTML"; $findFingerPrizes = fetch("SELECT * FROM items2 WHERE game = '$game'"); if ((!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) OR (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name]) or (!$findFingerPrizes[item_name])) { if ($rank == 7) { $ifAdmin = "Admins: Click <a href=admin/admin_setup_finger.php?game=$game>here</a> to setup this game!<br>"; } die("<p>" . $ifAdmin . "This game is not ready to be played yet.</p>"); } // Start Check $checking2 = "gumball"; $limit1 = $datestamp; $findCheck = fetch("SELECT * FROM checking2 WHERE userid = '$userid' AND check_what = '$checking2' AND timestamp = '$limit1' AND game = '$game'"); if ($findCheck[id]) { $page_title = "Gumball - Already Played"; $findPage = fetch("SELECT * FROM game_pages WHERE page_title = '$page_title' AND game = '$game'"); if ($findPage[page_info] == "") { print "<p>You approach The Gumball Game It Said 'Come back tomorrow!'</p><p align=center><img src=http://vectortuts.s3.amazonaws.com/tuts/58_Gumball_Machine/step35.jpg></p>"; } else { include "showpage.inc.php"; print "$findPage[page_info]"; } } if (!$findCheck[id]) { $page_title = "Gumball - About to Play"; $findPage = fetch("SELECT * FROM game_pages WHERE page_title = '$page_title' AND game = '$game'"); if ($findPage[page_info] == "") { print "<p>Hi Welcome To The Gumball Game!</p><p align=center><a href=$base_url/gumballs.pro.php?game=$game><img src=http://vectortuts.s3.amazonaws.com/tuts/58_Gumball_Machine/step35.jpg></a></p>"; } else { include "showpage.inc.php"; print "$findPage[page_info]"; } } // End Check print "$closeHTML"; ?>
  5. Ive seen this but it wont work for me
  6. Could Someone Help Me Make A Gumball Machine My Site Is Toxicpets.co.cc And the page is gumballs.php but i need it to give gumballs
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