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  1. I posted this in the Ventrilo forums, but they take forever to answer anything, so I'll ask the experts here. I don't quite understand all the functions, but I've modified the script to use DIVs instead of tables. It works great as far as functionality...I'm just running into a formatting issue. The channels listed as sub channels should be indented from the main channels. I tried adding a new <div> echo in different spots but when I added padding thru the external CSS file, it pads ALL the divs. Can anyone tell if there's a way to make only the sub-channels use a certain DIV class, separate from the main channel list? You can view the script at www.aoagaming.com/ventrilo/vent.php Thanks in advance for any help <?php echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Ventrilo Status</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ventrilo.css"/> </head>'; include "ventrilostatus.php"; $stat = new CVentriloStatus; $stat->m_cmdprog = "/home/aoagame/public_html/ventrilo/ventrilo_status"; // Adjust accordingly. $stat->m_cmdcode = "2"; // Detail mode. $stat->m_cmdhost = "aoagaming.vent.nfoservers.com"; // Assume ventrilo server on same machine. $stat->m_cmdport = "33180"; // Port to be statused. $stat->m_cmdpass = ""; // Status password if necessary. /* If there is an error, state failure and notify the user why */ $rc = $stat->Request(); if ( $rc ) { echo "Unable to fetch Vent status.<br/><strong>Reason:$stat->m_error</strong>"; } /* Use this if you prefer the first channel name to look more like a ventrilo client display where the first entry is the server name followed by it's comment. $name = $stat->m_name; if ( strlen( $stat->m_comment ) ) $name .= " ($stat->m_comment)"; */ $name = ""; /* Run the VentStatus Function */ echo '<div id="main">'; VentStatus( $stat, $name, 0, 0 ); echo '</div>'; function VentStatus( &$stat, $name, $cid, $bgidx ) { $chan = $stat->ChannelFind( $cid ); /* What icon should be displayed for channel type (Public, PW, Lobby) */ if ($cid == Lobby) echo '<img src="../ventrilo/vlogo.png">Ventrilo Server'; elseif ($chan->m_prot) echo "<img src=\"../ventrilo/pwchan.gif\">$name"; else echo "<img src=\"../ventrilo/pubchan.gif\">$name"; echo ' <div class="chanlist">'; // Display Client for this channel. for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $stat->m_clientlist ); $i++ ) { $client = $stat->m_clientlist[ $i ]; if ( $client->m_cid != $cid ) continue; if ($client->m_cid == Lobby) echo "<img src=\"../ventrilo/user.gif\">$client->m_name"; else echo "<font class=\"user\"><img src=\"../ventrilo/user.gif\">$client->m_name"; /* Uncomment these if you want comments to display */ // if ( $client->m_comm ) // echo " ($client->m_comm)"; /* Set any flags (Admin, Phantom) here */ $flags = ""; if ( $client->m_admin ) $flags .= "A"; if ( $client->m_phan ) $flags .= "P"; if ( strlen( $flags ) ) echo "\"$flags\"</font><br/>"; } // Display sub-channels for this channel. for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $stat->m_channellist ); $i++ ) { if ( $stat->m_channellist[ $i ]->m_pid == $cid ) { $cn = $stat->m_channellist[ $i ]->m_name; /* Uncomment these lines to allow sub-channel comments */ // if ( strlen( $stat->m_channellist[ $i ]->m_comm ) ) // { // $cn .= " ("; // $cn .= $stat->m_channellist[ $i ]->m_comm; // $cn .= ")"; // } VentStatus( $stat, $cn, $stat->m_channellist[ $i ]->m_cid, $bgidx + 1 ); } } echo " </div>"; } ?>
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