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Gady Laga

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  1. So it should be: $txt = "Bla bla bla bla bla [gls]12[/gls] bla bla bla"; $txt = preg_replace("#/.*\[gls\]([\d]*)\[\/gls\].*/#si",file_get_contents('shipping_cost_u.php?id=\\1'),$xt); or else? (doesn't work for me) Sorry but I'm not an expert in php
  2. Hi there! I'm trying to use preg_replace to include/get content a php file with dynamic variable $txt = "Bla bla bla bla bla [gls]12[/gls] bla bla bla"; $txt = preg_replace("#\[gls\](.*?)\[/gls\]#si",file_get_contents('shipping.php?id=\\1'),$txt); ..and it doesn't work. I can not get ID. When I do like that $txt = preg_replace("#\[gls\](.*?)\[/gls\]#si","My Id is - \\1"),$txt); i see it, but not when I'm using file_get_contents function. Thanks in advance for help.
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