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Everything posted by drbeamer

  1. Thanks again for all your help jcbones - problem is resolved. But I have other little coding jobs in case you are available/interested. Cheers.
  2. Thanks - but there are no errors on the screen. I didn't mean to take so much of your time when I initiated the question, but I just didn't know this was so complicated. Are you available to hire on an hourly basis? Would sending you the whole file make it easier to pinpoint the problem? John
  3. Sorry if I mis-interpreted the code - but it's not working. There is no email being sent (the whole point of the code is to send an email containing refundNotes) , and I am not getting any errors on the screen either.
  4. This cannot work: $temp1 = mysql_query("SELECT p.recID,r.refundNotes FROM purchased_leads p JOIN leads r ON p.leadID=r.leadID WHERE p.leadID='{$_REQUEST[leadid]}'") or die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); The reason is that this query tries to select "refundNotes" from the table "purchased_leads". However, "refundNotes" is a column in the table named "leads". How do we reformat the query to select "refundNotes" from the table "leads", and select recID from table "purchased_leads" ?
  5. Thanks - this helped! I found the error, fixed it, but now there is another one: - The first error was that refundNotes is a column in "leads" and not "purchased_leads". Accordingly, I modified the code as follows: $temp1 = mysql_query("SELECT p.recID,r.refundNotes FROM leads p JOIN leads r ON p.leadID=r.leadID WHERE p.leadID='{$_REQUEST[leadid]}'") or die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); - The new error is this: Error: Unknown column 'p.recID' in 'field list' . I believe the reason for this error is that recID is a column in the purchased_leads table. So the correct code would pull recID from purchased_leads, refundNotes from leads, and combine them based upon the leadID variable found in both tables.
  6. Sorry; no. I am not a programmer; I don't know how to check this. All I know how to do is swap code and check the result. I received no errors on screen, however.
  7. Thanks jcbones, I tried your code, but it doesn't work either, meaning the email is not being sent. Right now the only code that results in an email being sent is the original code above without the refundNotes values.
  8. Thanks for the fast reply, Robert, but I can't get it to work. Here is the complete code before and after the edit. Before teh edit, the code sends an email, but after editing there is no email sent anylonger. ORIGINAL: if(strtolower($prev_status) == "refund requested" && strtolower($status) == "refund denied"){ //refund denied send denied email //grab customer data $temp = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM purchased_leads WHERE leadID = '{$_REQUEST[leadid]}'"); $cusid = mysql_result($temp, 0, 'recID'); $temp = mysql_query("SELECT email, firstName, lastName FROM user WHERE recid = ({$cusid})"); if(mysql_num_rows($temp)>0){ $customer_email = @mysql_result($temp, 0, 'email'); $customer_first_name = @mysql_result($temp, 0, 'firstName'); $customer_last_name = @mysql_result($temp, 0, 'lastName'); $templatename = "reviewer_deny_refund"; $strings = Array ( '%FIRST_NAME%' => $customer_first_name, '%LAST_NAME%' => $customer_last_name, '%LEADID%' => $_REQUEST[leadid], '%EMAIL_ADDRESS%' => $customer_email, '%SITE_NAME%' => $label['site_name'], '%REQUEST_DATETIME%' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ); // Format the e-mail $email_data = format_email($templatename, $strings); // Strings to replace in the subject line $strings = Array ( '%SITE_NAME%' => $label['site_name'], '%LEADID%' => $_REQUEST[leadid]); $email_data[subject] = format_subject($email_data[subject], $strings); //echo "DEBUG: line 63<br>"; // Send the e-mail if($customer_email !=""){ mail($customer_email, $email_data[subject], $email_data[message], "From: {$email_address[admin]}\r\n"); } } } EDITED: if(strtolower($prev_status) == "refund requested" && strtolower($status) == "refund denied"){ //refund denied send denied email //grab customer data $temp = mysql_query("SELECT purchased_leads.* FROM purchased_leads p JOIN refundNotes r ON p.leadID=r.leadID WHERE p.leadID='{$_REQUEST[leadid]}'"); $cusid = mysql_result($temp, 0, 'recID'); $temp = mysql_query("SELECT email, firstName, lastName FROM user WHERE recid = ({$cusid})"); if(mysql_num_rows($temp)>0){ $customer_email = @mysql_result($temp, 0, 'email'); $customer_first_name = @mysql_result($temp, 0, 'firstName'); $customer_last_name = @mysql_result($temp, 0, 'lastName'); $refund_notes = @mysql_result($temp, 0, 'refundNotes'); $templatename = "reviewer_deny_refund"; $strings = Array ( '%FIRST_NAME%' => $customer_first_name, '%LAST_NAME%' => $customer_last_name, '%LEADID%' => $_REQUEST[leadid], '%EMAIL_ADDRESS%' => $customer_email, '%REFUND_NOTES%' => $refund_notes, '%SITE_NAME%' => $label['site_name'], '%REQUEST_DATETIME%' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ); // Format the e-mail $email_data = format_email($templatename, $strings); // Strings to replace in the subject line $strings = Array ( '%SITE_NAME%' => $label['site_name'], '%LEADID%' => $_REQUEST[leadid]); $email_data[subject] = format_subject($email_data[subject], $strings); // Send the e-mail if($customer_email !=""){ mail($customer_email, $email_data[subject], $email_data[message], "From: {$email_address[admin]}\r\n"); } } }
  9. noob question: I have following two queries I'd like to combined into one - how is this done? $temp = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM purchased_leads WHERE leadID = '{$_REQUEST[leadid]}'"); "SELECT refundNotes FROM leads WHERE leadID = '{$_REQUEST[leadid]}'"
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