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Everything posted by Hitster4

  1. They should call this forum the no ajax help forum. I redid the header as inline frames and can refresh what I need now. Glad I didn't waste my time doing it in ajax. Hits Out
  2. I need to do something like this but I don't know where to begin wrap the header.php in a div with an id, say headerDiv Then use javascript setTimeout to call a function every 60 seconds. and that function would call a jquery get on header.php, although header.php likely doesn't have access to config so i might actually need to make a separate file headerAjax.php. and add Include config.php at the top, then include header.php then call the jquery ajax call and populate the div with the results. Thanks Hits
  3. I didn't think it would be that hard. Anyone know if I can refresh the whole header.php not just a part in a div? Thanks Hits
  4. Here is the header.php <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> <meta name="author" CONTENT="Jason Goetz"> <meta name="publisher" CONTENT="Jason Goetz"> <meta name="keywords" content="phpffl, php, mysql, web based fantasy football, fantasy football, nfl fantasy football, php fantasy football, php nfl fantasy football, free fantasy football, free nfl fantasy football, open source, open source fantasy football, open source php fantasy football, nfl, free fantasy american football, free fantasy football league manager, free fantasy football league, fantasy football league manager, custom fantasy football, customizable fantasy football, online fantasy football, free online fantasy football. fantasy football forum, fantasy football forums, fantasy football message board, fantasy football message boards, fantasy football bulletin boards, sourceforge fantasy football, sourceforge php mysql, sourceforge free fantasy football"> <meta name="description" content="phpFFL is a free, open-source and fully customizable online Fantasy Football League Manager with automatic live scoring. Everything in phpFFL, from league adminstration to individual team player transactions and lineup submissions is handled through an easy to use online interface. phpFFL is easy to install and you can have your league up and running very quickly. phpFFL is written in php and uses a MySQL database so the only requirements are that your server supports php and MySQL."> <title>phpFFL : Enzone Fantasy Football League Manager</title> <!--<link rel="shortcut icon" href="./favicon.ico" />--> <link href="css/thickbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="<?php echo $PHPFFL_WEB_ROOT;?>css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $PHPFFL_WEB_ROOT;?>js/writelayer.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $PHPFFL_WEB_ROOT;?>js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $PHPFFL_WEB_ROOT;?>js/thickbox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function reStripeTables(){ $(".stripeMe tr:even").removeClass("alt"); $(".stripeMe tr:even").addClass("alt"); $(".stripeMe tr").mouseover(function(){ $(this).addClass("over"); }); $(".stripeMe tr").mouseout(function(){ $(this).removeClass("over"); }); } $(document).ready(function() { reStripeTables(); }); </script> </head> <body <?php echo $BODY_TAG_TEXT;?>> <table class="bodyline" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr><td> <table class="" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr><?php $MAIN_PHPFFL_LOGO=$PHPFFL_IMAGE_PATH."phpffl_280.jpg"; if(strlen($LEAGUEID)>0) { $sql="select league_logo from leagues where ID=$LEAGUEID;"; $leagues_rs=$DB->Execute($sql); if(!($leagues_rs->EOF)) { $current_league_logo=$leagues_rs->fields("league_logo"); if(is_file($PHPFFL_FILE_ROOT."images/team_logos/$current_league_logo")) { $MAIN_PHPFFL_LOGO=$PHPFFL_IMAGE_PATH."/team_logos/{$current_league_logo}"; } } } $week=$_REQUEST['Week']; ?> <td align="left" width="25%"><img src="<?php echo $MAIN_PHPFFL_LOGO;?>" border="0" alt="phpFFL Home" title="phpFFL Home" /> </td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="50%"> <div id="Logged_In_Display" class="Logged_In_Display"><?php get_top_scoring_teams(); ?