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Everything posted by shmegeger

  1. Hi, thanks so much, ive been trying so long to do this haha. What a total noob i am! Added the following code and worked like a dream. $imagename = $_FILES['photo']['name']; // Name to save the image as - in this case the same as the original $new_image = "uploads/".$imagename; Again, thankyou so much for this.
  2. Hi, Very new to PHP and am enjoying learning the ins and outs etc, but while creating my mam a website, ive ran into a problem while uploading, resizing and saving the file to my web host. Initially i used imagecreatefromjpeg, but this was taking too much memory up, so opted to use imagemagick. All of the features work apart from the file getting saved to the uploads directory on my web space. They always get saved to the root. If someone could help i would be very grateful. The code ive got currently is: <?php // If the form has been submitted do this if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Temporary upload image name $original_image = $_FILES['photo']['tmp_name']; // Get the image dimensions $size=GetImageSize( $original_image ); // Name to save the image as - in this case the same as the original $new_image = $_FILES['photo']['name']; // Maximum image width $max_width = "600"; // Maximum image height $max_height = "300"; // Resize the image and save exec("convert -size {$size[0]}x{$size[1]} $original_image -thumbnail $max_widthx$max_height $new_image"); echo "File uploaded<br>"; echo "<img src=\"".$new_image."\">"; } ?> Hopefully someone could help Many thanks, Matk.
  3. Hi, Im rather new to php and really unable to get the above to work. Everything works apart from the image being resized. File is uploaded, and the image name is printed into the SQL database. But i cant for the life of me get the image to go to 300x200? If you could help me i would be very grateful My code for the form processing page is attached. Ive put a few line breaks into the code as to where i think is the issue. I just cant seem to resize the image. Does the image resize need to come before the part it writes the image to the server or can this be done afterwards? Please help. P.S - Thanks in advance [attachment deleted by admin]
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