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Everything posted by GeoffreyBernardo

  1. I want to remove empty paragraphs from an HTML document using simple_html_dom.php. I know how to do it using the DOMDocument class, but, because the HTML files I work with are prepared in MS Word, the DOMDocument's loadHTMLFile() function gives this exception "Namespaces are not defined". This is the code I use with the DOMDocument object for HTML files not prepared in MS Word: <?php /* Using the DOMDocument class */ /* Create a new DOMDocument object. */ $html = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); /* Load HTML code from an HTML file into the DOMDocument. */ $html->loadHTMLFile("HTML File With Empty Paragraphs.html"); /* Assign all the <p> elements into the $pars DOMNodeList object. */ $pars = $html->getElementsByTagName("p"); echo "The initial number of paragraphs is " . $pars->length . ".<br />"; /* The trim() function is used to remove leading and trailing spaces as well as * newline characters. */ for ($i = 0; $i < $pars->length; $i++){ if (trim($pars->item($i)->textContent) == ""){ $pars->item($i)->parentNode->removeChild($pars->item($i)); $i--; } } echo "The final number of paragraphs is " . $pars->length . ".<br />"; // Write the HTML code back into an HTML file. $html->saveHTMLFile("HTML File WithOut Empty Paragraphs.html"); ?> This is the code I use with the simple_html_dom.php module for HTML files prepared in MS Word: <?php /* Using simple_html_dom.php */ include("simple_html_dom.php"); $html = file_get_html("HTML File With Empty Paragraphs.html"); $pars = $html->find("p"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($pars); $i++) { if (trim($pars[$i]->plaintext) == "") { unset($pars[$i]); $i--; } } $html->save("HTML File without Empty Paragraphs.html"); ?> It is almost the same, except that that the $pars variable is a DOMNodeList when using DOMDocument and an array when using simple_html_dom.php. But this code does not work. First it runs for two minutes and then reports these errors: "Undefined offset: 1" and "Trying to get property of nonobject" for this line: "if (trim($pars[$i]->plaintext == "")) {". Does anyone know how I can fix this? Thank you. I also asked on stackoverflow.
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