></div><br /> <!----> </td> <td align="right" valign="bottom" width="25%"><div id="Logged_In_Display" class="Logged_In_Display"><?php echo "$Logged_In_Display";?></div> </td> </tr> <!--<tr class="topbkg">--> <td height="11" colspan="2"> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td align="center" class="topnav"> <?php if(strlen($USERSID)<1) {?> <a href="signup.php"><?php echo SIGN_UP;?></a> &#8226; <a href="login.php"><?php echo LOGIN;?></a> &#8226; <?php } else { $user_in_league=is_user_in_league($USERSID, $LEAGUEID); ?> <a href="logout.php"><?php echo LOGOUT;?></a> &#8226; <?php if($user_in_league==1) { ?> <a href="my_team.php"><?php echo MY_TEAM;?></a> &#8226; <?php } } ?> <?php if(strlen($LEAGUEID)>0) { ?> <a href="statistics.php"><?php echo STATISTICS;?></a> &#8226; <a href="transactions.php"><?php echo TRANSACTIONS;?></a> &#8226; <a href="custom_pages.php"><?php echo CUSTOM_PAGES;?></a> &#8226; <a href="statistics.php?Mode=live_scoring&Action=live_scoring_main"><?php echo Live_Scoring;?></a> &#8226; <?php } ?> <a href="leagues.php"><?php echo LEAGUES;?></a> &#8226; <?php if($ISADMIN==1) { ?> <a href="admin.php"><?php echo ADMIN;?></a> &#8226; <?php } ?> <?php if(strlen($USERSID>0)) { ?> <a href="profile.php"><?php echo PROFILE;?></a> &#8226; <?php } ?> <a href="faq.php"><?php echo FAQ;?></a></td> </tr> </table> <div style="position:absolute; top:150px; left:50%; margin-left:-400px; width:800px; height:50px; font-size:16px; color:blue; font-family:ARIAL;"><marquee direction="LEFT" width="100%" scrollamount="2">Waiver Order----1. Jeff 2. Curt 3. Tim H 4. Rita 5. Bob 6. Tim A 7. Tom 8. Scott 9. John 10. Bill -------Waivers will be processed Thursday night at 10:00pm this week.</marquee></div> <!-- Start of Nfl ScoreBoard --> <div align="center"> <table class="scores_bar" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <?php $week = $_REQUEST['Week']; $year = $_REQUEST['Year']; //echo $week; if($year=="") { $year = get_current_number_year(); } if ($week < 1 && strpos($year,"POST")>0) { $week = 3; } elseif ($week < 1) { $week = get_current_week(-28); } if ($week < 1) { $week = 1; $year = get_current_number_year(); $year=$year-1; } //echo $year; echo "<li>Week $week</li>"; echo "<ul class='nfl-scores'>"; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; $sql="select ID, seasonID, kickoff, week, status, awayscore, homescore, game_date from league_schedules where week='$week' and seasonid='$year';"; //echo $sql; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); if($rs) { $count=0; while(!($rs->EOF)) { echo "<li>"; //$LEAGUEID=$rs->fields("ID"); $gameid = $rs->fields("ID"); $game = substr($gameid,strpos($gameid,"_")+1,strlen($gameid)); $away = substr($game,0,strpos($game,"@")); $home = substr($game,strpos($game,"@")+1,strlen($game)); $status = $rs->fields("status"); if($status == "Scheduled") { $tempdate = explode("-",$rs->fields("game_date")); $time = substr($tempdate[2],strpos($tempdate[2]," ")+1); $hour = substr($time,0,strpos($time,":")); $min = substr($time,3,2); $month = $tempdate[1]; $day = substr($tempdate[2],0,strpos($tempdate[2]," ")); $year = $tempdate[0]; //echo "$hour - $min"; $info = date("D n/j g:i",mktime($hour,$min,0,$month,$day,$year)); } else { $info = $status; } if(intval($rs->fields("homescore")) > intval($rs->fields("awayscore"))) { echo "<a href = 'http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/gamecenter/live/NFL_".$rs->fields("ID")."' target='_blank'>".$rs->fields("year").""; echo "<span class='losing_team'>".$rs->fields("awayscore")." ".$away."</span><br><span class='winning_team'>".$rs->fields("homescore")." ".$home."</span><BR>".$info."</a>"; } elseif(intval($rs->fields("'homescore")) < intval($rs->fields("awayscore"))) { echo "<a href = 'http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/gamecenter/live/NFL_".$rs->fields("ID")."' target='_blank'>".$rs->fields("year").""; echo "<span class='winning_team'>".$rs->fields("awayscore")." ".$away."</span><br><span class='losing_team'>".$rs->fields("homescore")." ".$home."</span><BR>".$info."</a>"; } else { echo "<a href = 'http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/gamecenter/live/NFL_".