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Posts posted by Cyto

  1. Hey,


    Got 2 row's as defined: No

    What i want to do is:

    If the 2 row's still have the value No echo it, but if row 1 have a changed value echo only row 1. Same goes to row 2.

    And the 2 row's have both a changed value echo both.


    Can someone help me?



  2. Yes, it is allowed and register_globals is set to On(dunno wye). Its wierd, because:


    I got 2 pages a profile and a public profile.

    profile works, but uses session id

    public profile doesnt work with seo and uses get id. With no seo it works and uses get id


    so uhh, :-\

  3. You need to add the rewrite rules in .htaccess (something I am definitely no good with).


    I alrdeay have that. It doesn't work with rewrite rule (the link) example/12, but with example.php?id=12 it works.

  4. I found out that get and post isn't the problem or the register_globals. The links that i'm using are friendly(seo) without seo it works It displays the name, but with seo it doesnt work. Someone know wye?

  5. Have you done anything to debug this? My gut reaction is that your scripts rely on register_globals = On (which is bad), and the new host has register_globals = Off (which is good).


    Yes, register_globals = on by the new host. At the old host is off, so yeah that should be the issue. Mailed the hoster to turn it of. Let you know tomorrow. Thx

  6. Well, because with POST it was being saved when submit. And with the GET it was displaying the user's name at title of  the page(top browser name tab). GET is getting the id of the users and POST is submitting the same page to be saved. Now it doesn't post or get it and i think its a hosting problem, but dunno what would cause it.


    I am not getting a error message.

  7. Hey, who can help?



    I want to insert a row with a input and a select option. I am inserting now with select option, but i want to insert with a input too, because if i need to insert a link instead of choosing from select option.


    (puts a link)Link: ...link...

    (chooses nothing)Select: Choose one...



    I need something like if LINK is filled insert it. Nothing happens to SELECT, but they have to have the same row names.

    Hope its clear enough. ;)



  8. This might be the time to learn ajax :)  It's actually very simple if you use jquery.  It can be as simple as this:






    You would want to have that executed after a 30 second delay, using javascript setTimeout(), such as at http://www.htmlite.com/JS018.php .  What will happen is the user's browser will run that php script, but their page won't be updated (unless you want it to be).



    Would you mind explaining it further, getting confused :confused:


    $.get('mark_user_as_timed_out.php'); Is jQuery i know that its like including a php file.


    But the JS part is where i got stuck. How am i going to set a update row with JS on mark_user_as_timed_out.php?

    thanks for your comments much appreciated.

  9. Hi,


    I want to update a row when 30sec are passed on a page. If not nothing happens(not updating row).



    You go to example.php>> 30sec pass, update row>> 30sec not over, no update.


    it does not necessarily have to be second it can be minutes or hours.

    Who can help me?


    Hope its clear enough, Thanks.

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