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Everything posted by lookinfreshuk

  1. NEW CODE AS YOU PUT ^^ <?PHP $usernames = array('admin','harts'); $passwords = array('admin','harts'); $page = array('index.php','Harts.php'); // Count the amount of users in array. $count_users = count ($usernames); // Set users found to "0" $user_found = '0'; // Set username and password variables from $_POST data. $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; // Check to see if we gave a match in usernames // If we have a match set a cariable with the record number // Update "$user_found" if we find a match for($u=0; $u<$count_users; $u++) { if($username == $usernames[$u]) { $userRecord = $u; $user_found = '1'; } } // If no user is found, login has failed. Re-direct back to login. if(!$user_found) { header('Location: login.php?value=fail'); exit; } // If usernames don't match, login has failed. Re-direct back to login. if($usernames[$userRecord] !=$username) { header('Location: login.php?value=fail'); exit; // If passwords don't match, login has faled. Re-direct back to login. } else if($passwords[$userRecord] !=$password) { header('Location: login.php?vale=fail'); exit; // If usernames and passwords match, login succeeded. Re-direct to player specific page. } else { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; header("Location: $page[$userRecord]"); exit; } ?> wont even allow the login, it wont move page, just says login failed... :S thanks for the try tho!
  2. hello, i want to create a client login system so when they use there login it redirects them to a page only for them, is this possible? i am using the following code but it only re-drirects them after login to the "index.php" page not the 2nd user to "Harts.php", what am i doing wrong?, thanks <?php $usernames = array("admin","admin2"); $passwords = array("admin","admin2"); $page = array("index.php","Harts.php"); for($i=0;$i<count($usernames);$i++) { $logindata[$usernames[$i]]=$passwords[$i]; } $found = 0; for($i=0;$i<count($usernames);$i++) { if ($usernames[$i] == $_POST["username"]) { $found = 1; } } if ($found == 0) { header('Location: login.php?value=fail'); exit; } if($logindata[$_POST["username"]]==$_POST["password"]) { session_start(); $_SESSION["username"]=$_POST["username"]; header('Location: '.$page); exit; } else { header('Location: login.php?value=fail'); exit; } ?>
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