$rs->fields("ID")."' target='_blank'>".$rs->fields("year").""; echo "<span class='losing_team'>".$rs->fields("awayscore")." ".$away."</span><BR><span class='losing_team'>".$rs->fields("homescore")." ".$home."</span><BR><span class='winning_team'>".$info."</span></a>"; } echo "</li>"; $count++; $rs->movenext(); } } echo "</ul></td>"; ?> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- End of Nfl ScoreBoard --> <table style="width: 95%;" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top; width: 100%;"> <div align="center"> <?php get_top_scoring_player(); ?></div> The main part one of many depending what they are doing. Here is one that shows the users team data. <?php include("program_files/config.php"); include("program_files/myteam/functions/myteam_home_functions.php"); include("program_files/myteam/functions/starting_lineup_functions.php"); include("program_files/myteam/functions/waiver_wire_functions.php"); include("program_files/myteam/functions/trades_functions.php"); include("program_files/myteam/functions/team_correspondance_functions.php"); include("program_files/myteam/functions/draft_functions.php"); include("program_files/myteam/functions/private_message_functions.php"); include("program_files/statistics/functions/teams_functions.php"); include("program_files/statistics/functions/players_functions.php"); include("program_files/statistics/functions/schedules_functions.php"); include("program_files/statistics/functions/scoring_functions.php"); include("program_files/statistics/functions/live_scoring_functions.php"); include("language/{$PHPFFL_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_DIR}/my_team.php"); $Mode=$_REQUEST['Mode']; $Printable=$_REQUEST['Printable']; if(strlen($USERSID)<1 || strlen($LEAGUEID)<1) { session_write_close(); header("Location: {$PHPFFL_WEB_ROOT}leagues.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID"); exit(); } $sql="select teams_ID from users_teams, teams where users_ID=$USERSID and teams_ID=teams.ID and leagues_ID=$LEAGUEID;"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); if(!($rs->EOF)) { $Teams_ID=$rs->fields("teams_ID"); $Teamname=get_team_name($Teams_ID); } if(strlen($Teams_ID)<1) { session_write_close(); header("Location: {$PHPFFL_WEB_ROOT}statistics.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID"); exit(); } Switch($Mode) { default: case "myteam": $Mode="myteam"; $File_To_Include="program_files/myteam/myteam_home.php"; $Page_Title="$Teamname"; break; case "starting_lineup": $File_To_Include="program_files/myteam/starting_lineup.php"; $Page_Title=STARTING_LINEUP; break; case "live_scoring": $File_To_Include="program_files/statistics/live_scoring.php"; $Page_Title=LIVE_SCORING; //$Meta_Refresh="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"120\">"; break; case "waiver_wire": $File_To_Include="program_files/myteam/waiver_wire.php"; $Page_Title=WAIVER_WIRE; break; case "trades": $File_To_Include="program_files/myteam/trades.php"; $Page_Title=TRADES; break; case "team_correspondance": $File_To_Include="program_files/myteam/team_correspondance.php"; $Page_Title=CORRESPONDANCE; break; case "STATISTICSBENCH": $File_To_Include="statisticsbench.php"; $Page_Title=STATISTICSBENCH; break; case "draft": $File_To_Include="program_files/myteam/draft.php"; $Page_Title=DRAFT; break; case "private_message": $File_To_Include="program_files/myteam/private_message.php"; $Page_Title=PRIVATE_MESSAGES; break; } $Logged_In_Display=get_users_display($USERSID); if($Printable) { include("template/printable_header.php"); } elseif($IsAjax) { //No Header } else { include("template/header.php"); } $league_name=get_league_name($LEAGUEID); $Page_Title=$league_name.": ".$Page_Title; if(!($Printable) && !($IsAjax)) { include("template/myteam_leftnav.php"); } include($File_To_Include); if(!($Printable) && !($IsAjax)) { echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></tbody></table>"; } if($Printable) { include("template/printable_footer.php"); } elseif($IsAjax) { //No Footer } else { include("template/footer.php"); } ?