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Everything posted by m.jay.victor

  1. Thank you Abra, I was however trying to extend my knowledge of foreach, and how I may nest arrays. Your way is by far functionally better of course, but I am just trying to extend what I got from that one lesson. You did however teach me that it was possible to merge arrays though:) Wich brings me to... $artists = array_merge($artists, $morebands); Would that have not been simpler?
  2. thanks again... any advice for a beginner? Good tutorial sites, text editors etc? I downloaded zendstudio IDE trial but that seems like I am bringing a nuclear weapon to a knife fight.
  3. to learn how. I started learning PHP about 2 days ago and I am following that tutorial I linked earlier. The next logical step for me was to see if I could nest the arrays. Anyhow, I noticed part of what you fixed was the way I defined the artist array. from $artists = array('Metallica', 'Evanescence', 'Linkin Park', 'Guns n Roses', "$morebands"); to $artists = array('Metallica', 'Evanescence', 'Linkin Park', 'Guns n Roses', $morebands); What i don't understand is why this was necessary. I know it was, because the code would output the word "array" on the last line if you did not remove the quotes. Can you explain why this happened though?
  4. <html> <head></head> <body> My favourite bands are: <ul> <?php // define arrays $morebands = array('Desturbed', 'Anthrax'); $artists = array('Metallica', 'Evanescence', 'Linkin Park', 'Guns n Roses', "$morebands"); // loop over it // print array elements foreach ($artists as $a) { if ($a != 'Array'){ echo '<li>'.$a; } Else { foreach ("${$a}" as $b){ echo '<li>'.$b; } } } ?> </ul> </body> </html> I can not figure out why this will not work:( I would like the foreach to run through the array as normal, but if it encounters a nested array, loop it as well. I know this likely is not the right, or best way to do this, but I am just learning PHP through a tutorial and I learn best by doing... So I take the lessons, make them more complicated, then figure out how to make it happen (like so). right now I am working on http://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/635 anyhow thanks for any help!
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