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Everything posted by tobeye

  1. hello, I'm a beginner when it comes to PHP: I'm working on a log in system but i keep on getting the same errors which makes my system unreliable. this is the function I'm trying to use: if(pg_numrows($q) == 1){ echo "<p>Someone took that username</p>"; include "signup.php"; exit; } --> I'm using a postgresql database this is the warning I keep on getting: Warning: pg_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result resource in /var/ftpdirs/512544/PHP/login/adduser.php on line 13 I have the same problem when I try to look if an username is taken or not... when people try to register this is my adduser.php file: <?php session_start(); include "connectie_db.php"; $User_name = $_POST['user_name'] ; $User_pass = $_POST['user_pass'] ; $User_pass2 = $_POST['user_pass2'] ; $checkUsername= "SELECT user_name from tovanu.users where user_name = '$User_name';"; $q = $db->exec($checkUsername); if(MDB2::isError($q)){ echo "code: ".$q->getUserInfo(); exit(); } if(pg_numrows($q) == 1){ echo "<p>Someone took that username</p>"; include "signup.php"; exit; } If(strlen($User_name > 32)){ echo "<p>The username is too long</p>"; include "signup.php"; exit; } if($User_pass != $User_pass2){ echo "<p>Both passwords must be the same</p>"; include "signup.php"; exit; } $password = md5($User_pass); $add = "INSERT INTO tovanu.users (user_name,user_pass,user_email,user_date,user_level,naam,adres,plaats,postcode) VALUES ('$User_name','$password','email',current_date,1,'jef','jonhstraat','maaseik','3687')"; $execute = $db->exec($add) ; if(MDB2::isError($execute)){ echo "code: ".$q->getUserInfo(); exit(); } $_SESSION['user'] = $username; include "index.php"; ?> any help would be appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!
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