> Then the footer is <?php /*Modified by BOCTOK - 13 Oct 2007 *to enable "Who's Online" functionality */ $timestamp = time(); $previous = "300"; //Time in seconds (5 minutes) $timeout = $timestamp-$previous; if(isset($_SESSION['USERSID'])) { $users_ID=$_SESSION['USERSID']; } else { $users_ID = 'none'; } if (!($users_ID == 'none')) { //Get the username $sql="SELECT username FROM users WHERE ID='$users_ID'"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); // Iterate through results $Username = $rs->fields("username"); //See if username is in the active_users table $sql="SELECT username FROM active_users WHERE username='$Username'"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); $active_user = $rs->fields("username"); //Update or insert user into active_users depending on the result if ($active_user =='') { $sql="INSERT INTO active_users (username, timestamp) VALUES ('$Username', '$timestamp');"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); } else { $sql="UPDATE active_users SET timestamp='$timestamp' WHERE username='$Username';"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); } } //Delete inactive users after 5 minutes $sql="DELETE FROM active_users WHERE timestamp < '$timeout'"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); //Query to get total number of members $sql="SELECT * FROM users"; $rs=$DB->CacheExecute(600,$sql); $num_members=$rs->RecordCount(); //Query to get total number of leagues $sql="SELECT * FROM leagues"; $rs=$DB->CacheExecute(600,$sql); $num_leagues=$rs->RecordCount(); //Display member - league totals echo "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><br><br>"; echo "<b>Member Total: There are ".$num_members. " </b><br>"; if($num_leagues == '1') { echo "<b>members in ".$num_leagues. " league.</b>"; } else { echo "<b>members in ".$num_leagues. " leagues.</b><br>"; } echo "<br>"; //Find out how many members are online $sql="SELECT * FROM active_users"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); $num_active_users=$rs->RecordCount(); //Account for good grammar if($num_active_users == '1') { echo "There is $num_active_users member online."; echo "<br>"; } else { echo "There are $num_active_users members online."; echo "<br>"; } echo "<table style='width: 100%;' ><tr><td style='vertical-align: bottom; width: 25%; text-align: center;' class='subtitle' ><font size='2'><b>Who is online?</b></font><br>"; //Get member names of who is online $sql = "SELECT username FROM active_users ORDER BY timestamp DESC,username"; $rs=$DB->GetCol($sql); if($rs == '0') { echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n"; echo "<font size=\"2\" color = \"red\">No Users Online!"; echo "</font></td></tr></table><br><br><br>\n"; } else { echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n"; echo "<tr><td><font size=\"2\">\n"; echo (join(", ", $rs)); } echo "</td></tr></table>"; ?> <table style="width: 100%;" ><tr><td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 25%; text-align: center;" class="subtitle" > </td><td style="vertical-align: bottom; width: 75%; text-align: center;" class="subtitle" ><a href="http://www.phpffl.com" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo "$PHPFFL_IMAGE_PATH";?>phpFFL_sml.jpg" alt="phpFFL Home Page"></a> <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpffl/" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo "$PHPFFL_IMAGE_PATH";?>sourceforge_logo.bmp" alt="phpFFL Sourceforge Project"></a><br><br><span class="table_data_large"><?php echo POWERED_BY_PHPFFL;?> <?php echo $PHPFFL_CURRENT_VERSION;?> - © <?php echo date("Y"); ?> phpFFL, Inc.</span></td></tr></table> </body> </html> Thanks for any advice you can give me on this. Hits
  5. I have a php page that is made up of three pieces. header.php main.php footer.php I only want the header.php part to refresh every 60 seconds as it has a scoreboard that pulls data out of mysql. The main area has multiple things that could be going on and can't be refreshed unless the user clicks a button or link to another page. So using meta refresh won't work as it see's all three pieces as one page and refreshes everything as does a bunch of other things I have tried. Anyone have an example of how I can do this in ajax? Thanks Hits
