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Everything posted by emedal63

  1. mikosiko, you are AWESOME! The solution was to use WHERE a.department='Oncology' instead of AND a.department='Oncology'. Thank you so much! :D
  2. Thanks mikosiko. It looks like using just JOIN gives me an inner join where it will only give me ID's that exist on both the emloyees table and trainings table. It's the best solution so far. However, if an employee has NOT done a training, the name won't show up in the result. I think LEFT JOIN is what I need, but I can't get it to play nicely with GROUP_CONCAT. Any other ideas? Thanks again for all your help!
  3. Thanks mikosiko, your suggestion kind of works. It's giving me a list of all the employees (not just Oncology) and it applies the GROUP_CONCAT to just the Oncology employees. The result looks like: ID -- NAME -- DEPARTMENT 012 -- Mary -- Surgery 123 -- Joe -- Oncology -- apple, orange, pear 127 -- Rich -- Finance 789 -- Alex -- Oncology -- orange, pear Can the query be modiefied so that the result shows ONLY Oncology employees AND it applies the GROUP_CONCAT to those employees?
  4. Thanks Waynewex. Your suggestion works but it will give me multiple rows with the same ID. I need the result to have one ID per row, thus the reason for trying to use the subquery with GROUP_CONCAT.
  5. Hi, I'm trying to left join an employee table to a subqueried-trainings table. Employees Table: $query= "SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employees.department='Oncology'"; ID -- NAME -- DEPARTMENT 123 -- Joe -- Oncology 456 -- Mary -- Oncology 789 -- Alex -- Oncology Trainings Table: $query = "SELECT trainings.id, GROUP_CONCAT(subject) FROM trainings GROUP BY trainings.cid"; This query is necessary to get one row for each ID and the training SUBJECT concated in the following column ID -- SUBJECT 001 -- apple, orange 123 -- apple, orange, pear 789 -- orange, pear How do I write a LEFT JOIN so that I get all the people from employees table, then add the SUBJECT column to the matching ID? The result should look like this: ID -- NAME -- DEPARTMENT -- SUBJECT 123 -- Joe -- Oncology -- apple, orange, pear 789 -- Alex -- Oncology -- orange, pear Many thanks!!!
  6. Hi, I'm new to PHP/MySQL and need some help getting my query to work for my selection list: The selection list is built with: <form action='processformmissing.php' method='POST'> <fieldset> <legend>Choose Department</legend> <select name='depart'> <option value=''></option> <?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { extract($row); echo "<option value='$department'>$department</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <p><input type='submit' value='Select Department' /></p> </fieldset> </form> The data is then sent to: $depart = $_POST['depart']; $deptlike = "%".$depart."%"; echo "<p>$depart</p>"; echo "<p>$deptlike</p>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM lifecerts INNER JOIN employees ON lifecerts.cid = employees.cid WHERE department LIKE '$deptlike' ORDER BY employees.name"; Hitting the submit button from my selection list form seems to be working fine because when I echo my data ($depart and $deptlike) it is giving me the correct value, but the query doesn't give me any results. However, if my post data comes from a text box instead of a selection list, my query works fine. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong??? Many thanks!
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