  6. I don't use iframes and have tried a few different things trying to refresh using a div but no luck so far.. thanks Hits
  7. I have a php page that is maid up of three pieces. header.php main.php footer.php I can't figure out how to refresh the header.php and footer.php without refreshing the main.php. Anyone have an example of how I can do this. Thanks hits
  8. It was this line. '<p><font color="red" size="+1:>You forgot to enter your password!</font></p>; } You forgot the ' after the </p> Hitster4
  9. $DB is the database where the data resides. This function works in the next part of the file. function get_players_position_totals_team($teams_ID) { global $DB; $players_position_totals_team=array(); $teams_players_position_array=array(); $sql="select players.ID, players.positionID from rosters, players where rosters.players_ID=players.ID and current_teams_ID=$teams_ID"; $teams_rs=$DB->Execute($sql); while(!($teams_rs->EOF)) { $current_players_ID=$teams_rs->fields("ID"); $current_positionID=$teams_rs->fields("positionID"); $teams_players_position_array[$current_players_ID]=$current_positionID; $teams_rs->MoveNext(); So I am pretty sure $DB is what I want. But just not why it works in one spot but not in the other. Thanks for the reply Hitster4
  10. Hey all. I am trying to make a mod for our fantasy football site but keep getting an error. Fatal error: Call to a member function Execute() on a non-object in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\phpffl\program_files\autorun\general\top_team.php on line 8. Here is the code. <?php global $PHP_SELF, $DB; $leagues_ID='1'; $week='2'; $week_ID=$week -1; $game_ID=$week_ID; $sql="select ID, team_name from teams where leagues_ID='$leagues_ID';"; [b] $teams_rs=$DB->Execute($sql);[/b] while (!$teams_rs->EOF) { $top_team_ID=$teams_rs->fields('ID'); $top_team_name=$teams_rs->fields('team_name'); $top_team_points=get_total_points_game($top_team_ID, $week_ID, $week_ID, $leagues_ID); //echo $top_team_points." "; $top_team_points_array[$top_team_name]=$top_team_points; $teams_rs->MoveNext(); } $top_scoring_team_ID=""; $top_scoring_team_name=""; $top_scoring_points=""; foreach(array_keys($top_team_points_array) as $key) { if ($top_team_points_array[$key] > $top_scoring_points) { $top_scoring_points=$top_team_points_array[$key]; //$top_scoring_team_ID=$top_team_ID; $top_scoring_team_name=$key; } } $sql="insert into total_scores (team_ID, teams_name, week_id, total_score, leagues_ID) values('$top_team_ID', '$top_scoring_team_name', '$week_ID', '$top_scoring_points', '$leagues_ID');"; $rs=$DB->Execute($sql); echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "Weekly Top Scoring Team for Week $week_ID is: $top_scoring_team_name with a score of $top_scoring_points points!"; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; //print_r ($top_team_points_array); echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; $weekly_top_score=max($top_team_points_array); ?> I have a function in the global file looks like this. /************** BEGIN ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS **************************/ function get_top_scoring_teams() { global $PHP_SELF, $DB, $PHPFFL_IMAGE_PATH; $sql="select * from total_scores order by week_ID DESC limit 1;"; $teams_rs=$DB->Execute($sql); while (!$teams_rs->EOF) { $team_ID=$teams_rs->fields('team_ID'); $team_name=$teams_rs->fields('teams_name'); $team_points=$teams_rs->fields('total_score'); $week_ID=$teams_rs->fields('week_ID'); echo "The Top Scoring Team for <strong>Week $week_ID</strong> was <br><img src='{$PHPFFL_IMAGE_PATH}team_logos_standings/$team_ID.gif'><br> <strong>$team_name</strong> with a score of <strong>$team_points</strong> points. <hr>"; $teams_rs->MoveNext(); } } /************** BEGIN ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS**************************/ Any one see what the issue might be? I am running this on a windows 2003 server with iis 6 php 5.3 and mysql 5.1.5 Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Hitster4
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